
psychology (39), astrology (28), cookbook (22), metaphysics (20), Cayce (17), ARE (17), PARAPSYCHOLOGY. Metaphysics (14), religion (13), new thought (9), parapsychology (8), decoratiing (6), COOKBOOK (6), feng shui (6), philosophy (5), personality (4), psychic (4), dreams (4), Rosecrucian (4), spirituality (4), color (3), alternative medicine (3), Jungian psychology (3), MBTI (3), cabala (3), predicting (3), FRANCE (2), jung (2), religioin (2), kabala (2), oracles (2), psi (2), myths (2), self esteem (2), tarot (2), stress (2), aura (2), business (2), meditation (2), cayce (2), healing (2), I ching (2), spirtuality (1), new age (1), self hypnosis (1), new thou (1), religioi (1), metaphsics new thought (1), auras (1), unconsciou9s (1), taosim (1), hypnosis (1), sirituality (1), self-actualizatioin (1), Quarterly publication of Woman's Day (1), sel actualization (1), persoality (1), reincarnatioin (1), motivatioin (1), counseling (1), predictiong (1), psychology MBTI (1), fiction (1), out of body (1), reincarnation (1), memory (1), writing (1), mysticism (1), painting (1), archaeology (1), art (1), occult (1), interpersonal (1), learning (1), prophecy (1), light (1), love (1), language (1), humor (1), social psychology (1), antiquity (1), annual publication (1), short stories (1), holistic medicine (1), alternative health (1), transpersonal psychology (1), hypnotism (1), predictions (1), classics (1), developmental psychology (1), success (1), psychotherapy (1), rosicrucians (1), pyramids (1), energy (1), prayer (1), self help (1), publishing (1), rosecrucianism (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Jun 21, 2008
La mia biblioteca
When I retired a few years ago, I decided it was time to downsize. I gave away over forty cartons of books, many of them to a small town library in Mexico where they were eager for any reading material in English. On moving into my new apartment, I quickly discovered my wall of bookshelves in my new office were inadequate. So I added two more floor to ceiling units. And I still had cartons of books to find a new home. This overflowed into the living room and stacks of books on either side of my bed. Still the collection grows. By far the majority of the books I kept are philosophy, metaphysics, New Thought Christianity, psychology, with a good collection of cook books and a few favorite children's books. Still, I struggle with growing pains and the myriad gifts from loving friends who know my passion. When I sit in my office, I am literally surrounded by my old friends and an abundance of new ones as well. Sometimes I just touch them to show my appreciation.
Informazione su di me
Retired professor of education and psychology. I also practice astrology, Tarot reading, and study metaphysics, digital photography, watercolor painting, sketching, and foodie stuff. Since retiring, I have begun drawing, painting with both watercolor and acrylics, and digital photography. I also am worknig on my autobiography, an exercise in bringing focus to my past adventures. Perhaps you'll add my book to your listings in another year or so.
San Antonio, TX