La mia biblioteca
Links to books for both my Advanced Children & Teen Lit Class, and links to the books I've written.
Informazione su di me
Kristen was born & raised in Beaverton, Oregon. She lived in California near Sacramento for 7 years, working as a high school English teacher, after she earned her MAT at Pacific University in 2003. Sadly, she was laid off in Spring 2010 due to budget cuts.

Homesick, Kristen returned to Beaverton in July 2010 in hopes of teaching in her hometown...a challenging process as sub pools are not even hiring. This year has been spent mostly volunteering at Arts & Communcation Magnet Academy in Beaverton, where she graduated in 1997. She is excited to be earning her Library & Media Endorsement at George Fox.

In her spare time, Kristen writes a YA series, "Partners in Time." The fifth book was published this past fall.
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