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Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Oct 4, 2007
Nome vero
La mia biblioteca
I've lived in Bangkok, Thailand, Hollywood, CA, Long Beach, CA, Astoria, NY (that's NYC for you non-locals), and San Francisco, CA. Thus, my library has been whittled down to a more portable size, often against my wishes. Still, tally ho, and keep a stiff upper lip and all that. That's what public libraries are for, and someday my library, like the temple, will be rebuilt.
Informazione su di me
I'm a former teacher, lawyer, and law professor turned freelance research attorney. I like to multitask so I listen to a lot of audiobooks (and podcasts) these days. I am neither Australian, contrary to the Platypus in my name, nor a tapir, contrary to the photo. I do like both. I used to read a lot. Someday, I will again.
Long Beach, CA
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Librerie: Forbidden Planet NYC, Green Apple Books

Biblioteche: New York Public Library - Donnell Library Center

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