
La mia biblioteca
A very eclectic mix from sci-fi to Jane Austen, Beowulf to historical novels, Tolkien to Asterix.

A note on my star ratings:

5***** A perfect read. Loved it, will re-read it, must buy it.
4**** A great and recommended read, really enjoyable.
3*** Okay read, kept my interest but had some issues.
2** A slog, has moments of greatness but overall an uphill battle and one to never look at again.
1* Was lucky to finish, real tripe, avoid.
Informazione su di me
Mother of 2 daughters. I live in a beach town just north of Auckland and work part-time in a call centre. When I'm not reading I'm hopefully painting in my studio.

I live for my books. I adore escaping to other worlds and I treasure the knowledge that a good book can impart. Literature is my life, after family of course.

My latest LT thread is here: http://www.librarything.com/topic/133186
New Zealand
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