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La mia biblioteca
My library is one that shall Inspire,Empower,and Nourish the reader as they delve deeper into reading my works.
Informazione su di me
Something about the author, he is a fledging leader striving to bring the harsh reality of life into the forefront of your vision. He is a pioneer and a first in the field of technological breakthroughs. He holds two degree’s in the field of science His attributes are no question known to be historically life changing. The first to develop a musical interlude of history, his remarkable aptitude to excel in the face of failures is a game changer which has beat back the odds of failure. His feats will surely go unrecognizable, but will remain cherished by everyone who is inspired and rewarded with the GIFT of his KNOWLEDGE in striving forward when all else around is failing.

His Quote” Failure is not an option – It is an achievement which has befallen upon you.

It is only recognizable when you have met the same failure twice.

Do this in remembrance of me, and I shall make you pay for it.

NY & Kali
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