
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Jul 16, 2007
Informazione su di me
Kelsay Myers is a Korean adoptee from West Michigan. She studied writing and philosophy at Kalamazoo College and is currently a candidate for an MFA in Creative Nonfiction at Saint Mary’s College of California in Moraga, CA. She is a member of the Asian American Women Artists Association. Her work can be found in the anthology, More Voices, and she has a column on the Lantern Review blog called, “Becoming Realer: Identity, Craft, and the MFA.” She contributes to the blog on Refuse the Silence and created an art installation for her essay, "The Red Frame," as part of the A Place of Her Own exhibition at SOMArts Cultural Center in San Francisco. Her interests are in pushing the boundaries of identity construction, myth and reality, poetry and prose, and theory and form. Her writing is about making sense, and art, out of her lived experiences. She looks at herself, humanity, and the world around her and tries to create something beautiful from the composition, and sometimes, from the wreckage.
San Francisco Bay Area
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Librerie: Bookman/Bookwoman Used Books, Davis-Kidd Booksellers - Nashville, Half Price Books - Concord, Kazoo Books, Kazoo Books II, Orinda Books, Prairie Lights Books, Redux Books, Revolution Books NYC, Schuler Books & Music, , St. Mark's Bookshop (New York City)

Biblioteche: Kalamazoo College Library, Kent District Library - Englehardt (Lowell) Branch, Saint Mary's College of California Library

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