
Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
May 20, 2012
La mia biblioteca
My library includes almost all of the books by : E. F. Benson; Wilkie Collins, Charles Dickens; George Macdonald Fraser; Alan Furst; Nancy and Jessica Mitford; Barbara Pym; Dorothy Sayers; Angela Thirkell; Anthony Trollope; Patricia Wentworth; and Stefan Zweig.
Informazione su di me
Published author, historian, and scholar Judith Lissauer Cromwell tells Florence Nightingale’s story from a post-feminist vantage point. Judith’s personal experience, both as a magna cum laude graduate of Smith College, and as a twenty year veteran of corporate America, enriches her perspective.
Cromwell received her doctorate in modern European history from New York University, with academic distinction. Judith returned to the subject of her doctoral dissertation in her first book. Published in 2006, Dorothea Lieven; A Russian Princess in London and Paris, 1785-1857, (ISBN 978-0-7864-2651-5) is the definitive biography of a powerful woman who changed the course of history.
Judith entered the international world of Wall Street in 1973 as one of its few female executives. She established a global firm’s company-wide information center, then founded the firm’s market research department, where she organized, executed, and presented strategic planning projects. At the same time Judith edited and published the company’s periodical for senior executives of major corporations. She was elected a member of the YWCA Academy of Women Achievers.
Cromwell not only thrived in the clubby male world of Wall Street, but also, as a single working parent, raised two children. Judith is herself the daughter of a pioneering female physician, one of a handful admitted to the staff of New York Hospital in the early 1950s.
As a successful example of the Feminist era, Cromwell is uniquely qualified to tell Florence Nightingale’s remarkable narrative from a uniquely post-feminist viewpoint. As a woman, mother, daughter, and now grandmother of daughters, Judith brings practical experience, and solid academic credentials to bear in her re-examination of Nightingale’s life.