Nome vero
Josie Brown
La mia biblioteca
Like most authors I know, I'm a voracious reader. My favorite classic authors are Edith Wharton, John le Carre, Martin Cruz Smith, Jane Austen, Graham Greene, P.D. Wodehouse, Margaret Mitchell, Glen David Gold, and Raymond Chandler.

As for contemporary authors, I think that both Martin Cruz Smith and John Le Carre are two of the best writers alive, and I love the writing styles of Helen Fielding, Jackie Collins and Allison Pearson. I think John Lescroart and MJ Rose are amazing, both as authors and author advocates.
Informazione su di me
I'm the author of twenty novels, including THE HOUSEWIFE ASSASSIN'S HANDBOOK series (12 novels), the TOTLANDIA series (4 books) and the TRUE HOLLYWOOD LIES series (2 novels). I've also written a thriller, THE CANDIDATE. I live is San Francisco, with my husband and two children.
San Francisco, CA USA
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