
Jul 31, 2011
Nome vero
John H. Paddison
La mia biblioteca
The Brothers’ Keepers, a novel by John H. Paddison and Charles D. Orvik, is the saga of the Lambson brothers. The story takes place in the fictional town of Farmington, North Dakota, during and after the Great Depression. In a sensitive yet realistic way, the storyline develops around the neglect and then abandonment of five young boys by their alcoholic mother and drifter father, as well as their development under adverse physical and social conditions and their eventual outcome. Events of the story are structured so as to bring light upon two social ills that plague America today—child neglect and child abuse.
Informazione su di me
I am Professor Emeritus at Central Arizona College. I taught there and at several other colleges and universities after receiving his PhD from the University of Arizona. My writing career started with numerous non-fiction publications in the education field and has since branched out to the fiction genre. Upcoming publications include a novella entitled The Neighborhood, as well as An American Academic in Li Bai's Court: China Photos and Reflections, which a photo narrative of my teaching and living experiences in China.
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