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La mia biblioteca
I haven't been collecting for long. For about ten years I was obsessed with my kindle, due to my constant international travels. Now I really enjoying finding not just a good book, but a version of that book that I think looks beautiful or unique. I tend to gravitate more towards sci-fi and ya fantasy but I have been making an effort to read more of the classics, specifically modern classics. I do like modern fiction in general and try to read anything worthy enough to make itself into a movie. I also really enjoy unique books like Ship of Theseus by J.J. Abrams or House of Leaves by Mark Z Danielweski.
Informazione su di me

Typical middle aged male who loves a good read and a decent cup of joe. Retired from the military. Obsessed with my dog, my wife, running and adding to my book collection.

Belton, Texas
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