
Mar 15, 2023
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Ivan Figueroa-Otero
La mia biblioteca

Glimpses of the School of Life Series
Ivan Figueroa-Otero MD FACS FAAAP
I am a 79 year-old retired pediatric surgeon licensed in and practicing Holistic Medicine and Chinese-style acupuncture. I am also the author of a trilogy book series about The School of Life, which I started to write at the ripe age of 70.
My books strive to promote enrollment for the prep course to take the final test of our lives. My books try to teach readers the necessary skills to pass this test, which is necessary to return to our source: the Light. The books describe the purpose and objectives of each course, the curricular structure, and the readjustments that students must learn to remember where they initially started their journey. They will learn about love, compassion, and all the beautiful things they can enjoy on this journey we call life.
Ultimately, the books aim to help people find beautifully hidden lessons of love that will change their stories and transform them into challenging superheroes in their quests. In the School of Life, we are all motivated by our classmates and ourselves to initiate timeless voyages through the perilous oceans of our minds to reach adventurous destinations that bring joy to our life.
The original trilogy texts are testimonials of the first lessons I learned. I searched unsuccessfully for this knowledge in my external, tridimensional reality, only to find it in the inner realms of my spirit mind. Since then, I decided to stop learning from the tempting chatter of the mind and instead focused on remembering my hidden wisdom. It was a little like finding the coveted treasure in my backyard. My new trilogy brings more advanced learning experiences, preceded by a transition book that reviews the essential wisdom in the first three books and introduces a new level.
Who are we? Where do we come from? Where are we heading?
These are the questions that started my quest, and they should guide others to formulate their inquiries and find their unique answers, which are different from the ones I understand as my own. The uniqueness of our creative process requires a specific set of responses for each journey.
The Curriculum
The Curriculum lets the students set their own learning pace, starting and stopping at the most comfortable level. It allows the students to apply the studied material in their daily living experiences and to discover the lessons of love within their inner universe.
The Spirituality series consists of two levels of training. The 100 trilogy is the initial stage, followed by the more advanced 200 trilogies. The 200 book series are considered postgraduate standings, where most students must grasp the necessary level before undertaking the leading experience.
The 200 Series represents the final phases of our return from the multidimensional journey to our source or site of departure. These books explain the emotional-mental and spiritual segments of our odyssey that initiated our universal exploration into the uncharted depths of our creation. These are the reconnection and integration phases, where we blend all the pieces of the cosmic formula to enjoy the harmonic symphony we have previously created with our minds. At the end of this voyage, we should be ready to rest in our final meditative state of emptiness.
The basic level includes Spirituality 101, Spirituality 1.2, and Spirituality 103.
Dropouts are those who gave up and quit taking their tests. These tests shouldn't be understood as a punishment from the regents of our universal school but rather as a loving act of patience and trust in our capacity to pass them. Spirituality 101: For the Dropouts of The School of Life (published), it emphasizes that every failure always results in a learning process, which allows us to restructure our study plan to keep taking the tests until we learn the lesson.
Spirituality 1.2, For the Disconnected From The School Of Life (published), addresses younger minds whose daily perspective depends more upon modern technology and transforms the traditional scientific and religious viewpoint into a cybernetic one. In this book, we become programmers and cyber domain browsers, varying personal experiences according to program purity and their degree of corruption. Therefore, the best way to improve our individual browsing experience is by reprogramming, updating our software, and purging our operating systems from all viral invasions. The book presents techniques that facilitate the reprogramming and learning process.
Spirituality 103, The Forgiveness Code: Finding the Light in Our Shadows (published), is a guide for students to discover new angles to the three questions in level 101. It also discusses techniques that help us to effectively wipe out all the guilt we have allowed into our learning programs. This remorse compares to emotional scars in our mind's mirror that have not yet healed or suffered while our soul (Warrior of Light) journeys through the tests or battles in the School of Life. The primary learning goal at this level is self-forgiveness.
Transition Course Between Trilogies
Spirituality 104, Lessons of Love from the School of Life (finished, to be published), is a transition between the first trilogy (101-103) and the upcoming second trilogy (201-203) of the School of Life series. It allows students from the first trilogy to review the most important lessons of love before going to the next level. This facilitates the enrollment of new students from other schools to join the more advanced students without feeling lost. The book consists of fifty-two phrases from the first trilogy of books, discussed in detail to review their hidden lessons as weekly exercises. Each quoted phrase includes meditative and mindfulness practices.
The advanced level will include Spirituality 201, Spirituality 202, and Spirituality 203.
This level helps us to understand how the learning experiences originated from our intentions at the mental-emotional levels, creating holographic alterations in the recorded files of our DNA. These alterations are the origin of many disharmonies that later present themselves as diseases in the lower-dimensional experiences of travelers.
Spirituality 201, Discovering the Inner Healer: A Self Healing Manual for Therapists (finished, unpublished), focuses on how all therapists, with their various styles, can be more effective with their techniques without deviating from their current field of practice. It also reviews how karmic experiences influence individual and collective disease processes and how epigenetic factors influence healing. This influence is like the placebo effect, where the patient’s faith complements the therapist’s intention. This book guides the therapist to understand that the proper blending of the healer’s intention and the patient’s facilitation is the key to achieving the healing results desired by both.
The book discusses the influence of the healer's intention and the patient's facilitation in activating the FAITH principle. It breaks away from the traditional doctor-therapist-based center to the patient-centered healing, where the therapist is a non-intrusive facilitator that allows the inner wisdom of the soul-spirit to guide the healing process. When the therapist is in "charge," a misdiagnosis of the patient's condition could occur due to the bias inherent in the therapist’s training.
There is a detailed discussion on how we can avoid our own bias in creating the diagnosis and in implementing the therapy. The analysis involves the avoidance of treating the disease process as the most prominent symptom and how these only represent the "check engine" alarms of our innate wisdom to promote the elimination of the root causes of our disease. Spirituality 202: Healing the Cancer in our Genes: The Epigenetic Reprogramming of our Corrupted DNA Code (finished, unpublished). This book attempts to explain how the epigenetic influences (toxic, emotional, and nutritional lifestyles) accumulated in our genetic pool will create harmful mutations that can precipitate cancer and other diseases in our present generations. The book quotes the most recent scientific literature to prove its hypothesis. It also discusses how all these negative mutational tendencies can be eradicated with corrective epigenetic lifestyle changes.
Spirituality 201 includes specific practical techniques on preventing and influencing most diseases' healing process and the importance of the FAITH principle (Fully Allowing Inner Wisdom To Heal you) and the placebo effect on the healing process of any disease. It reviews how to heal the emotional toxins of the subconscious mind with the forgiveness code presented in Spirituality 103. There is a profound discussion of the pros and cons of the traditional, modern cancer treatment approach versus the integrative approach.
These two books represent the final phases of the return of our multidimensional journey to our source or site of departure. These are the reconnection and integration phases, where we put all the pieces of the universal experience together so we can successfully pass our final exams.
Spirituality 203, The Universe in its Great Perfection: Observing Life As It Is and Not As We Would Like to See It, is the trilogy’s final book. Here, we see a more in-depth search centered on the mind and the origination of consciousness and how they co-create the universe as a magical illusion. It resembles a magician's arsenal of tricks, where the illusionist should distinguish his act from the reality of his life. Our mind is the magician; the consciousness is the ledger of skills where he keeps all the techniques that ensure the success of his magical illusion. The public represents the minds of other beings who, if they do not realize that what they observe are only magical illusions, may believe them to be genuine.
To understand the generative process or cosmogenesis in our universe, the book explores the different religious and philosophical visions that have attempted to explain it. However, because of my professional bias and training, I devote more time to what my teachers taught me in my practice of Tibetan Buddhism. I don't expect this explanation to represent the authentic philosophy that a Lama transmits to his student, but rather what I could capture from what I heard and understood.
The book explains how the two aspects of the mind, the absolute and the relative, appear spontaneously with the consciousness of being and how they create the illusion of dualism that fosters oppositional visions that generate emotions and suffering. It describes the awakening of conceptual duality as a magical showcase of time, attachment, and the cycle of rebirth that we know as samsara. The discussion includes the oriental vision of reincarnation and integrates it into a more inclusive perspective with the Judeo-Christian tradition.

Contact information:
Author page
Email ifiguero@prtc.net
Phone 7873992041

Informazione su di me

Iván Figueroa Otero M.D. FACS, FAAMA
A vibrant 79 years young retired academic Pediatric Surgeon who, instead of hanging up his gloves, decided to take new challenges to keep his mind trained by starting to practice holistic medical care and Chinese-style acupuncture based on his holographic view of disease and to write self-help and spirituality books at 70 years. He decided to share his spiritual journey in a series of book trilogies he designed to help others pass their final exam in what he calls the school of life. From his own experience and his eclectic learning from most religious traditions, he has developed a self-learning curriculum that allows “students” to set their own learning pace without copying from each other’s exams. He enjoys blending science and spirituality in a harmonic dance that needs cooperation to step into the rhythm of life.
After successfully sharing his message in his bestselling first trilogy, he has just finished his Spirituality 104, as a transition book to the next trilogy, to serve as a review to his followers and an introduction to those that want to join his classes. Some future glimpses of his titles are, Spirituality 201: Healing the Cancer in our Genes, Subtitle: by Reversing the Epigenetic Sins of our Ancestors, Spirituality 202: Discovering the Inner Healer: A Self-Healing Manual for Therapists and Spirituality 203: Universe in its Great Perfection: Observing Life As It Is and Not As We Would Like to See It. To keep up to date with my journey, go to https://www.ivanfigueroaoteromd.com/ or contact me at ifiguero@prtc.net

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