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La mia biblioteca
My book collection is wide and varied, gathered from different places and displaying my interests (I refuse to own a book I don't like!). Some of them were passed down to me from my mom, some were bought (again, I rarely buy a book unless I've read or skimmed through it first), and others were just randomly picked up at thrift stores and book sales. Thus, a lot of my books are library rejects or rummage bin refuges and thus a bit torn. I don't have any squeaky-clean books; one, because I'm not terribly careful with them, and two, because I think a worn book signifies that it's been read and loved. :p ;) A crisp new book on your shelf means you either have just bought it and haven't read it, or you have read it but didn't like it much.

I enjoy collecting series, even if I don't necessarily love every book in the series. I just like having all those matching books together on a shelf. ;) Some of my series were collected purposly, others randomly, i.e. I picked up the fifth or sixth book, read it, liked it, and bought all of them.

My library is NOWHERE near as extensive as my sister' love of books pales in comparason to hers. She's not interested in getting on here, though, which is a shame...she'd have quite the list! ;) :p
Informazione su di me
I'm a 17 year old who loves to read. :D I got hooked on books when I was around eight or nine, and I haven't looked back since. I'm a huge fan of Narnia, gymnastics and figure skating, and my hobbies include cross stitching, writing, being all technical and organized on the computer, and digital artwork. Someday, I hope to have a business of doing website design from home.

God bless!

Here's a link to my Profile with all my book reviews, because I'm too lazy to copy them all over to here. :p I did most of them when I was fairly-ish young (wait, I still am "fairly-ish young"...okay, so let's say I was in the toddler stage. ;) )
I once had an author who gave me a free copy of his book in exchange for reviewing it. I doubt he realized I was only...13 at the time? lol!
California, but Chicago in a few weeks...eep!
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