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Graeme Smith
La mia biblioteca
If I could spell eklocti... er, oclacti... er, if I knew what 'eclectic' meant, it might well describe my library :-). As an alternative view, my library consists of rather too many walls full of books which are either an ongoing delight, or a nightmare from hell (depending on whether I'm moving house at the time of assessment :-P). Suffice to say, every book on my list here is either on one of those walls, or (these days) encoded in a memory card in one or more devices.
The memory cards are a lot easier to move :-).
Informazione su di me
Graeme Smith. That's me. Fantasy writer. Mostly comic fantasy (which is fantasy intended to make you laugh, not fantasy in comics :-P).
Having Graeme Smith as my pen name is quite convenient, since it also happens to be my real name. I might try to be funny and say my pen is called Graeme, but then I'd have to admit I don't use a pen. Maybe I should call my keyboard Graeme instead.
When I'm not writing (well, or editing my writing. Or re-writing. Or editing my re-writing. Or... Quite. You get the picture), I'm doing other things. Some of them are fun things, like online gaming (If you know Bard Elcano, you know me. If you know a grumpy old dragon called Sephiranoth, you know me. If you know a tall, dark, handsome but brooding vampire, charming witty and brilliant - we never met. That's someone else.)
So this is me. Graeme Smith. Short,fat, bald and ugly (fortunately my wife has lousy taste in men). Time was, I worked on a psychiatric ward. Now I write about people who believe in things like magic and dragons, and who live where the crazy folk are the ones who don’t :-).
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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