
Fine printing (212), Press books (176), Private presses (108), Historical mystery (76), Fiction - historical (73), George Macy (68), Fantasy (54), Poetry (51), Mystery (50), Limited Editions Club (48), Western Americana (42), Butterflies (32), Fiction - England (31), Bibliography (30), JRRT (29), Books about books (28), Fiction - Juvenile (28), Fiction - Ancient Egypt (26), Brother Cadfael (26), Folio Society (25), Heritage Press (24), Butterflies - North America (21), High fantasy (20), William Morris (19), English literature (19), Archaeological fiction (18), Amelia Peabody (18), Montana (18), Fiction - Egypt (18), LOTR (18), Biography (18), Heroic fantasy (18), sword-and-sorcery (17), Archaeology (17), Easton Press (17), REH (16), Bible (16), Fiction - American (14), Facsimile (13), Travel & exploration (13), Egyptology (13), Heritage Press - Reprint (13), Donald M. Grant (12), Poetry - American (12), American Literature (12), History - Egypt (12), History - Montana (11), Fur trade (11), Illuminated manuscripts (11), Greek literature (11), Letterpress printing (10), Western Americana - Bibliography (10), Ancient Egypt (10), Bookbinding (10), Book design (10), Poetry - Persia (9), Persian literature (9), Last Press (9), Valenti Angelo (9), Printing history (8), Irish mythology (8), Peter Pauper Press (8), children's literature (8), Typography (8), Fiction (8), Chad Oness (8), Kelmscott Press (8), Mythology - Irish (8), California presses (8), Peter Beilenson (8), Printers - biography (7), Conan (7), Fiction - Fantasy (7), Botany (7), Carol Denison (7), Calliopea Press (7), Hand bookbinding (7), Incline Press (7), Lepidoptera (7), Quire (7), Fantasy art (7), Middle Earth (7), Mythology - Greek (7), Science fiction (7), History - English (7), French literature (7), Sutton Hoo Press (6), Critical bibliography (6), Peter Koch (6), Adventure fiction (6), Range cattle (6), Black Stone Press (6), Rock gardening (6), Butterflies - Rocky Mountains (5), Kenneth Grahame (5), Drama (5), Military history (5), Philosophy (5), Medieval literature (5), Printing - California (5), Ireland - Chronicles (5), Fiction - China (5), USAFSS (5), Arthur H. Clark (5), lost race story (5), Catastrophism (5), Gardening - alpine (5), Signals intelligence (5), Imprint Society (5), Indians of North America--History (4), Plays (4), Dinosaurs (4), ultb (4), Indian-White relations (4), Art - Pre-Raphaelite (4), Art - Fantasy (4), Books of hours (4), Grabhorn Press (4), Butterflies - taxonomic works (4), Butterflies - faunal studies (4), Emily Strayer (4), United States Air Force - History (4), Kutenai Press (4), Arthur Szyk (4), Walter Kahoe (4), Middle English literature (4), autobiography (4), Montana author (4), Mongols (4), Nonesuch Press (4), Poetry - English (4), Type designers (4), ISR (4), Bruce Rogers (4), Costumes (3), Alpine plants (3), Fiction - Ireland (3), Butterflies - United Kingdom (3), Butterflies - nomenclature (3), History - European (3), Golden Cockerel Press (3), Wyoming (3), Jason (3), China (3), Irish literature (3), Walpole Printing Office (3), History - South America (3), Poetry - Religious (3), Fiction - Christmas (3), Rameses II (3), Argonauts (3), Egypt - New Kingdom (3), Windhover Press (3), the Eternal Champion (3), History - World (3), Fiction - Regency (3), History - Military (3), Book catalogs (3), Trading posts (3), Folklore - Russian (3), Poetry - Italian (3), King Arthur (3), Art - Celtic (3), Middle East - Archaeology (3), Stinehour Press (3), Ft. Benton (3), Essays (3), Cozy Mystery (3), Local History (3), Sagas (3), Ladislav Hanka (3), Maya (3), John Henry Nash (3), Publishing History (3), Dooryard Press (3), Giovanni Mardersteig (3), Chinese literature (3), Mythology (3), Book collecting (3), Reference (3), No Reply Press (3), Wildflowers (3), Northwestern States--Description and travel (3), Pulp fiction (3), Merrymount Press (3), D. B. Updike (3), Jane Austen (3), Kim K. Merker (3), Biblical archaeology (3), First nations (3), Memoirs (3), Chronology (3), Horror (3), Golf (2), Siksika Indians Legends (2), Rocky Mountain butterflies (2), Scottish poetry (2), Barbarian empires (2), Alexander Culbertson (2), Genealogy - Noahchian (2), Natowista (2), History - Flathead River Valley (2), Post-flood history (2), Talking animal fiction (2), Renjie Di (2), C. E. Conrad (2), 1910 fires (2), Aldus Printers (2), William Blake (2), Harry Potter (2), Genealogy - Dutchess County New York (2), Butterflies - California (2), Civil War (2), Literature - Mayan (2), Biographical dictionary - Greece (2), History - Southwestern USA (2), John Owen 1818-1889 (2), whiskey trade (2), Butterflies - world (2), Fiction - Middle East (2), Incas (2), Egypt - Summaries (2), Paleontology - Dinosauria (2), Short Stories (2), E. R. Weiss (2), Emigration - Western U. S. A. (2), mercantilism (2), Historical Mystery - England (2), Literature - Russian (2), Early towns - Montana (2), LOTR - Reference (2), ranching (2), National epics (2), Tomoye Press (2), Butterflies - Wyoming (2), Japanese literature (2), Bitterroot Valley (2), Outlaws (2), History - Mexico (2), Book Club of California (2), Icelandic literature (2), Sister Fidelma (2), Ancient texts (2), Romantic fiction (2), Christmas (2), Auction Catalogs (2), Broadsides (2), Forest Service (2), Shakespeare Head Press (2), Field guides (2), Joseph Blumenthal (2), Catholic missions (2), Johnson County War (2), Westvaco (2), Tang dynasty (2), Bible lands (2), Decoration (2), Officina Bodoni (2), Cosmology (2), Rare books (2), chromolithographs (2), Middle Ages (2), Genealogy (2), Middle East (2), Bible history (2), Art (2), Graywolf Press (2), Edith Pargeter (2), forest fires (2), French romances (2), Shropshire (2), Egypt - Old Kingdom (2), Genghis Khan (2), Medieval Christian art and symbolism (2), Fiction - Nautical (2), Montana - History (2), Frontier and pioneer life--Northwestern States (2), catalogs (2), Arthurian studies (2), Fire fighting (2), Tara Books (2), Steppe nomads (2), horse nomads (2), fantasy authors (2), Art - India (2), Richard Ellis (2), steppes (2), Ballantyne Press (2), Frank Frazetta (2), Fiction - France (2), Literature - Spain (2), Oriental fantasy (2), Mosby (2), Early printed books (2), Roycrofters (2), Harry Duncan (2), History - Near East (2), History - Canada (2), Elbert Hubbard (2), Judge Dee (2)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Aug 23, 2018
Nome vero
Richard Hardesty
La mia biblioteca
Our library is rather eclectic, as it contains books in many subjects which reflect our own personal interests as well as some special collections (author first editions, fantasy & SF, fine printing, etc.) as well as a small antiquarian section.
Informazione su di me

I have been a reader since before I began kindergarten, but did not start collecting until my college years. I am currently married to another bookworm/collector which has resulted in more books than we have space for.

I have other interests as well. I've been studying butterflies since high school and have written several refereed papers on the subject and one small book. I have an abiding interest in ancient history, especially Egyptology, and am actively researching the early history of the settling of NW Montana and maintain a blog on the topic (https://spottedcap.blogspot.com). I am a self-taught hand bookbinder and am also actively involved in book design/typography. I'd be a letterpress printer if I had a place to put a press! And last, but not least, I am continuing the writing of a series of eight epic fantasy novels begun by my late wife and I quite some time ago. We have three of them finished and the rest are in some stage of completion. Hope to get them published before I pass on. That would be nice.

Hungry Horse, Montana, USA
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Librerie: Blacktail Mountain Books, Blacktail Mountain Books

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