
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Jul 27, 2007
La mia biblioteca
This catalog is a list of books that Bailey/Coy Books, a local independent generalist bookstore with an emphasis on LGBT fiction and non-fiction, has sold at the conference over the past 3 years. I put this list together as a resource for conference organizers and attendees, who have requested a list of our inventory in past years.

Some of the books in this catalog we will not be selling at this year's conference because we can no longer get them from the publisher or they did not sell in the past. I have tried to tag each book with a few tags that I feel accurately represent the content of the book. I understand that there is a lot of debate about terminology in the queer and trans communities, and that people have very strong opinions about which terms they prefer to describe themselves. As much as possible, I have attempted to describe these books using the same terminology as the author. However, I recognize that some people may disagree with the way I have described some of these books. These tags are not meant to be prescriptive, only descriptive, and clearly they come from a subjective viewpoint. One of the wonderful aspects of LibraryThing, and social tagging in general, is that it allows users to see how other people have described the same book. I invite everyone using this list to click on the "social information" link on each book to see how these books have been described by others who have them in their libraries. This feature provides a much richer and nuanced description of each book's content than my tags alone can give.

The "author appearance" tag refers to books by authors who attended Gender Odyssey this year or in past years. The year tags refer to the year that author attended the conference. "Publisher out of stock" refers to books that are no longer in stock at the publisher and are thus much more difficult, if not impossible, for bookstores to obtain. If you wish to acquire these books, I recommend visiting a used & rare bookstore or searching online.
Informazione su di me
Gender Odyssey is an annual conference held in Seattle, WA focused on the needs and interests of transmen, genderqueers, FTMs, and other gender-variant people. It is the only long-standing national conference with a trans-masculine emphasis. Gender Odyssey is open to all and welcomes the presence and participation of friends, family, partners, and allies. For more information about Gender Odyssey, please visit the website listed below.
Seattle, WA
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