La mia biblioteca
I am not a hoarder of books. Roughly, I would say that I might get rid of almost 50% of my book collection without a second thought. The few books that I would keep, however, I am very attached to, and I can't imagine ever giving them away. I am very selective of books to be included in my "permanent" library, and only books I am sure to read again, and more than once, will be included. For the most part, however, my library is transitory, with much once-read-already-forgotten books that are simply awaiting the next weeding.

The Quincunx (Palliser) - ongoing
Anathem (Neal Stephenson) *****
The heart is a lonely hunter (Carson McCullers) ****
Dolmen (Nicole Jamet, Marie-Anne Le Pezennec) ***
Persuasion (Jane Austen) ****
Un Pur Espion (John LeCarré) ***½
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (Stieg Larsson) **
The Diamond Age (Neal Stephenson) *****

The Divide (Nicholas Evans) **
The Other Boleyn Girl (Philippa Gregory) ***
The Loop (Nicholas Evans) **
Lonesome Dove (Larry McMurtry) *****
Earth's Children saga (Jean M. Auel) *
Twilight saga (Stephenie Meyer) *
Alaska (James Michener) ***½
Anne of Green Gables (L.M. Montgomery) ****½
When you are engulfed in flames (David Sedaris) ****
Me talk pretty one day (David Sedaris) ****
The Red Pony (John Steinbeck)
Edmonton (AB)
In lettura ora

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