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Eva Schweber
La mia biblioteca
It is eclectic. My pride and joy is the 20 volume OED that my husband and I registered for as a wedding gift. But I also have way too many cookbooks, way too many children and young adult books, an entire section of gay fiction, an entire section of drag and an entire section on gender. I also have lots and lots of neuro-psych books, a fair amount of Judaica and then way too many random books that I can't part with for no apparent reason.
Informazione su di me
I still cling to the me that devours Victorian Literature, Jane Austin, Isabel Allende and many amazing authors out there in the world.

But now I seem incapable of wandering beyond the confines of nonfiction. I am hooked on public policy (particularly on the local level), books about food policy and growing practices, those science books that lie in the margin between highly technical and pop science)--particularly in the realm of food chemistry, biology, physiology and neurology. And brains. I love brains.
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