
Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Aug 24, 2009
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Christine Miller
La mia biblioteca
Suspense adapted a number of works from Cornell Woolrich and other prominent writers of mystery, noir, and adventure. Escape based most of their episodes on classic short stories and novels.
Our library catalog lists the original works that were adapted for radio by Suspense and/or Escape. On our blog, we examine episodes one by one, and as we do, more books will be added to our library.
Informazione su di me
Escape and Suspense! Vintage Radio

Escape and Suspense! is a blog devoted to the enjoyment and study of the long-running CBS radio series Suspense and its sister series, Escape. The purpose of our blog is to help the internet generation discover and explore great story-telling through mid-Twentieth century American radio.

Suspense ran on CBS Radio between 1942 and 1962, and specialized in mysteries, horror, and radio noir. (Suspense was also turned into a television show that aired on CBS between 1949 and 1954. Many of these episodes are now available on DVD.)
Escape ran on CBS Radio between 1947 and 1954, and focused on dangerous adventure, science fiction, and classic short stories. (Escape is still considered to have been the best adventure series from the "Golden Age of Radio.")

Both series helped pave the way for television anthologies such as The Twilight Zone and Alfred Hitchcock Presents.
San Francisco
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