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La mia biblioteca
The books listed here are the ones currently in our Elfpath Library. You will probably find some books of interest in here, if you want to expand your knowledge of the Meta-Intuitive Arts. However, we feel that if you truly want to learn, you need a teacher, not a book. You need interaction, and classmates and older students to help you, and experienced intuitives to hold up a mirror and show you the things you cannot see for yourself.

Books are nice. It can be interesting to read about other people's ideas. But it does not replace learning.

Here is our Amazon wishlish, these are all books we would really like to add to our library. Any help and donations much appreciated:

Informazione su di me
Elfpath is an online school and community with the purpose of teaching people more awareness through a series of very practical courses and personalised advice.

If you feel lost, confused, anxious or like life should be so much easier and you are just not getting it - we can help you. If you've ever felt energy, seen aura's, had crazy strikes of luck, just "knew" things, felt the presence of angels or guides or ghosts - we can help with that too. You can develop these skills and learn to do amazing things.

You can find us at www.elfpath.com, where you can also sign up for our FREE interactive Introduction Course of 3 months.
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