Informazione su di me
Since writing a report on Pompeii in the 6th grade, Elaine has had a fascination with history. Many an hour in school was lost to daydreaming about how people lived and loved in various cultures across time. After all, she was planning to be an archaeologist, so it was good practice!

Then Elaine discovered Ashes in the Wind by Kathleen Woodiwiss and was swept into historical fiction. With a guaranteed happy ending, what could be better? She read every historical romance she could get ahold of and re-read her keepers until they became tattered. The remainder of her secondary education was overshadowed by historical romance. And dreams of writing one.

Alas, life often has other plans. There weren't any local writing groups in those days that she found, at least none that would be open minded about romance, so she drifted away from her writing. After meeting and marrying the man of her dreams, Elaine settled into the work grind and focused on her business career.

Until about five years ago, when she stumbled upon an online writing community. She lurked for a while, observing the camaraderie and learning about the writing process. Eventually, she joined and began to participate. Then tried her hand at writing again. And everything was right (write?) in her world!

Today, Elaine lives in the Nashville, TN area with her husband, her real-life hero of over 20 years.
Nashville, TN
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