
biography (1), history (1), memoirs (1)
Mar 20, 2009
Nome vero
Emily-Jane Hills Orford
La mia biblioteca
My library consists of books of many genres: history, historical fiction, biography, art, music. The list is endless.
Informazione su di me
Emily-Jane Hills Orford’s stories and novels reflect her national pride. Emily-Jane began her writing career writing book reviews. She is currently a regular book reviewer for allbookreviews.com and her reviews appear on many other online sites as well as book jackets. Emily-Jane teaches creative writing to young people and regularly gives presentations in local schools and senior’s residences. Other writing accomplishments include articles in the 2005 edition of the Encyclopedia of Music in Canada, as well as several books, Spring (PublishAmerica 2005), and Summer (Baico 2007), Ukulele Yukon (Baico 2006), Letters From Inside: The Notes and Nuggets of Margaret Marsh (Baico 2006), It Happened in Canada (Baico 2007), The Creative Spirit (Baico 2008), Beyond the Ordinary (Baico 2008), The Whistling Bishop (Baico 2008), Beyond the Ordinary…And More (Baico 2008) and Personal Notes (Moosehide Books 2008). Emily-Jane believes in writing about Canada; but she also believes in writing about extra-ordinary people – the real people who made our country a great nation. The author may be reached by email at: ejomusic@sympatico.ca; or by mail at: 11 Stradwick Ave., Nepean, Ontario K2J 2X3. Or, check her website at: www3.sympatico.ca/mistymo
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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