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Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Sep 10, 2012
Nome vero
Drayton Baptist Church
La mia biblioteca
This is a new church library started in March 2010 with 20 books, we now have over 400. I am still entering them into the catalog on this site. We currently have the books spread out on tables in a hallway. We hope to build some nice shelves soon and make a nice, decorative library in one of our rooms for our church to enjoy. Our people are making good use of the library even now. We have some serious readers!
Informazione su di me
I am Pastor Barry. I love books! My personal library numbers over 7000 vols. (I have yet to get it on LibraryThing.) I believe Heaven will be somehow personally designed for each of us, and I like to picture my area of Heaven being a huge library where I can sit and read forever!! That would be Heaven to me! And then the Lord and I could sit together and discuss good books! Just imagine the discussions we will have there over the great themes of ALL time! WooooHoooo!
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Luoghi preferiti

Librerie: Christian Supply