
fantasy (196), nonfiction (181), reference (168), fiction (125), scifi (101), history (100), classics (99), historical fiction (67), england (65), childrens (63), mystery (54), magic (54), alternative history (41), literature (37), tv (34), medical (33), doctor who (32), krynn (30), dragonlance (30), vampire (26), horror (25), comics (23), middle ages (21), renaissance (20), saint-germain (19), nursing (19), harry dresden (19), europe (18), north america (18), france (17), roleplay (17), gaming (16), star wars (15), asia (15), alternate reality (14), ancient rome (14), biography (13), food (12), humor (11), crafts (11), italy (10), muppets (10), king arthur (10), japan (10), mythology (10), beads (9), bookworld (9), ancient greece (9), cooking (9), united states (9), movies (8), fairy tales (8), nautical fiction (8), nightside (8), john taylor (8), wales (8), pirates (7), thursday next (7), dragons (7), religious fiction (7), fairies (7), eddie drood (6), future history (6), secret histories (6), poetry (6), discworld (6), spain (6), china (6), WWII (5), philosophy (5), sookie stackhouse (5), southern vampire mysteries (5), buttons (5), otori (5), cadfael (5), religion (5), shakespeare (5), death (5), robots (5), autobiography (5), colonial america (5), byzantium (5), south america (4), 7th sea (4), russia (4), newford (4), pharmacology (4), middle east (4), amber (4), robin hood (4), fuzzy (4), marcus didius falco (4), science (4), alera (4), kingkiller chronicles (3), military fiction (3), king raven (3), ireland (3), nautical nonfiction (3), spanish california (3), puerto rico (3), incarnations of immortality (3), ps238 (3), zorro (3), jewish history (3), greece (3), spice trade (3), egypt (3), psychology (3), nineteenth century (3), parody (3), biology (3), carribean (3), chemistry (3), harry potter (3), plays (3), atta olivia clemens (3), worldwar (3), physics (2), crimes (2), shades of grey (2), dracula (2), larp (2), dame frevisse (2), venice (2), star trek (2), turkey (2), india (2), restoration (2), stainless steel rat (2), sociology (2), atlantis (2), sister fidelma (2), orcs (2), music (2), looking glass wars (2), modern mythology (2), western (2), friend (2), nodwick (2), jack spratt (2), beading (2), madeline de montalia (2), mediterranean (1), crosstime traffic (1), steampunk (1), american empire (1), nautical history (1), korea (1), Reference (1), empire of unreason (1), germany (1), korean war (1), cemetery (1), transylvannia (1), faries (1), mexico (1), fanatasy (1), french revolution (1), american revolution (1), rome (1), xfiles (1), a song of fire and ice (1), red dwarf (1), gardening (1), genetics (1), iran (1), porcelain (1), fables (1), dinosaurs (1), florence (1), satire (1), regency (1), seventeenth century (1), medical fiction (1), africa (1), mysteries (1), dune (1), romance (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Jan 13, 2006
La mia biblioteca
All right, I admit it, I'm addicted to books. My collection (which is totally out of hand and taking over the house) is pretty jumbled, with an emphasis on fantasy, fiction, and scifi. Still, I have a good mix of historical and reference works, mostly in support of my button collecting hobby and my school studies.
I tend to take books out of the library, read them, and then decided whether or not to buy them. Generally speaking, if I've bought a book I'm going to read it repeatedly, so I prefer hardbacks whenever possible since they tend to fall apart less easily. Favorites include several signed by Margaret Weis (nice lady!!), a boxed Chronicles of Narnia set in the original order, and a hardback copy of Hotel Transylvania.
I hit 550 cataloged a little while ago, although a large portion of my collection is packed up and awaiting a new home. Should I be concerned that, when I move, the majority of the boxes are labeled "books"? *thinks* Nah.

Liber delictatio animae-Books are the delight of the soul.
Informazione su di me
My interests are pretty mixed, in fact they're downright random. That pretty much describes most of my life, in everything from taste in books to taste in clothing to circle of friends.

All in all, I'm just your basic, everyday, sword-wielding, dice-rolling, chop-throwing, book-reading, song-singing, scrub-wearing, pulse-taking, shot-giving, button-collecting, sci-fi-loving, tiger-striped, goblin-squishing, jingle-shaking, religiously confused, half-and-half, chronologically displaced, mulituniversal kind of gal. And no, I don't get it either.
Columbus, Ohio

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