
Nome vero
Delaine Christine Johnson
La mia biblioteca
One might note after a time, as my library increases, that the books to which I house here will likely be quite eclectic, as I have a diverse interest when reading. Though my favorite form is fiction in any form whether YA or adult, I often do read classics in addition to non-fiction and even at times self-help.
Informazione su di me
I am a native of Elkhart, Indiana and author of both inspirational and secular fiction as well as poetry in my spare time. An avid reader and lover of chaotic tales of romance and intrigue, mystery and adventure, and fantasy and family drama, I find my mind is forever coming up with new ideas for stories. Though I've only been writing for the past couple years the flash drives are filling and the hard drives have become so overwhelmed a new PC was recently necessary. It was the frigid winter of 2014 which brought me home for good from the paper routes that got us through hard times for over six years. Ever since I've been writing and spending as much time as I can with my children and my "Guardian" who has encouraged me in my dreams and endeavors ever since.
Elkhart, IN
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