
fiction (9), science fiction (9), historical fiction (9), history (8), Second World War (4), John F. Kennedy (3), Hollywood (3), vampire apocalypse (3), alternative history (3), Cold War (2), political history (2), American Civil War (2), Great War (2), biological weapons research (2), Red Army (2), horror fiction (2), popular culture and psychology (2), Soviet Union (2), short fiction (2), fantasy (2), racial segregation (2), crime fiction (2), New Orleans (2), coming of age (2), speculative fiction (2), biography (2), climate change (2), propaganda (2), environmentalism (2), psychopathic personality (1), psychology of terrorism (1), Gulf coast (Lousiana and Texas) (1), Italian American cooking (1), Baltic Fleet (1), Chicago and Michigan (1), movement conservatism (1), love and fate (1), American diet (1), military courts (1), Willie Lincoln (1), Fascism in America (1), Easter 1916 (1), Nazi death camps (1), mid 20th century to early 21st (1), Election of 1960 (1), British Admiralty (1), New York City draft riots of 1863 (1), Dallas (1), the Troubles (1), Roman Civil Wars (1), Zionism (1), Charles Dickens (1), American Indians (1), Iowa (1), Superman (1), space travel (1), Minnesota (1), Texas (1), death (1), essays (1), Roman Republic (1), science fiction/fantasy (1), zombie apocalypse (1), Joseph P. Kennedy (1), Eastern Front 1941-1945 (1), post-apocalyptic America (1), U.S. cultural history (1), Deception Island (1), Little Crow (1), Judaism (1), U.S. history (1), Appalachia (1), Lizzie Borden (1), political parable (1), Southern Gothic (1), James Dean (1), Grand Guignol (1), art and popular culture of late 20th cnetury (1), Roman lifestyles (1), small-town Maine (1), psychology and identity (1), causes of failure (1), Dave Robicheaux (Cajun detective). Louisiana. political corruption (1), the Pacific Northwest (1), political and social satire (1), American culture of violence and materialism (1), journeys of self-discovery (1), slavery and the slave trade (1), escaped slaves and the Fugitive Slave Act (1), dystopian future history (1), Second American Civil War (1), sexual division in parenting (1), apocalyptic mysticism (1), fascist libertarianism (1), slums of Victorian London (1), Dave Robicheaux (Cajun detective) (1), the Great American Forest (1), cultural and psychological analysis (1), Nazi occupation of Britain (1), atomic weapons research (1), John Kennedy Toole. literature (1), West Bank occupation. human rights. legal systems (1), extreme right-wing (1), second Ku Klux Klan (1), racism in American popular culture (1), religion and politics. Christian national identity (1), evangelicalism in American conservatism (1), the January 6. 2021 Capitol Hill Riot (1), The Passage trilogy (1), quasi-Rapture (1), BP oil spill (1), compassion and companionship vs cruelty and barbarism (1), American economic history and politics (1), economic inequality and the GOP agenda (1), U.S. armed forces (1), Vesuvius (eruption (1), A.D. 79) (1), mourning (1), climate change denial (1), colonialism and native culture (1), feminism and gender issues (1), sexuality and eroticism (1), assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy (1), love and survival (1), Dakota War of 1862 (1), White Citizens Councils (1), central United States (Texas to Iowa) (1), Double V campaign in World War II (1), crime/horror fiction (1), Texas Gulf coast (1), British Antarctic Survey (1), trans-Atlantic slave trade (1), race and class in early America (1), rise and fall of empires (1), Adelaide Island (1), "A Confederacy of Dunces" (1), occupation under Union forces in 1862 (1), slavery and racism (1), Black Lives Matter (1), women's rights (1), social commentary (1), public opinion (1), human rights (1), colonialism (1), Australia (1), parody (1), cultural history (1), military history (1), genocide (1), cannibalism (1), father-son relationships (1), drug addiction (1), aftermath (1), after-life (1), trees (1), dark fairy tale (1), 1920s (1), Christian fundamentalism (1), Louisiana (1), MA (1), journalism (1), starvation (1), Dublin (1), Pacific Northwest (1), spiritualism (1), South Carolina (1), Antarctica (1), gay romance (1), Hungary (1), fashion (1), American history (1), Northern Ireland (1), 1950s (1), horror (1), Paris (1), grief (1), religion (1), time travel (1), Ireland (1), San Francisco (1), art (1), art history (1), conspiracy theories (1), pulp fiction (1), investigation (1), politics (1), Alabama (1), apocalypse (1), fascism (1), dystopian future (1), nationalism (1), class (1), dissent (1), slavery (1), civil rights (1), New York City (1), mental illness (1), gender (1), popular culture (1), Irish immigration (1), investigative journalism (1), legal system (1), Fall River (1), geological history (1), Fidel Castro (1), Battle of Stalingrad (1), social (1), John Wayne (1), Kennedy administration (1), agricultural history (1), North America (1), mass extinctions (1), Donald Trump (1), militias (1), American geography (1), Pliny the Elder (1), film history (1), the IRA (1), murder (1), children (1), naval intelligence (1), Arab nationalism (1), Roman engineering (1), Cleopatra VII (1), prison conditions (1), Siege of Leningrad (1), Sinn Fein (1), American political history (1), Wilkie Collins (1), Central Intelligence Agency (1), Northern California (1), the Holocaust (1), Raymond Chandler (1), Montana (1), ethnicity (1), Cuba (1), Lusitania (1), private detective (1), corporate power (1), gender equality (1), Southern California (1), Abraham Lincoln (1), ancient Egypt (1), young adult (1), Philip Marlowe (1), film noir (1), early 1960s (1), American Southwest (1), travel guides (1), submarine warfare (1), Democratic Party (1), memoir (1), tomatoes (1), West Africa (1), Harry S Truman (1), Lee Harvey Oswald (1), rationing (1), Israeli-Palestinian conflict (1), entertainment industry (1), disappearances (1), Holocaust tourism (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Mar 11, 2010
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