Nome vero
Christopher Riels
La mia biblioteca
Over the course of many years of studying Classics, both formally and independently, I have accumulated many texts of Greek and Latin authors (both in their original languages and in translation) and books on various ancient Greek and Roman topics (e.g., history and religion). I also own several study Bibles and various books in New Testament and early Christianity (which are closely related to Classical studies).

My "library" will include only books that I own and have read, or, in the case of reference books, ones that I own and have used extensively.

Informazione su di me
I have a Master's degree in Classics. My interests include New Testament studies, ancient Greek philosophy, and philosophy of religion.

When I decide to review a work, I always avoid reading previous reviews of it beforehand. I prefer first to engage with a work independently and sedulously and thus to form my own thoughts about it as they emerge from that process. When I have completed my own review, I am ready and eager to learn other readers' thoughts about the work and, perhaps, about my own review of it. Unless something unusual, unforeseen, unintentional, and untoward precludes it, this process should ensure that any substantial similarities between my reviews and those of others will be coincidental.
Lawrence, KS

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