Nome vero
Cellar Mouse
Informazione su di me
I am a single thirty-something Southern lady living in the Boston area. I have a not-so-subtle Southern accent made worse when imbibing, and imbibe I do, with the passion of a hobby outside the hours of my full time job. My favorite wines — red, earthy, juicy, and creamy with a fine finish — lead me to daydream about ways to turn my ancestral Southern land into a vineyard. Mostly indiscriminate in my choice of wines, I shy away only from dessert wines. It seems my non-existent sweet tooth has been reassigned to cheesy, salty, and savory with wine for the remaining 25. The one thing that will make me put down the wine bottle is a live band. It is hard to rock out with a wine glass in your hand. I love to read so send me your book list, please. Lastly, I enjoy being a daughter, sister, friend, and a crazy aunt to about 9 nieces and nephews that are not really blood related, but please don’t tell them. Cheers!
Boston, MA
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Librerie: MIT Coop

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