
Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
May 31, 2009
Informazione su di me
I suppose I will have to pay the ten dollars for a year subscription to this site being as I have well over 200 books and counting.

Obviously, my passions are reading and writing.

We shall see where such passions lead me in life.

I love libraries, but a true connoisseur of books collects and reads as many as one can get their grimy, dusty hands on.

I well crash any used books fair or store in the ole cowboy state of Arizona, its a love affair really. Believe me, I plan a year ahead for each VNSA book fair. I refuse to work that wonderful weekend. I need my time between my books and I.

*Le Sigh*

I wish I had more bookworm friends, it seems I'm an anomaly in this day and age.

I often only find people with similiar passions on the internet. I must come off as searching in all the wrong places. I'm a shy honors college student. I suppose I should pipe up and try to get to know my fellow peers better.

That's a definite goal for this fall semester.

I would love to discuss and review books with anyone else on this site....lets get it on! Haha

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