
Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Jan 26, 2009
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Informazione su di me
One might say that I’m a rabid fan of romance (or at least my husband does)…Recently I decided to sit down and catalog all of the books that I own…..and was shocked to discover hundreds upon hundreds of romance novels in my own personal collection(yikes!). I guess even with donating duplicates and other favorite titles to local women's shelters in the Los Angeles area, I still haven’t put a dent in piles. I'm very loyal to certain authors and just can’t bring myself to get rid of them…no matter how old. [I pride myself on keeping entire collections.] I was always a ferocious reader as a child but when I read my first romance novel at the age of 13, I was hooked. I’ve never lost the love of reading them since. Of course, as I’ve matured, my tastes have changed and evolved over the years. But I still love the steamy historical best. Besides my love of reading, I've been married over two decades to a very talented singer/songwriter. We have four great kids. Three sons and one daughter, ranging in ages 23-17. I work in the legal profession as well as run a small home-based business in event planning. Reading and writing have always been a big part of my life. You could say they represent my passion. I plan to turn my passions into a lucrative writing career (some day). After all, the most rabid fans of romance seem to make the best authors. Blessings and happy reading.
West Los Angeles, California