La mia biblioteca
This library hosts all of the physical stock we currently have at the Careers Service. The contents are checked regularly to ensure our information is up to date and relevant for our users.

While the majority of our books and journals are for reference only, you will find a number that are available for a 48 hour loan. On this library they have the '48 hour loan' tag and have also been put in the '48 hour loan' collection. Inside the Careers Service loan copies are identifiable by the red dots on the spines of the books.

If you feel that a particular book or resource would be useful to add to our collection please let one of our team know and we will look into it.
Informazione su di me
Careers Service mission statement: enabling students to make and implement informed choices about their future and realise their aspirations.

The Careers Service provides a wide range of services for University of Bristol students including the following core elements:

Advice and guidance
Destinations of Bristol graduates data
Employability and skills development
Help to find and gain a job
Help to stay informed
Work experience and internships

We also provide tailored advice and information for:

Disabled students
International students
Prospective students
Taught and research postgraduates
University staff
University of Bristol
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