La mia biblioteca
I don't have too many books. Because I am a public library whore. But I have plenty of Tags. I like tagging...

There are a few books I don't actually own, but they're tagged as such; and there are some books that I do own but cannot find (also tagged). If there are books in a series that I don't have in my catalogued library, I probably don't own them, but you should assume I want them, even without the tag. (Because some series are big, and assumptions are efficient enough. Sometimes.)

Just to clear that up.
Informazione su di me
Besides reading, I like music, videogames, and movies, and being extremely lazy. I guess I like to draw, too. I'd like to write, but I don't like people to see my writing.

...Tag Clouds fascinate me.

Currently reading:

-Thief Of Time, by Terry Pratchett

-1984, by George Orwell

My five most recent reads (from uh, most currently finished to, uh...least currently finished):

-The Shining, by Stephen King

-Jennifer Government, by Max Barry

-Dress Your Family In Corduroy and Denim, by David Sedaris

-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe, by Douglas Adams

-Me Talk Pretty One Day, by David Sedaris