
La mia biblioteca
So... I have around six hundred books, but mostly soft covers, with around a three hundred hard covers; cooking books, children (for my three year old niece), horror, murder, young adult, romance, and non fiction. Basically every kind of book. I'm trying to buy all the Harlequin Romance books, but it's going to take time. An entire wall, about twenty feet, is filled with books and shelves in my room, and I love waking up to seeing them.
Informazione su di me
I'm an author online and love to read horror, murder mystery and romance novels the most, but enjoy almost anything as well. I have a cat named Clingger who is my baby, along with three others, and six strays who I came to love. I have over six hundred books, and love to be out in nature, with family/friends and hanging with all my animals.:D
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