La mia biblioteca
Books I use in my work are in this room and will probably be uploaded first. Fiction, travel and other disciplines are downstairs. Most of these are paperbacks, as they're cheaper to buy and more can be crammed per unit area of shelf. Factual books are shelved relatively neatly in the room in which we spend most of our time. Fiction is in the other room, shelved two or three deep, piled haphazardly on top of shelves, or in tottering piles standing hopefully near the shelves.
Periodically all the downstairs books are removed from the shelves and faced with the questions 'When were you last read? Am I looking forward to reading you again?" Those that fail the test of re-readingness are donated to the library to make room for others. We try to support local bookshops as well as the Amazons.
Informazione su di me
That's Dyson. He's my faithful henchcat and a much better subject for photography.
I'm an ex-zoologist now working as a graphic designer, illustrator and writer specialising in the interpretation of sites of interest for their natural history or archaeology.
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