
Tutte le collezioni (1,244), Fiction (382), Non-Fiction (324), Biography (120), Humour (58), Theology (292), Classics (35), Children's (351), Young Adults (121), Seforim (34), REFERENCE ONLY (4), Restricted Section (6), La tua biblioteca (1,201)
Fiction (138), Children (118), Facts (71), Humour (38), History (34), Historical (29), Magic (27), Religion (26), parenting (18), Non-Fiction (17), Buffy (16), Biography (15), Pope Benedict (11), Gay (10), Catholicism (10), Non-fiction (9), Literature (8), Vampires (7), Fantasy (7), autism (7), Parody (6), Jokes (5), Anthology (5), Unusual (5), Help (5), petcare (5), Contemp (5), Companion (4), Classics (4), Current Affairs (4), Thriller (4), Mystery (3), Wilde (3), Judaism (3), Drugs (3), Internet (3), Anglican (3), WWI (2), Cover (2), Television (2), Anecdotes (2), Poetry (2), Trash (1), Expose (1), Witchcraft (1), Code-breaking (1), Politics (1), Conspiracy (1), Religon (1), Sad (1), Gender (1), Dark Ages (1), psychology (1), Education (1), Letters (1), non-fiction (1), sarah mcculloch (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Aug 20, 2006
La mia biblioteca
My library grew the fastest when I was at school and I had the time to read continuously. I've kept a book log since 2005, and my previous reading pace of 250 books a year dropped off to a low of 20 at university before I set an annual target of 60, which I mostly meet. Getting a Kindle Paperwhite in 2016 caused the number of books I bought to explode without increasing my reading pace much, but it saved on wall space significantly.

This library currently catalogues every single physical book that I own and have read (with the exception of some of the reference tomes). I have a separate library for books that I own and have not read. A seven year battle to get this down to something manageable has gotten it down to about 90. When it reaches "small enough to fit in a box", I will combine them all and add my eBook collection. And then the work will be complete.

Informazione su di me
London-based. Assuming a life expectancy of 90, I will read approximately 5,000 books in my lifetime. I blame the internet.
London, UK
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