
eating (2), this would be a good book to help resolve it. This book can also be used to help talk about bullying before it happens. (1), genre: fiction. This book talks a lot of anger (1), Genre: Fiction. This would be a great good to show students look at all the things you can do in life. It is a very upbeat book that would help students open up their mind to the world and what all they can do and see (1), Genre: Fiction. This would be a great book to teach about getting a bedtime routine and how one should be. This would help remind students to do all the following things in order to be ready for bed. (1), Genre: fiction. This would be a good book to teach a lesson to children about how everyone is good at something. You might not be the biggest or strongest (1), Genre: Fiction. This book would be a great one to help let students seek out their imagination. The students could really vision it to be anything they would want and it can really impact their way of thinking. (1), Genre: Fiction. This book would be great to help show kids it is okay to be different and do different things. Many kids go through those stages where they are changing so much and do not know which way to go (1), but this book shows it is okay. (1), Genre: Fiction. This is such a amazing classic. It really shows hard work and dedication and how it can pay off. Kids need to hear that sometime that hey can really do it just keep pushing on. (1), Genre: Fiction. This book really tells a tale about how it can be difficult making new friends (1), but it is rewarding and worth it. (1), Genre: Fiction. If bullying is a problem (1), Genre: fiction. This is a book about not being selfish or fixing being selfish. It shows and talks about sharing as well and giving to others. (1), but that you must deal with it in a good way. (1), Genre: Fiction. This book is a good turn your bad mood around book. Yes (1), we may have bad days (1), but we have to be hopeful and look forward to a better day coming our way. (1), Genre: fiction. This book teaches so much about being accepted with who you are. It also plays a role in diversity and how its okay to be diverse and different. (1), Genre: fiction. This book would be great to use for showing students how to read and some good steps to thing about when doing so. Some of the steps are find a book (1), a reading buddy (1), and comfy spot to read. Those are still important when reading. (1), Genre: Fiction. This book is good to use to help students know that they are doing good and getting the hang of it. It might not be 100% perfect (1), but it is "is". This is good to give them hope and encourage them to continue on because they are getting closer and closer. (1), Genre: Non Fiction. This would be great to begin a lesson on rhyming to see if the students understand without even teaching. It could be a refresher book as well. (1), Genre: Non fiction. This would be a great book to use is sections because it talks about adjectives (1), genre: fiction. This book would be great for a Art classroom. Children are always quick to say that they cannot do something without even trying. The teacher in the book gives are a dot and tells her see where it takes you. (1), but shows that anger is normal (1), Genre: non Fiction. This would be a good refresher book since it is so fast pace. The students could be easily reminding what the difference between upper and lowercase letters were by reading the book. It also can be used to help with letters in the alph (1), Genre: fiction. This book is about Emily getting to take home the class pet a rabbit. Clifford was in charge of watching the rabbit because Emily needed to leave. Clifford lets the rabbit out and he gets lost and finally they find him and get him back hom (1), Genre: Fiction. This book is about a little girl who gets a dog (1), but everyone called him a runt and said he would only be sick and little until he died. She thought different and knew he would be great one day (1), but no one else did. He grew to be huge and healthy just like she thought. This is a great book for someone to follow their dreams and keep pushing forward even when you are being doubted by others. (1), Genre: fiction. This book is about pete the cat who is going to school in his new red shoes (1), which he calls his school shoes. The book takes you through the day of going to school (1), playing etc. i think this book would be good for students just getting back into the school routine (1), who might be worried or scared as well. This is also a great book to have students sing along with and clap to. (1), genre: fiction. This book was about what Clifford does when Emily is at school. Him and his friends went and played in a construction site and messed up a lot of the construction site and equipment. Clifford's friends get locked up (1), but he helps them out; Clifford gets locked up and they help him out (1), and never return to the site again. This would be a good book about showing friendship and always helping someone out when they are in need. (1), genre: fiction. This book was a sequence type book of an artist drawing a star and the star wanted him to draw something else and the cycle continued. He showed many different animals being drawn and used very descriptive words to help picture. On one pag (1), Genre: fiction. this book was about the Sesame street characters acting our the four seasons of a year. They went through each season and described what happens (1), but shows ways to deal with anger. The book ends on a good note (1), what the weather looks like (1), how they are different etc. to help give a better idea about each one. This could be used to help begin teaching the seasons or as a refresher on the seasons because it is very basic (1), but still informative. (1), Genre: fiction. This book was about a hole in the ground that grass grew around. The hole turned into spout (1), which grew a tree (1), and a nest was built in the tree and the store builds upon based on the original hole. The book could be used to talk about how the cycle continued based on one simple hole and how it affects so many things like a home for birds. (1), Genre: fiction. The book is about a family of raccoons of just a mom (1), and one son. The family soon grew to having another son (1), and the big brother was not happy. He was jealous and just hated the idea of someone taking about his time with his parents. Soon he realizes it is not that bad and his parents can love both of them equally (1), and the mom gives him a spare kiss for whenever he feels left out. This book would be great for when students seem jealous of each other or are not getting enough attention. The teacher could explain that they are all cared about equally. (1), but you will matter and can make a difference (1), and verbs. This book is a great hook for students when beginning a new topic. (1), Genre: Non Fiction. This book can be used for normal nouns or proper nouns. It would be good to use for a hook to see if students were seeing a pattern without having be taught the information yet. (1), or who are not as good at something (1), for the area they live in etc. Students could get a idea as to why they need them and what could happen if they did not have these certain feet. (1), but provides a good about of desert facts. It even shows a map of different deserts and some characteristics those deserts have. (1), Genre: Non Fiction. This water book goes into extreme detail on water. It talks about things from the water cycle (1), to animals and plants that need water to drink (1), animals that need water to live etc. This book would be used at many different areas in a classroom depending on what tek you are covering. (1), Genre: Non fiction. This book would be good to use when talking about the 5 senses and how some animals have noses (1), but do no look like our noses. it can talk about how they have can have many different shapes and locations on a body (1), but help them just as ours does us. (1), Genre: Non Fiction. This ear book would be great to use to talk about the different locations of ears on animals and how they are similar and different from ours. It could be used to talk about 5 senses and how important ears are for humans and animals. (1), Genre: Non Fiction. The would be a great book to use when talking about just the sun or even the solar system. It shows how important the sun is and how it effects many different things on Earth. This could be used to help guide during the solar system or (1), Genre: Non Fiction. This would be a good book to talk about reptiles and amphibians. The students could use the book to talk about the similarities that our skin has in relation to the scales of other animals. They could determine what animals are similar (1), Genre: Non Fiction. This book would be good to use when discussing why animals have the certain feet that they do. It explains how some use it for climbing (1), Genre: fiction. This book can be used to help with revising or editing. it is a great way to have students interacting in whole group. It also shows that you can write a story about nothing and still make something great out of it. (1), Genre: Non Fiction. This would be a good book to help use for the students who like to ask why a lot. It explains in detail what things would be like if we did not have the 3 matters. It shows how things could not live or how we would not even have certai (1), Genre: Fiction. This wordless picture book would be great to have students explain or tell what is going on in each picture. You can use it as a prompt to write about what you would draw with the chalk and why. This book would get students minds really en (1), Genre: Fiction. This book could help ELL students because they do not need to stress over words (1), just simply looking at the pictures and coming up with their own story. This book can also be used for Theme (1), and setting up a timeline of events (1), and you can use it to predict as well. (1), Genre: Fiction. This book is just simply amazing. A teacher could use it to teach voice in reading and how to show the emotions that the crayons express. The students could make up their own crayon and write a prompt about it (1), background knowledge is involved (1), and many adjectives are used throughout. (1), Genre: Fiction. This book was great to use for a wordless picture book. It told a good meaning and students would enjoy looking through the book to make predictions of what they think it actually going on and going to happen. (1), This wordless picture book is great to show how books can take place over many years. It showed hard work and determination through out (1), so students could view that and learn to never give up. (1), Genre: Non Fiction. This desert book would be great at introducing the topic of deserts. It is very short and simple (1), or a book that could guide for experiments and be used for examples. (1), Genre: Non Fiction. This is a great book to briefly review nouns (1), Genre: Non Fiction. I would use this book to help teach the life cycle of a butterfly. The book has so much detail on the average time spent in each stage and provides much useful details when teaching. I would love to have my own lifecycle going in the c (1), but focus on pronouns. This book provides so many different examples of pronouns in ways students will understand. The book has them bolded and in different colors to make them easier to locate. (1), Genre: Non Fiction. This book as all about manners (1), but not just the please and thank you manners. It goes into detail on playing in a sandbox manners (1), on the telephone etc. This could be used through out the classroom to show better ways of replying rather than saying Uh (1), Yeah etc. (1), Genre: Non Fiction. This book is about many different kinds of animals. It describes them by using their feet. This would be a great book to use for drawing context clues and applying background knowledge from what you might already know about these anima (1), Genre: non Fiction. Many students have a misconception about plants and that they all need to bloom like a flower. This book explains about many different plants that just do not bloom and why they do not bloom and what makes them different. This would be (1), Genre: Non Fiction. This book i would use to explain the difference between a butterfly and a dragonfly. Many young children tend to confuse them (1), so i could include this book (1), so students could see how different they really are (1), or how they are even similar. This would be for a older grades because this book is not very picture oriented. (1), so we could compare whether our timing for the cycle is that same as the books. This would be primarily for science. (1), it could be a refresher book (1), Genre: Non Fiction. This book be a great book to use to review punctuation. It contains many examples of using different kinds of punctuation and why you need to use them. This could also be a refresher book or used when the students are having trouble wi (1), Genre: Non Fiction. This book would be amazing to use for the students who are having trouble adding voice into a story. This gives so many examples of ways to use them and shows how much better a sentence can sound by using it. (1), Genre: Non Fiction. This book would be great to use to help students continue on sentences without causing them to be a run on sentence. It provides so many examples and different ways to use them. I could do this whole class to begin a new lesson (1), in small group for the students who might be having trouble with it (1), or a good refresher book. (1), Genre: Non Fiction. This book does a great job at explain why pronouns are so important to a sentence. It gives examples of how sentences would sound if you did not have pronouns. I think that is good for students to see because the sentences still sound (1), but could sound better by using a pronoun. This book would be a good hook book for beginning a lesson after doing nouns of course. (1), Genre: Non Fiction. This would be a great science book to discuss living and nonliving things. It explains that living things must (1), breath etc in order to be living (1), but nonliving does not need to do those things. This could be a good nature walk book to see if students can find living and nonliving things. The book does a good job at explaining because sometimes the things you think are nonliving are actually living. (1), Genre: Non Fiction. This book does a great job at explaining the tricky aspects of liquids and gases and how they can even change back into its original matter. Students could relate to experiences in the book and during science they could preform some of (1), Genre: Non Fiction. The book can be used as a hook for introducing the 3 matters (1), but are still an important part. Students would open up to the idea of letting others try when they see how Santa did and believed. This would be great at Christmas time. (1), but are too scared (1), traveling (1), so the 3rd time a horrible little boy did come after the wolf. The horrible boy was the three shopkeepers dressed up in a costume. The moral of the book is to teach the wolf a lesson about calling out for help when it is not really needed because if somet (1), but was not very good at baseball. He comes up with a great idea to save the world using robots. In the end (1), the robots help him become a better baseball player. The moral was to help readers understand they too can make a positive change for themselves or even the world. (1), but when the rain was finished everything was in perfect order and condition. It sometimes does not matter whether things are good or bad (1), they can all play a huge part in someones day. (1), and working hard. The book explains a lot about using teamwork with your co-workers and how work is work (1), but still can be fun at the end. This would be a great good to read to a child who is beginning to help their parents clean up because it explains the value of working hard and playing later. (1), and some brands of cars. It explains why some people use cars; like for groceries or going to work (1), how some people use cars as their job like a police officer. This book does a good job at showing that cars are not just cool (1), they have a real purpose and meaning to help people. This is a very old book (1), so it is not as detailed like newer books (1), but i love how simple and straight to the point it is. (1), no one would show up. It really teaches about safety. (1), because it is not always important. Just thinking about thinking in general happens throughout the book (1), thumb your feet (1), twitching and your nose. The story uses great description words on the rabbits. The baby rabbit also has friends who are a mouse and a duck (1), which is not typical in our lives (1), but show a good point in the story to be friends with anyone (1), no matter how different they are. (1), she is told to find her special horn on her own. The unicorn goes searching for the horn and becomes friends with squirrels and owls along the way (1), who do not care what she looks like. She ends up finding a beautiful crystal horn. This book's moral is about not listening to others and caring what they think as look as you are happy. (1), so they are planning a huge party for the Easter Bunny in hopes of meeting him to help show Corduroy that he is real. The easter Bunny is still no where to be found on Easter which really has Corduroy down (1), until after gathering eggs (1), a basket full of treats is inside with a note from the Easter bunny. I think this is a good story to help kids still have faith in small things like the Easter Bunny being real. I think younger grade levels would really enjoy a good like this. (1), so he finds a pair of gloves and uses them as hats for his head and tail feathers (1), so letting your mind wonder is important as well. (1), the purpose is to help the readers understand that what you think is important should be all that matters. (1), who is easier to care for. Having and liking what you want is great as long as you are happy. The author does a good job at explaining the downside to the large dog (1), plot (1), eat (1), protection (1), sleep (1), running (1), shapes (1), colors (1), blocks (1), bow (1), paints (1), table manners (1), nouns (1), dad (1), but deep down she knows that is not really what she want. Her mother gives her a tip to write about what makes her happy and not listen to what everyone else says is important. Therefore (1), Genre: Fiction (1), doing work (1), what you already have (1), and not try to change it. (1), you can still find a positive aspect. It was also key in the book to pass on those to others to enjoy just as you did. (1), but was only making things up until the very end when he saved the day. (1), the witch loses her hat (1), and wand (1), but sweet animals pick them up along the way. She allows them to ride on her broom with her until it breaks and a dragon tries to get her (1), but the three sweet animals return the favor and save the witch from the dragon. (1), but she knows she will write the best story ever. She goes around seeking others opinions on what to write about (1), so he can go out on his own. I think the moral is great because our students need to understand it is okay to go out and do things alone and be different. (1), but turns it into positive things. (1), but is not as good as the other reindeer; he cannot fly or guide the sleigh. Santa still believed in Olive and knew he could really help them out and he did in many ways. I think this book is great for students who want to try something new (1), snakes would lose the clothes (1), kills plants (1), makes people faint etc. The dog really loves the owners (1), but they must give the dog away because of her breath. The children try everything to get rid of the bad breath (1), but nothing works. The night before the dog leaves 2 burglars came in to rob their house (1), but Hally was able to stop them with her bad breath. The family woke up to a dog who was a hero and they decided to keep her. I think this story does a great job at showing how it does not matter what you look like or smell like (1), you still deserve to be happy and treated fairly because like Hally saved the owners lives. (1), Genre: Fiction. This book is a sequencing book about a mouse who wakes up a horse (1), who wake up another animal and the cycle continues. Finally (1), with all the animals being awake the farmer gets woken up and tells them it is not morning yet (1), so go back to be and they did. I like sequencing books like this because children need to learn patterns such as in the book because they are used so often in our everyday lives. I think they are really easy for a student to catch on to and even added in (1), Genre: Fiction. This book explains a great deal about different animals. It show why animals should not wear clothing. It bases that opinion on things we know about these animals or somethings students need to begin to learn about animals. For example: ho (1), sheep would be too hot because of their fur. These would be great describing words for students to learn and good characteristics of animals that students could learn if they do no know already. (1), Arthur learns to appreciate his time with his family and realizes you have to make the best of a situation even if it is not what you wanted. Arthur ended up having the best time and could not wait to let Buster know it was a blast. I think students shoul (1), Genre: fiction. This book explains a little cloud being lost and behind all the others (1), until one day he does great things. He begins to make different shapes using himself; he turned into a airplane (1), a clown (1), trees etc. I think this book would be great to read when students are getting at the awkward stages and need to know it is okay you can still do great things. Those times will pass and make you who you will grow up to be. (1), Genre: Fiction. This book is a sequencing book about Spring time. The book describes what all happens at spring time (1), which is key for students when learning seasons. The book explained who worms move around (1), rabbits hop (1), cats and dogs can go outside etc. I think students would benefit from something like this book because sometimes seasons are easy to get mixed up (1), but having a book to relate to about topics would be great. (1), Genre: Fiction. This book is much like Rudolph (1), but Olive is a dog. He is helping Santa out (1), Genre: Fiction. This book is about a dog named Hally. Hally has terrible dog breath that no one can fix. It causes people to walk on the other side of the road (1), so Arthur thinks. Arthur is having the worst time and is so jealous of Buster. Finally (1), until the seems rip. The boy comes back for the mitten (1), Genre: Fiction. The purpose of the book was to show to reader that being a firefighter is very hard work. The book shows many aspects of what they have to do daily to keep other safe. The book also showed how Goofy wanted to be a hero (1), but it is too late and already broken. The boy never finds out that he did such a good dead by forgotten the mitten and giving so many animals a home. (1), Genre: Fiction. This book tells a story about a boy who is working in the cold and has to wear mittens while outside. He leaves one of his mittens behind while collecting fire wood and animals find it to use as a home. The animals range in size from a sma (1), Genre: Fiction. I love the Clifford books. I think this original book does such a good job at explaining having something different and liking it is a good thing. You do not have to have a small dog (1), Genre: Fiction. This story is about a chicken who loves the snow unlike his chicken friends. He is not scared to be different and adventure by himself because the winter is something he is really passionate about. The chicken is unable to stand the cold v (1), Genre: Fiction. This book is about Corduroy who does not believe in the Easter Bunny. All of his friends do (1), Genre: Fiction. This book was about a unicorn who was born without her horn. She is made fun of by her friends for not having a horn because she cannot fly as good or play music like them. After talking to the wise unicorn in the area (1), Genre: Fiction. This book is about a mom rabbit teaching her son how to do all the normal rabbit things like jump (1), Genre: Fiction. This story is about a wolf who would play jokes on the shopkeepers about a horrible little boy chasing him. He fooled them twice while they were working (1), Genre: fiction. This book is all about cars. It explains the different sizes (1), Genre: Fantasy Fiction. The purpose of the book was to help others understand that you should be happy with yourself (1), Genre: Fiction. The purpose of the book was to help the readers understand that sometimes having less really is more. Even if having a storm come and tear your whole world apart happens (1), Genre: Fiction. The purpose of this book is to help the reader understand aspects of helping each other out because it is the proper thing to do and if you help someone out they might can return the favor. Throughout the book (1), but his friend Buster is doing something way more fun (1), Genre: Fiction. This story is about a little girl who just cannot figure out what she wants to write about (1), Genre: Fiction. This purpose was much like The Best Story book. You should take risks and follow what you believe is right. Do not pay attention to what others have to say (1), Genre: Fiction. This book is about a pig who goes to work in a construction like job. He explains what life is like waking up (1), Genre: Fiction. Duncan was giving all the crayons a chance to write there opinions of what they think. Many crayons felt they were being used too little or not enough. Duncan was able to find the perfect balance and use the less used ones more and the use (1), Genre: Fiction. This book was a very well done sequencing book. It showed how sometimes things can fall out of place and make other things fall out of place as well. This all happened when the rain started (1), Genre: Fiction. The character really loved baseball (1), Genre: fiction. This book is about the first day of school in a mouse's perspective. The mouse s viewing all the fun things in the classroom (1), all the manipulative (1), colors etc. I think this would be a great book for a teacher to share on the first day of school to get out all the first day jitters (1), or for the parent to share before their child's first day to help limit the anxiety. (1), Genre: fiction. This book is a very great interaction book with your students. They can clap to the beat while you kind of sing the book. It is all about the alphabet and a coconut tree. The students would love how it is faster pace and so interactive. Th (1), Genre: Fiction. This book is about Arthur going on a family vacation (1), Genre: Fiction. This book is a great book to discuss the culture of India with. This was a great multicultural book for me o share with the class. This can be used for social studies to even talk about the different continents. (1)
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Aug 27, 2015

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