
series (209), YA (206), science fiction (145), fantasy (136), Children's (97), unread (90), romance (57), realistic fiction (45), classic (36), futuristic (35), adventure (33), non-fiction (27), creative nonfiction (26), post-apocalyptic (23), reference (22), time travel (18), spirituality (18), alternate universes (18), family (17), short stories (16), war (16), movie from book (16), mythology (15), humor (15), survival (14), fairy tales (13), poetry (13), friendship (13), arthurian legend (12), writing (12), environment (11), Newbery (10), historical fiction (10), good vs. evil (10), signed (8), Welsh mythology (8), mystery (8), literary criticism (7), dystopia (7), love (7), Newbery honor (7), music (6), languages (6), supernatural (6), television (6), Wales (5), philosophy (5), quotations (5), death (5), identity (5), orphans (5), multicultural (5), graphic novel (5), superheroes (4), animals (4), home (4), ARC (4), inspirational (3), history (3), ebook (3), beauty (2), homosexuality (2), theatre (2), holocaust (2), libraries (1), immortality (1), French (1), film (1), Welsh (1), crime fiction (1), reading (1), tolkien (1), biography (1), spirtuality (1), romace (1), theology (1), travel (1), picture book (1), fate (1), move from book (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Jan 3, 2009
La mia biblioteca
My library is rapidly out-growing my bookshelves. It's a problem. It consists mostly of children's and young adult books, fantasy, and science fiction.
Informazione su di me
I'm a library school student and an aspiring writer.
Albany, NY
Anche su
In lettura ora
Autori preferiti
Luoghi preferiti

Librerie: Book House of Stuyvesant Plaza, Northshire Bookstore, Open Door Bookstore

Biblioteche: Altamont Free Library, Guilderland Public Library

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