La mia biblioteca
Amidst my proclivity for precision and minimalist declutter, there resides my library, esurient and unappeasable, relenting only to my need for order by submitting to alphabetization, but never to unhindered acquisition. Amidst poverty and the relocation of home, my library defies all but the most strident redaction. Amidst the fettered nights and trepidatious social impulses, my library offers succor and recourse and recluse.
Informazione su di me
Working with books for the years I have has led me to a place of familiarity, unconscious and unthinking often, with the written word. Compelled by the joy of language, words interpenetrating, altering, modifying, meandering, obfuscating, ameliorating, discomfiting, I hope to one day express that in my own work.
Los Angeles
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Luoghi preferiti

Librerie: A Different Light Bookstore, Bodhi Tree Bookstore, Book Soup, Borders - Manhattan Beach, J. Paul Getty Museum Bookstore

Biblioteche: County of Los Angeles Public Library - West Hollywood Library, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County Research Library

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