
Aug 26, 2012
Nome vero
A.L. Davroe
La mia biblioteca
I love SciFi, fantasy, romance, paranormal everything, horror, and thrillers. Every so often I'll read something non-fiction or a bit of general fiction.
Informazione su di me
I write both YA and adult speculative fiction. I'm represented by Louise Fury of The Bent Agency. I've written FOR YOUR HEART (YA paranormal romance) and CITY STEAM (adult steampunk horror). My next novel, NEXIS (YA Cyberpunk/SciFi) is coming out December 1, 2015 with Entangled Teen.

By day, I live in Connecticut with my feline hench-creatures. I'm a terrible blusher, have a weak spot for cuddly animals, love Laffy Taffy and Cadbury MiniEggs, and I'm a huge advocate of alternative healing methods. I wear purple shoes and corsets...Though not always in the same ensemble. I'm a Capricorn, a Hufflepuff, and a few nuggets short of a Happy Meal. I also suffer from Resting Bitchface Syndrome (RBS), so even though I might look like I'll tie you in a knot if you come near me, I'm more afraid of you than you are of me (see blushing problem above).
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