
fiction (81), 1001 (49), contemporary (24), fantasy (21), Non-Fiction (17), family saga (15), Indrani Aikath-Gyaltsen (15), ko (11), Japan (11), mental illness (10), postmodern (9), historical fiction (9), magical realism (8), biography (7), memoir (7), family (7), wizards (7), suicide (7), feminism (7), Murakami (6), dystopian (6), coming of age (6), humor (6), philosophy (5), faith (5), Christianity (5), politics (5), short stories (5), India (5), Harry Potter (5), WWII (5), SOT (4), Palahniuk (4), mystery (3), essays (3), Italy (3), New York (3), Catholic (3), DGC (3), Bombay (3), survival (3), sexuality (3), depression (3), religion (3), psychadelic (3), urban fantasy (3), marriage (2), London (2), Parkinson's (2), Pulitzer Prize (2), sex (2), England (2), California (2), HDM (2), child abuse (2), friendship (2), King Arthur (2), mid-life crisis (2), Holland (2), Holocaust (2), journalism (2), true crime (2), children's (2), objectivism (2), alcoholism (2), parenthood (2), counter culture (2), Jewish (2), road trip (2), autobiography (2), science fiction (2), memoirs (2), rape (2), Mythology (2), hobbits (2), satire (2), romance (2), non-fiction (2), fairy tale (2), graphic (2), reincarnation (2), art (2), Arthurian Legend (2), architecture (2), Midwest (2), Camelot (2), paganism (2), writing (2), Tolkien (2), cats (2), dwarves (2), Gonzo (2), Canadian (2), birth defects (1), republican (1), paganism. goddess (1), Essay (1), humpback whales (1), children (1), Henry James (1), Virginia Wolfe (1), savage (1), revisionist history (1), Relgion (1), murder (1), forgery (1), interment camps (1), earthquake (1), Taliban (1), Vatican (1), psychogeography (1), Greek (1), Mental illness (1), social commentary (1), current affairs (1), Oprah's book club (1), Humor (1), Kinsey (1), historical figures (1), seizures (1), Bush administration (1), Buddah (1), Japanese Americas (1), multiple personality (1), Period (1), deformities (1), Savannah (1), Odin (1), Art (1), sex research (1), false identity (1), GOP (1), M25 (1), group homes (1), World Fair (1), 24 hours (1), Murkami (1), Korea (1), German Liturature (1), Minnesota (1), trivia (1), Boston (1), lesbian (1), UK (1), disfiguring (1), crime (1), Irish (1), san francisco (1), South America (1), Middle East (1), Jesus (1), Borgia's (1), Charles Lamb (1), Mary Lamb (1), Judaism (1), carnival (1), Ukraine (1), Seattle (1), Future (1), homosexuality (1), modeling (1), Africa (1), gold rush (1), Biography (1), Chick lit (1), Vermeer (1), Jamaica (1), Cinderella (1), Russian Literature (1), fundamentalism (1), brothers (1), National Book Award (1), Depression (1), evil (1), Victorian (1), divorce (1), sequel (1), Washington (1), Hawaii (1), west (1), futuristic (1), elves (1), churches (1), Detroit (1), child care (1), addiction (1), funny (1), big brother (1), totalitarianism (1), future (1), orwell (1), communism (1), oppression (1), psychology (1), revolutionary (1), Chicago (1), war on terror (1), introspective (1), folklore (1), beat (1), New England (1), nihilism (1), wit (1), historical romance (1), domestic fiction (1), social class (1), economics (1), poverty (1), dysfunctional family (1), trial (1), adventure (1), gold (1), Georgia (1), betrayal (1), dragons (1), epic (1), good (1), actor (1), Beatles (1), Hollywood (1), college (1), science (1), history (1), parallel world (1), grief (1), violence (1), prequel (1), Ireland (1), conspiracy (1), christianity (1), historical (1), spirituality (1), Illuminati (1), biblical (1), modern lit (1), goddess (1), government (1), America (1), daughters (1), reflection (1), Las Vegas (1), geology (1), pedophilia (1), Afghanistan (1), Kabul (1), 17th century (1), hermaphrodite (1), transgender (1), sex change (1), mothers (1), Pacific Northwest (1), superhero (1), New Orleans (1), 60's (1), Satan (1), hospital (1), Brazil (1), New Zealand (1), corporate greed (1), Cuba (1), insomnia (1), Snow White (1), clones (1), organ harvesting (1), DT (1), drug culture (1), retelling (1), C.S. Lewis (1), 1930's (1), canada (1), short (1), novella (1), love triangle (1), tragic (1), redemption (1), nannies (1), drugs (1), genetic engineering (1), Shakespeare (1), bioengineering (1), creative (1), tigers (1), amputation (1), shipwrecks (1), postcolonial (1), island (1), fishing (1), immigrants (1), human nature (1), serial killer (1), summer (1), China (1), asian american (1), nazi (1), temptation (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Jun 7, 2008
La mia biblioteca
My library has everything and anything in it. I live on a limited budget so I tend to pick up used items, but I'm ok with that because the less money I spend on books the more books I can buy.
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