CollanaBloomsbury Sigma

Sex on Earth: A Celebration of Animal Reproduction di Jules Howard 38 copie, 4 recensioni1
p53: The Gene that Cracked the Cancer Code di Sue Armstrong 64 copie, 2 recensioni2
Atoms Under the Floorboards: The Surprising Science Hidden in Your Home di Chris Woodford 59 copie, 3 recensioni3
Spirals in Time: The Secret Life and Curious Afterlife of Seashells di Helen Scales 220 copie, 7 recensioni4
Chilled: How Refrigeration Changed the World and Might Do So Again di Tom Jackson 62 copie, 1 recensione5
A is for Arsenic: the Poisons of Agatha Christie di Kathryn Harkup 367 copie, 19 recensioni6
Breaking the Chains of Gravity: The Story of Spaceflight before NASA di Amy Shira Teitel 120 copie, 4 recensioni7
Suspicious Minds: Why We Believe Conspiracy Theories di Rob Brotherton 152 copie, 5 recensioni8
Herding Hemingway's Cats: Understanding how our genes work di Kat Arney 104 copie9
Electronic Dreams: How 1980s Britain Learned to Love the Computer di Tom Lean 20 copie10
Sorting the Beef from the Bull: The Science of Food Fraud Forensics di Richard Evershed 35 copie, 1 recensione11
Death on Earth: Adventures in Evolution and Mortality di Jules Howard 37 copie, 1 recensione12
The Tyrannosaur Chronicles: The Biology of the Tyrant Dinosaurs di David Hone 105 copie, 6 recensioni13
Soccermatics: Mathematical Adventures in the Beautiful Game di David Sumpter 71 copie, 4 recensioni14
Big Data: Does Size Matter? (Bloomsbury Sigma) di Timandra Harkness 37 copie, 1 recensione15
Riccioli d'oro e gli orsetti d'acqua. Alla ricerca della vita nell'universo di Louisa Preston 63 copie, 4 recensioni16
Science and the City: The Mechanics Behind the Metropolis (Bloomsbury Sigma) di Laurie Winkless 65 copie, 3 recensioni17
Bring Back the King: The New Science of De-extinction di Helen Pilcher 54 copie, 3 recensioni18
Furry Logic: The Physics of Animal Life (Bloomsbury Sigma) di Matin Durrani 58 copie, 5 recensioni19
Built on Bones: 15,000 Years of Urban Life and Death di Brenna Hassett 74 copie, 3 recensioni20
My European family : the first 54,000 years di Karin Bojs 243 copie, 3 recensioni21
4th Rock from the Sun: The Story of Mars di Nicky Jenner 39 copie, 3 recensioni22
Patient H69: The Story of My Second Sight (Bloomsbury Sigma) di Vanessa Potter 23 copie23
Catching Breath: The Making and Unmaking of Tuberculosis di Kathryn Lougheed 43 copie, 3 recensioni24
PIG/PORK: Archaeology, Zoology and Edibility di Pía Spry-Marqués 23 copie, 1 recensione25
The Planet Factory: Exoplanets and the Search for a Second Earth di Elizabeth Tasker 101 copie, 6 recensioni26
Immune: How Your Body Defends and Protects You (Bloomsbury Sigma) di Catherine Carver 35 copie, 3 recensioni27
Wonders Beyond Numbers: A Brief History of All Things Mathematical di Johnny Ball 52 copie28
I, Mammal: The Story of What Makes Us Mammals di Liam Drew 50 copie29
Reinventing the Wheel : Milk, Microbes, and the Fight for Real Cheese di Bronwen Percival 32 copie, 1 recensione30
Making the Monster: The Science Behind Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (Bloomsbury Sigma) di Kathryn Harkup 140 copie, 4 recensioni31
Best Before: The Evolution and Future of Processed Food di Nicola Temple 25 copie, 1 recensione32
Catching Stardust: Comets, Asteroids and the Birth of the Solar System di Natalie Starkey 35 copie33
Seeds of Science: Why We Got It So Wrong On GMOs di Mark Lynas 53 copie, 1 recensione34
Eye of the Shoal: A Fishwatcher's Guide to Life, the Ocean and Everything di Helen Scales 48 copie, 1 recensione35
Outnumbered: From Facebook and Google to Fake News and Filter-bubbles – The Algorithms That Control Our Lives di David Sumpter 75 copie, 1 recensione36
Nodding Off: The Science of Sleep from Cradle to Grave di Alice Gregory 41 copie, 2 recensioni37
The Science of Sin: Why We Do The Things We Know We Shouldn't di Jack Lewis 23 copie, 1 recensione38
The Edge of Memory: Ancient Stories, Oral Tradition, and the Post-Glacial World di Patrick Nunn 59 copie39
Turned On: Science, Sex and Robots di Kate Devlin 65 copie, 2 recensioni40
Borrowed Time: The Science of How and Why We Age di Sue Armstrong 62 copie, 1 recensione41
Love Understood: The Science of Who, How and Why We Love di Laura Mucha 27 copie42
The Vinyl Frontier: The Story of the Voyager Golden Record di Jonathan Scott 61 copie, 4 recensioni43
Clearing the Air: The Beginning and the End of Air Pollution di Tim Smedley 35 copie, 2 recensioni44
Superheavy: Making and Breaking the Periodic Table di Kit Chapman 71 copie, 4 recensioni45
18 Miles: The Epic Drama of Our Atmosphere and Its Weather di Christopher Dewdney 36 copie, 2 recensioni46
Genuine Fakes: How Phony Things Teach Us About Real Stuff di Lydia Pyne 23 copie, 3 recensioni47
Grilled (Bloomsbury Sigma) di Leah Garces 7 copie, 1 recensione48
Contact Paradox di Keith Cooper 43 copie, 3 recensioni49
Life Changing: How Humans are Altering Life on Earth di Helen Pilcher 26 copie, 1 recensione50
Friendship: The Evolution, Biology, and Extraordinary Power of Life's Fundamental Bond di Lydia Denworth 87 copie, 1 recensione51
Death By Shakespeare: Snakebites, Stabbings and Broken Hearts di Kathryn Harkup 116 copie, 6 recensioni52
Sway: Unravelling Unconscious Bias di Pragya Agarwal 59 copie53
Bad News: Why We Fall for Fake News di Rob Brotherton 19 copie, 1 recensione54
Unfit for purpose di Adam Hart 13 copie55
Mirror Thinking: How Role Models Make Us Human (Bloomsbury Sigma) di Fiona Murden 2 copie56
Kindred: Neanderthal Life, Love, Death and Art di Rebecca Wragg Sykes 489 copie, 17 recensioni57
First Light: Switching on Stars at the Dawn of Time di Emma Chapman 49 copie58
Ouch!: Why Pain Hurts, and Why it Doesn't Have To di Margee Kerr 14 copie, 1 recensione59
Our Only Home: A Climate Appeal to the World di Dalai Lama XIV 28 copie, 1 recensione60
Models of the Mind: How Physics, Engineering and Mathematics Have Shaped Our Understanding of the Brain di Grace Lindsay 48 copie61
The Brilliant Abyss: Exploring the Majestic Hidden Life of the Deep Ocean, and the Looming Threat That Imperils It di Helen Scales 180 copie, 2 recensioni62
Overloaded: How Every Aspect of Your Life is Influenced by Your Brain Chemicals di Ginny Smith 26 copie, 1 recensione63
Handmade: A Scientist’s Search for Meaning through Making di Anna Ploszajski 16 copie, 3 recensioni64
Beasts Before Us: The Untold Story of Mammal Origins and Evolution di Elsa Panciroli 89 copie, 1 recensione65
Our Biggest Experiment: An Epic History of the Climate Crisis di Alice Bell 39 copie66
Worlds in Shadow: Submerged Lands in Science, Memory and Myth di Patrick Nunn 14 copie67
Aesop’s Animals: The Science Behind the Fables di Jo Wimpenny 21 copie, 1 recensione68
Sticky : the secret science of surfaces di Laurie Winkless 25 copie, 2 recensioni70
Racing Green: How Motorsport Science can Save the World di Kit Chapman 13 copie71
Wonderdog: The Science of Dogs and Their Unique Relationship with Humans di Jules Howard 6 copie72
Growing Up Human: The Evolution of Childhood di Brenna Hassett 17 copie73
Wilder: How Rewilding is Transforming Conservation and Changing the World di Millie Kerr 16 copie74
Superspy Science: Science, Death and Tech in the World of James Bond di Kathryn Harkup 15 copie75
The Deadly Balance: Predators and People in a Crowded World di Adam Hart 4 copie76
Into the Groove: The Story of Sound From Tin Foil to Vinyl di Jonathan Scott 14 copie, 1 recensione77

