Immagine dell'autore.
333+ opere 3,134 membri 98 recensioni


Fonte dell'immagine: Drawn Archives


Opere di Jim Zub

Rick and Morty vs. Dungeons & Dragons (2019) — Autore — 138 copie
Glitterbomb Volume 1: Red Carpet (2017) — Autore — 59 copie
Figment (2015) 51 copie
Pathfinder, Volume 1: Dark Waters Rising (1800) — Autore — 48 copie
Wayward Deluxe Book 1 (2015) — Autore — 36 copie
Dungeons & Dragons: Evil At Baldur's Gate (2018) — Autore — 30 copie
Pathfinder, Volume 2: Of Tooth and Claw (2014) — Autore — 25 copie
Conan Red Sonja (2015) — Autore — 22 copie
Dungeons & Dragons: Frost Giant's Fury (2017) — Autore — 22 copie
Wayward #1 (2014) 20 copie
Wayward Deluxe Book 2 (2017) 17 copie
Pathfinder, Volume 3: City of Secrets (2015) — Autore — 17 copie
Dungeons & Dragons: Shadows of the Vampire (2016) — Autore — 16 copie
Pathfinder #1 (2012) 11 copie
Wayward Deluxe Book 3 (2019) 11 copie
Figment #1 (2014) 10 copie
Marvel's Voices: Heritage (2022) — Autore — 10 copie
Wayward #2 (2014) 9 copie
Wayward #3 (2014) 8 copie
Wayward #5 (2014) 7 copie
Wayward #7 (2015) 7 copie
Wayward #6 (2015) 7 copie
Figment 2 #4 (2016) 7 copie
Wayward #4 (2014) 7 copie
Conan: Serpent War (2020) 6 copie
Samurai Jack #01 (2013) 6 copie
Unbreakable Red Sonja (2023) 5 copie
Avengers: Tech-On (2022) 5 copie
Figment #5 (2014) 5 copie
Figment #2 (2014) 5 copie
Figment #3 (2014) 5 copie
Street Fighter Legends: Cammy (2017) — Autore — 5 copie
Wayward #11 (2015) 5 copie
Figment #4 (2014) 4 copie
Figment 2 #3 (2015) 4 copie
Wayward #8 (2015) 4 copie
Wayward #9 (2015) 4 copie
Wayward #10 (2015) 4 copie
Wayward #12 (2015) 4 copie
Skullkickers 01 (2010) 4 copie
Figment 2 #1 (2015) 4 copie
Figment 2 #5 4 copie
Dungeons & Dragons: Infernal Tides #1 (2019) — Autore — 3 copie
Pathfinder #2 (2012) 3 copie
Figment 2 #2 (2015) 3 copie
Wayward #17 (2016) 3 copie
Pathfinder #7 (2013) 3 copie
Champions (2019) #1 (2019) 3 copie
Pathfinder #4 (2013) 3 copie
Wayward #15 (2016) 3 copie
Wayward #14 (2016) 3 copie
Wayward #13 (2016) 3 copie
Pathfinder #3 (2012) 3 copie
Wayward #20 (2017) 2 copie
Wayward #21 (2017) 2 copie
Wayward #27 (2018) 2 copie
Wayward #28 (2018) 2 copie
Wayward #30 (2018) 2 copie
Wayward #22 (2017) 2 copie
Wayward #26 (2018) 2 copie
Wayward #23 (2017) 2 copie
Wayward #24 (2017) 2 copie
Wayward #29 (2018) 2 copie
Wayward #25 (2017) 2 copie
Wayward #18 (2016) 2 copie
Wayward #19 (2016) 2 copie
Wayward #16 (2016) 2 copie
Pathfinder #6 (2013) 2 copie
Skullkickers 09 (2011) 2 copie
Skullkickers 10 (2011) 2 copie
Skullkickers 11 (2011) 2 copie
Skullkickers 13 (2012) 2 copie
Red Sonja and Cub (2014) 2 copie
Glitterbomb #1 (2016) — Autore — 2 copie
Pathfinder #5 (2013) 2 copie
Samurai Jack #06 (2014) 2 copie
Samurai Jack #07 (2014) 2 copie
Pathfinder #12 (2013) 2 copie
Pathfinder #9 (2013) 2 copie
Pathfinder #8 (2013) 2 copie
Pathfinder #10 (2013) 2 copie
Pathfinder #11 (2013) 2 copie
Champions (2019) #2 (2019) 2 copie
Dungeons & Dragons Annual 2022 - Lost & Found (2022) — Autore — 2 copie
Pathfinder: City of Secrets #3 (2014) — Autore — 2 copie
Pathfinder: City of Secrets #2 (2014) — Autore — 2 copie
Pathfinder: City of Secrets #1 (2014) — Autore — 2 copie
Champions (2019) #5 (2019) 2 copie
Champions (2019) #4 (2019) 2 copie
Champions (2019) #3 (2019) 2 copie
Zombies Assemble (2017) #1 (of 3) (2017) — Autore — 1 copia
Avengers (2016-2018) #684 (2018) — Autore — 1 copia
Champions (2019) #6 (2019) 1 copia
Pathfinder: City of Secrets #6 (2014) — Autore — 1 copia
Pathfinder: City of Secrets #5 (2014) — Autore — 1 copia
Pathfinder Special 2013 - Night on the Town (2013) — Autore — 1 copia
Pathfinder: City of Secrets #4 (2014) — Autore — 1 copia
Champions (2019) #8 (2019) 1 copia
Glitterbomb #3 (2016) — Autore — 1 copia
Glitterbomb #4 (2016) — Autore — 1 copia
Glitterbomb #2 (2016) — Autore — 1 copia
Skullkickers 24 (2013) 1 copia
Champions (2019) #7 (2019) 1 copia
Champions (2019) #9 (2019) 1 copia
Champions (2019) #10 (2019) 1 copia

Opere correlate

To Be or Not To Be (2013) — Illustratore — 783 copie
Romeo and/or Juliet: A Chooseable-Path Adventure (2016) — Illustratore — 655 copie
Ms. Marvel Vol. 10: Time and Again (2019) — Writer — 150 copie
Devil's Reign (2022) — Autore — 25 copie
Princeless Book 1: Deluxe Edition Hardcover (2016) — Collaboratore — 18 copie
Pros and (Comic) Cons (2019) — Collaboratore — 14 copie
The Lion and the Aardvark: Aesop's Modern Fables (2013) — Collaboratore — 13 copie
Super Secret Crisis War!, Volume 2 (2014) — Autore — 8 copie


Informazioni generali

Altri nomi
Zubkavich, Jim
Luogo di residenza
Toronto, Ontario, Canada



Det finns tydligen någon sorts parallellvärld i Marvels univserum som väsentligen är en generisk fantasihistoria: onda skurkar, diverse olika slags intelligenta varelser, magi och så vidare (största skillnaden är väl egentligen att de där varelserna inte är utomjordingar). Efter lite bråk med ett träskmonster hamnar Champions där i Weird War One, liksom The master of the world (fortfarande ett jäkligt fånigt namn).

Den enda som riktigt verkar inse att de inte är på hemmaplan är Riri, övriga tror sig höra hemma där, med anpassningar (Riri är riddare, Miles någon slags tjuvarketyp, Ms Marvel magiker, Wasp någon slags älva och så vidare). Eftersom de inte minns vem de egentligen är hamnar de också på olika sidor i konflikten, tills det hela löses ut och alla kan åka hem till en verkligare(?) värld.

Insprängt här finns även en kort historia om skolskjutningar, vilken mest verkar vilja säga att man inte skall ge upp hoppet om att saker kan bli bättre (men är tämligen läskig innan dess), samt en solohistoria för Snowguard, som mest verkar skriven för att via upp inuitkultur och deras folktro: det är inte dåligt eller tråkigt, men det känns tämligen uppenbart att syftet främst är att läsaren skall lära sig mer om inuiter samt om Amka, som är rolig och bra men knappast kommer få en egen tidning.
… (altro)
andejons | Mar 26, 2024 |
Bound in Black Stone collects the initial four-issue run from 2023 of the new Conan the Barbarian comic book from Titan Comics, along with a Free Comic Book Day prequel. The prequel "Looking for Lands Beyond" is an account of the sack of Venarium, and the main story is set not too many years later after Conan's first wanderings beyond Cimmeria. He is in the wilderness of northern Aquilonia--not far south of his homeland--when he encounters a menace that motivates him to return and defend his countrymen.

The plot has much to do with Conan-creator Robert E. Howard's notions of the Pictish people. It introduces a Gurian Pictish warrior woman Brissa, with whom Conan becomes intimate. (The Gurian Picts are represented as preservers of the noble Pictish type, as opposed to the degenerate tribes common to the Hyborian Age.) It also offers the visionary involvement of the shade of Brule--the Pictish companion of King Kull of Atlantis from the Thurian Age of Howard's fantasized pre-antiquity.

In both visual and verbal style, these comics largely reflect a return to the 1970s Marvel era. The illustration work by Roberto De La Torre is very much evocative of the John Buscema Conan, both in composition and rendering. Taking advantage of advances in production technology, the colorists have adopted the more shaded palette of the later Dark Horse comics--sometimes to the point of muddiness, I fear. Writer Jim Zub is a bit gabby, on the lines of Roy Thomas. He indulges in the sort of forsoothly archaicisms that Howard's prose spurned. He also lacks the patience that Tim Truman showed in letting the pictures tell the story. One way in which these comics are not a throwback to the offerings on the supermarket carousel racks of my childhood is the heightened saliency of sex and violence, which is certainly a match for anything that later comics and cinema adaptations have led readers to expect.

An appendix offers collected editorial sidebars from Jeffrey Shanks, who does a passable job of summarizing the history of the Conan character and the literary legacies involved in the present comic. He does make a misstep in comparing Howard's "little people" to Tolkien's hobbits, when Howard's model was clearly in the earlier tales from Arthur Machen, which are not so relevant to Tolkien, whose inspirations were folklore, fairy tale, and Dunsany. Machen did access that folklore, but he is responsible for the transformation that Shanks attributes to Howard.

There is a complete covers gallery reproducing the 54 covers under which the five individual floppies had been issued. I'm glad for this feature, as long as publishers insist on the bloated alternate cover practice, but the postage-stamp size of the gallery images leave quite a bit to be desired. A few bonus character sketches of Brissa are nice enough.

On the whole, I enjoyed this book, and I'll be likely to read its sequels.
… (altro)
1 vota
paradoxosalpha | 1 altra recensione | Mar 25, 2024 |
A fairly reasonable attempt at bringing Conan back into comic book form, with some excellent, grim artwork reminiscent of some of Frazetta’s work (with some images in direct homage through many of the character poses), and some wonderfully evocative painted landscapes throughout.

The main issue is that whilst it does a fine job honouring the background of the lore with a throwback to his early days (including a nicely drawn round up of some of Howard’s stories in the prologue), the overall story feels too much like what modern audiences think Conan is supposed to be rather than what the original Conan was all about. Yes, Conan hit bad people and eldritch horrors with his sword, but there was usually plenty more going on than just that.

This is just one long series of sequential battles, full of over the top violence and not really much else. No soul, no depth and for me very little fun. Apart from his Pict companion Brissa (who is the star here really), none of the characters are notable and the “big bad” is largely glossed over. Even Conan himself is fairly dull here.
Contrast it to a classic Howard story and you can see the difference.

If you want a brutal, dark and visceral version of Conan and nothing else, this does that very well. If you want something a bit more fun and well rounded, maybe skip this round.
… (altro)
KevDS | 1 altra recensione | Feb 25, 2024 |
Rick and Morty visit the Lovecraft mythos and encounter many strange things out of H.P.s tales.

A fun romp.
cwebb | Feb 12, 2024 |


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