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Anne Zoelle

Autore di The Awakening of Ren Crown

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I read this... I loved it... is there more to say?? Yes. Do you NEED to know more??... Probably not but I'll tell it anyway :-)

This book deftly sets the stage for what I believe will be one hell of a freaking good series. It sneakily devoured hours of my time which happens to be, for me at least,, one of the signs of a great read. It is a wiley little find too because, right now, it's free for Kindle Unlimited subscribers. I was sucked into this book from the very first chapter and later I found myself unceremoniously and very much against my wishes, spit out at the very end bleary-eyed, missing hours, totally out of sorts, hooked and fiending for more. Fun times huh???

Well, the safe answer to that scenario is usually NO BUT I am happy to report that no one was harmed in the reading of this book... well I wasn't that is. Anywho, once I reached the very last page I drastically veered off track, derailing my carefully planned list of what I was to read next, and snatched up the other 4 books in the series. Did I know before I started that I would be completely engrossed... mentally and emotionally effected... blindsided?? Heck no but I am sure glad I was. To me it felt more like a sprint rather than a marathon and I couldn't have slowed down to appreciate the view even if I wanted to!

This book has lots to love. It contains a magically kick ass female MC, a unique and varied chast of characters, highly imaginative world building and writing that will have you fully immersed. The female protagonist Florence, aka Ren, is formidable but is totally unaware of just how so. She is resourceful, has immense raw innate power and she is not afraid to explore this new world. She unabashedly flexes her burgeoning magical abilities with flare. She learns quickly and is a most adept student... a highly effective combination. She is strong willed, clever, talented, determined and decidedly morally grey... just how I like them. There are 5 extremely dynamic characters that form a support network for our resident bad ass, Ren. Her Crew?? Team? Pack? What have you... each contributes an exclusive piece to this cohesive group and each are essential players in the grand scheme of things.

Then there are the technical aspects. The writing is solid. The dialogue is excellent. It is organic, flows naturally and feels real. The character development is superb. Each character is unique in his/her own right but together they are a formidable group. I adore each of the main 5 + Ren... a rare occurrence for me. I usually find fault, or become vexed to the point of... skimming...


I'm usually repulsed by at least one of the main cast's irritating traits/dumb decision making/ flat-out stupidity BUT that wasn't the case here. I won't regale you with descriptions of each character we meet but I will say this... not only is there a beautiful bond of friendship blossoming between the supporting characters... there is also a couple I wholeheartedly ship... a couple that is so far from being a thing right now that it seems like a near impossibility. These two would be paramores are in the "just barely friends" category at the moment, mainly because Ren is totally immune and uninterested in this aloof guy that oozes charm and sexual prowess YET I can't help but root for them. This is yet another curiosity because I am usually 100% repelled by the ultra sexy, filthy rich, nonchalant, devil may care, player type. BUT there's something about Constantine. He is a bad boy who is knee deep in swooning girls and couldn't care less. He is a menace to society and is also a well known troublemaker YET he is more interesting than he has any right to be, he's extremely intelligent, a tad dastardly, charming and gorgeous... just like any yummy heartbreaker should be!

I loved it, breathed it, lived it! This book is an excellent introduction to these dynamic characters, in this unique/highly imaginative world with its multi layers and overtly creative cast. Doesn't that sound like fun?? Try this Magically Realistic Fantasy... it'll be worth the hours you get lost in its pages!

~ Enjoy
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BethYacoub | 1 altra recensione | Dec 7, 2020 |
Book 2... much more revealed... twice the awesomeness!

This, the second book of the Ren Crown series, is everything I hoped for. Originally I was afraid it might suffer from the dreaded Lax of the Second Book syndrome BUT I am ecstatic to report that I worried for nothing, it was brilliant!

The characters are just as robust as ever. When Ren adopts you into her circle she'll do whatever it takes to make sure you're safe and happy. Olivia and Rens' friendship is blossoming into such a complicated, beautiful thing that they may end up near the top of my Favorite Female Friendships list of all time.... talk about a slowly percolating/hard won but decidedly worth it relationship! I love almost all of the characters but Olivia is simply (reluctantly) amazing. Oh, and that ship I mentioned in my last review?? Well, I happen to love them together even more now! You'll see... Con + Ren = Swoon.

The world development, on the other hand, is as steady as can be. It did not drop off in any way, it's as creative and imaginative as always.

Now onto the writing. The writing is solid, not flowery or verbose and that ending??? Well let's just say that that ending is 100% not boring.... in fact it is most certainly a briskly paced, character defining, crazy revelations revealing page turner. Queue betrayl and shocking realizations.

I loved this book just as much, if not a bit more, than I loved book #1 and that's saying a lot. Go ahead, pick this series up and treat yourself... you deserve it!

~ Enjoy
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BethYacoub | 1 altra recensione | Dec 7, 2020 |
WoW, now THAT'S how you keep things interesting!! This is the third book in the series and things are getting heated... heated and complicated. Since the series is steadily picking up steam you might feel like jumping right into the thick of it BUT this one is definitely a series that needs to be read in order or else you'll be lost!

Anyway, here are some quick thoughts on this hidden gem. I'll keep it brief because it's good... really good and I don't want to ruin any of it for you.

In this installment you, once again, are (not so) gently reminded about Ren Crown's proficiency in acquiring and keeping all sorts of interesting friendships plus her loyalty and devotion to (almost) everyone/every "thing" (ahem... rock guards, origami creatures, a carnivorous vine plant etc...). The interrelationships at play in this book are stronger, more complex and viscerally tangible. The writing is on point. There are worlds of wonder... worlds you'll be completely immersed in and vivid backdrops with deep, robust characters who you'll instantly connect with and either adore or abhor as if on cue. The world developement is masterful and the characters... oh the characters... the characters are deliciously sublime, so much so that I often find myself wondering what's going on in their world whenever I step away from the book. Then there's more of the delinquent's club... YAY!! They are pure deviant awesomeness... there's more Ren/Olivia bonding (which is amazing)... more Dare steamy-ness with a hint of dangerously questionable intentions... and last but never ever least in any way...

There is more Ren & Constantine (which I drool over)!!! There, I said it and meant it... the rapor between Ren and Constantine is beautifully torturous... it's the bitter sweetness of a looong drawn out, slowly percolating, definitely possible (in my love struck eyes) romance...that'll have you anticipating the next book even more, even if it's just to see what's in store for them next.


I adore this book, this series and now this author! I want to climb to the top of a modestly high hill (I'm in Quarantine shape so cardio isn't my thing right now) and scream into the Ether for all to know... "I LOVE THIS SERIES!!".

Will The Rise of Ren Crown impact you so much that your World will be irreparably changed?? The short answer is no BUT it will surely stick in your uniquely beautiful noggin, expanding your views on what's possible... which is fascinating and wonderous in and of itself. I am enamored with the uniquely imaginative, gorgeous mind that is Anne Zoelle and I am here for her and all of her brain babies. I might be gushing but I mean every word, my fervor is real

My personal TBR pile is teetering, threatening to crush me under its weight and at the tippy top... along with an embarrassingly large number of ARCs I have yet to read and review... stands a series that I can not help but inhale, back to back... one after another only interrupted by a miniscule amount of sleep and a paltry amount of sustenance consumption. Every single time I finish the current read I find myself fiending to know what happens next.... what are those wiley characters up to? I KNOW I should be more responsible and take care of those ARCs but I can't help myself, I adore these books and life's too short, if you find something you really enjoy READ IT!!

So those are my final thoughts on the matter. I endorse this series 100% now pardon me while I shoot on over to book #4 post haste.

~ Enjoy
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BethYacoub | 1 altra recensione | Dec 7, 2020 |
Well slap my butt and call me Charlie, this was excellent... okay, admittedly I am shite with coming up with creative idioms but know what I'm pretty good at?? Gushing over books. And let me tell you, this book is worth the gush.

This is the 4th book in the Ren Crown series and I'll keep things brief for Discretion's sake. This book is another great addition to the series that swept me up and has yet to let me go. It is the perfect accompaniment to the three books prior. It delivers drama, angst, perseverance amidst seemingly insurmountable odds, creepy villians, inspiring friendships, an unfortunate love triangle and MAGIC... loads of Magic! Even though this one is a tad slower paced than its predecessors, it in no way detracts from the overall splendor. The writing is still tight, the world developement is masterful and the characters are surprisingly relateable for such a fantastical book. AND that ending... WOW!!! It was packed to the rafters with action, emotion, betrayl, realization, coming of age or into one's abilities and yes there may have been a few... okay a tsunami of tears that I successfully shielded my ereader from... yay! All this emotion brimming to capacity in the wee hours before dawn is a lot for this girl to handle sans coffee BUT I am not so sleep deprived that I can not find my way over to book #5, the final installment to an amazing series!! Who needs sleep when you have an addictive literary distraction waiting one click away?

This series is so damn delicious that I'd give up a lot just to be able to sojourn amongst these characters in this world at will or whim.

I have laughed, cried and constantly dreaded its ever nearing conclusion. BUT alas, All Good Things and such. There are answers I NEED... not the least of which being "Which boy does Ren choose to sweep off his feet and magic off into the sunset with her?" "What's in store for the Bandits?" And of course "How does Stavros get his comeuppance?" Guess I'll find out soon enough.

The Destiny of Ren Crown... ready or not, here I come.

~ Enjoy
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BethYacoub | Dec 7, 2020 |


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