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16+ opere 194 membri 34 recensioni 1 preferito


Darling by Mercedes M. Yardley brings to you story of a town, Darling. A small town with a history is definitely going to captivate you. Although, the plot took a long time to reach somewhere, still it did not lose its charisma. Cherry, a caring mother is running from her abusive husband, lands in her hometown as she has no other place to go. And, after that the plot takes many twists and turns but you need to be patient to enjoy this. The only thing I could not understand was Cherry's character. She is a caring mother, no doubt, but her relations with every other man in the town was totally a no from me. The climax was a bit different.

Definitely 4 stars from me. Thanks to Netgalley for providing me with an opportunity to read and review the book.
Sucharita1986 | Apr 28, 2023 |
Another fantastic Crystal Lake Publishing anthology! This collection of dark fiction short stories is in the same vein as Gutted. All of the tales within have either beautiful writing, an interesting twist, or something to say about our shared humanity - many of the stories contain all three. Every story is well-written, and a few are quite creepy and/or disturbing. My only single complaint is that a few stories pile on the emotional descriptions a little too heavily for my tastes. I'd rather have one effective gut-punch sentence than several pages to describe someone's pain. However, I also see this as a generational thing. I think it is the younger authors that tend toward the emotional overload, which I believe reflects the times we live in, in which everything has to be exaggerated in order to even be noticed. In horror, it's the modern version of overdosing on gothic melancholia, and in that light I respect it. Either way, this book in totality was an extreme pleasure to read. Highly recommended for anyone who digs the dark side of poetic prose.
JosephVanBuren | May 17, 2022 |
For a novella, this little book packs a punch.

Happy Marie becomes Grim Marie when her daughter Aleta is forced to face things a child should never have to face. Then Grim Marie becomes something far worse than Grim. I don't blame her one bit. You won't either.

Twists and turns lead you down and you won't be turning back. Neither could Marie.

Highly Recommended for fans of dark fiction and revenge tales! (Though this story is WAY more than your average everyday revenge tale.) Bravo!
Charrlygirl | 1 altra recensione | Mar 22, 2020 |
4.5 Stars!

A ghost named Blank with Xs for eyes, and a ghost named Shultz-these are the only friends of Detritus; and they both know the "Opposite" is coming. What a strange, sad and surreal story this was. I'm not quite sure what to make of it, other than that I loved it.

Detritus is a young man who has nothing in life, not even a nice first name. With a meth head for a "mother", (which, believe me is using the term loosely), and whoever her boyfriend is for the week, Det's life in the trailer is barely tolerable. It's really no wonder that he has ghosts for friends.

But time with his spectral buddies is limited because they all know/feel that the Opposite is coming and he's coming for Det. For everything lovely in Det's life the Opposite chalks up something horrible in his life. It's some kind of insane world balance. But the Opposite NEEDS Det, or at least he believes he does, and this is where the story lives.

I want to mention the use of language, it was often just gorgeous. I loved this passage when Det was telling Blank how he felt about her:

"He told her he had a hole in his heart just her size. He told her all those things lonely people long to hear, and they were scented lavender words."

Doesn't that pull on something inside you? It does for me.

I loved this novella, somber and dark though it was, and I urge you to try it out for yourself. It's a surreal, shadowy little treat and even though you might have questions, I bet you'll enjoy it just the same. Sometimes it's best to leave some things to the imagination.

Highly recommended! Buy your copy here:

*I was provided a free e-copy of this novella in exchange for my honest review. This is it. In addition, I do *know* John Boden, (on-line only), and consider him to be a friend. This has not affected the outcome of this review.*
Charrlygirl | 1 altra recensione | Mar 22, 2020 |
Darker than pitch and beautiful as hell. I cannot honestly ever recall reading something quite like this before; a captivity drama that spirals into a murder-spree love story between and infernal man and bewitched woman. Two fragmented hearts and souls pieced together to make something too terrible and too wonderful for this world to bear. An exquisite fairy-tale blend of beauty and horror
michaeladams1979 | 3 altre recensioni | Oct 11, 2018 |
Haunting, dreamlike tale of a high-schooler named Detritus (called Det) who sees ghosts. One is a boy who dresses like a Nazi, who he calls Schultz, and the other is a girl with X's over her eyes, named Blank. These are his best friends in an otherwise cruel, uncaring world. As his relationship with these listless spirits deepens we become aware of something coming for him; an evil twin, a Jungian shadow, a demonic entity called The Opposite. Det's struggle with this creature may very well have existential implications for the entire world of both the living and the dead. I especially enjoyed the prose of this story; it has a subtle poetry to it; skillfully knowing when to be graceful and subtle, and when to be dark and bleak. In that way it reads like the best kind of fairy-tale or ghost story. Highly recommended.
michaeladams1979 | 1 altra recensione | Oct 11, 2018 |
This book is so different from what I typically read I am having a hard time rating and reviewing it justly. I found it very intriguing from the start, it has a lyrical, almost fairy-tale-esque quality to the prose, though there are no true supernatural elements to it. As the story developed and the cast and setting that would persist through the rest of the story became settled, I lost a little interest, some of the boundless scope and energy it had was lost by constraining it to more mundane situations, but by the ending, and after reflecting on it a little I think I really liked this book quite a bit. It is definitely a tale of murder and whimsy, as the subtitle suggests. I think readers of modern fantasy, slightly off-kilter romance, and dark humor would find a lot of things to like about it too.
michaeladams1979 | 1 altra recensione | Oct 11, 2018 |
Small, but charming, collection of micro-fictions and prose pieces from two talented authors. Several pieces begin telling short stories I would have happily read more of, and many have an eloquent and poetic quality to them that is quite lovely to behold.
michaeladams1979 | Oct 11, 2018 |
Apocalyptic Montessa and Nuclear Lulu is a tale about two crazy kids in love that reminds me of Natural Born Killers. It’s not exactly a conventional relationship since Lulu kidnaps Montessa with the intention of killing her. But all relationships must start somewhere. The story mostly takes place in a truck, which Lulu drives as part of his job. Montessa is a stripper involved in an abusive relationship with the worlds biggest a***ole, so in comparison to that creep, a serial killer truck driver isn’t so bad.

What most impressed me about this story was the quality of the writing. It’s hard to describe, but the writing had an almost lyrical quality to it. The flow of the sentences, the language being used, the way it’s all put together, is done in such a way that evokes the right atmosphere for this story. The author hit all of the right notes in putting this story together. As a fellow writer, I can appreciate the skill level seen in the writing, and found it to be an enjoyable read.

You might have a hard time getting over the fact that a woman would be willing to have a romantic relationship with a person who kidnapped her and wants to kill her. I know that I did. So, there needs to be a certain level of suspension of disbelief that has to be applied in order to get into the story. But if you can get past that, there is a lot to like inside of the pages. I would suggest giving it a read. You won’t regret it.

Carl Alves - author of Battle of the Soul
Carl_Alves | 3 altre recensioni | Sep 22, 2018 |
Apocalyptic Montessa and Nuclear Lulu is a tale about two crazy kids in love that reminds me of Natural Born Killers. It’s not exactly a conventional relationship since Lulu kidnaps Montessa with the intention of killing her. But all relationships must start somewhere. The story mostly takes place in a truck, which Lulu drives as part of his job. Montessa is a stripper involved in an abusive relationship with the worlds biggest a***ole, so in comparison to that creep, a serial killer truck driver isn’t so bad.

What most impressed me about this story was the quality of the writing. It’s hard to describe, but the writing had an almost lyrical quality to it. The flow of the sentences, the language being used, the way it’s all put together, is done in such a way that evokes the right atmosphere for this story. The author hit all of the right notes in putting this story together. As a fellow writer, I can appreciate the skill level seen in the writing, and found it to be an enjoyable read.

Carl Alves - author of Battle of the Soul
Carl_Alves | 3 altre recensioni | Sep 5, 2018 |
REVIEWED: Beautiful Sorrows
WRITTEN BY: Mercedes M. Yardley
PUBLISHED: September, 2012

The title of this collection of short stories really sums up the emotional voice of the author and her writing; beautiful and filled with sorrow. There is happiness, too, a sense of joy in her writing, even in the tales that speak of darkest tragedy. There is pride, and intrigue, and horror as well, but beauty and sorrow seem to play out the most, like yin & yang qualities balancing off each other. The stories range in length from merely a few sentences up to the low-side of a novelette, but each is thoughtful and well-written, with a whimsical fairy-tale quality tying them together. Be sure to read the introduction as well, by P. Gardner Goldsmith, perhaps one of the most touching and astute as I've ever come across.

Five out of Five stars
Eric_J._Guignard | 15 altre recensioni | Jul 26, 2018 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
Collection of melancholoy short stories and flash fiction that high light the disconcerting horror of everyday life.
bookwyrmm | 15 altre recensioni | Oct 18, 2017 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
Never have I read a blurb so true to its content! Never has the praise been this accurate. Never has had prose such an impact on me. Never have I carried a collection so close to my heart!
NinaCaramelita | 15 altre recensioni | Jul 31, 2017 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
“Beautiful sorrows” compiles 27 stories, most of them quite short (just a few sentences in some cases). The stories are poetic, with a fairy tale quality, and most of them imbued with the sorrow of the very appropriate collection’s title. After reading the first story, I thought this book looked promising, but for some reason, most of the rest of the stories didn’t resonate with me. I’m not a great fan of YA fiction and some of these stories were too YA for my taste, so this might be an explanation for it.
In any case, although this book was not for me, I did enjoy the last and longer story, “Big Man Ben”, which I found quite different from the rest. And, I after reading the rest of reviews in LibraryThing, I’m sure most of the people will enjoy this collection.
cuentosalgernon | 15 altre recensioni | Jul 14, 2017 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
This book was just not for me. There's nothing wrong with the stories: they are beautifully written with a kind of ethereal quality that lures you into some fantastic fairytale domain. But I just couldn't get into it and always waited for some 'wow' effect that never came - at least for me. Also, the stories seemed repetitive and started to blur into another, which felt like reading the same story over and over again, only with slight variations. What may be fine with other readers only intensified my discomfort.

While I myself did not like the book much, I understand that there are many readers out there who will love this collection. So if you think this may be your kind of book don't let my personal disappointment with it discourage you from finding out for yourself - each to his own.

(Thanks to Netgalley, the author, and the publisher for a copy of the book, all opinions are my own)
misspider | 15 altre recensioni | Jun 12, 2017 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
Each story in this compilation packs a punch. The stories are lovely, poignant, upsetting, and a whole range of emotions conveyed in so few words. What a beautiful collection.

Summary: Highly recommended for readers who enjoy a little disquieting horror in their beautiful fantasy worlds, where things do not always go as planned.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book in via the LibraryThing Early Reviewer program in exchange for a fair review.
SukiSu | 15 altre recensioni | Jun 10, 2017 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
Each and every story was exactly as the title stated-beautiful and sorrowful. I found myself feeling melancholy but wanting more of this beautiful book. What amazed me the most was the extremely short stories that consisted of a sentence or more. These seemed to make me feel even more because all I got was a single sentence. My favorite of these was broken - "“The dried twigs cracking under her feet broke exactly like the small bones of children. She wished she didn’t know that." I thought about those two sentences for days! The author is truly a master of making people feel things and somehow feel connected to the story. This is a book that everyone should read and/or add to their short story collection.
sophiemanic | 15 altre recensioni | Jun 6, 2017 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
This book was very beautiful. The writing was wonderful.

27 sad, happy, magical stories. There is so much substance in every story. It’s impossible to read them all at one sitting. I had to stop and ponder every once in a while.

My personal favorite of these stories was Untied.
Helsky | 15 altre recensioni | May 24, 2017 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
I received an Early Reviewers copy of Beautiful Sorrows from LibraryThing. It is a beautifully written collection of some very dark and disturbing stories. I had to wait a bit between some of them to try to process what happened. I’m still confused about the Marys, horrified by Andros, and heartbroken over Samson’s star. The story that touched me the most was “She called him Sky.” If you like dark and disturbing, I highly recommend Beautiful Sorrows.
mtlkch | 15 altre recensioni | May 19, 2017 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
Beautiful Sorrows by Mercedes M. Yardley is a collection of short fiction. The pieces vary in topic and tone, with a light dark vibe overall (some more horror than others). I have not previously (to my knowledge) read anything by this author.

I enjoyed the pieces that played with a bit of humor more, including "Axes" and "Untied." Some of the stories have very dark outcomes, like "Luna E Volk" and many are just unclear enough to leave pieces or even the ending to the imagination of the reader. Readers looking for a more lighthearted piece would likely enjoy "The Boy Who Hangs The Stars" or "A Place Shielded from Horrors." If you want to feel a little sad, read "The Container of Sorrows" or "Pixies Don't Get Names."

Overall I enjoyed this collection; while some stories did not resonate with me (especially the shortest) the author seemed to cover enough ground that the rest of the stories made up for it. In addition, the short explanation behind each story at the end was interesting, although some of the explanations were just as short and unclear as the stories.
paigeedd | 15 altre recensioni | May 10, 2017 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
I received a copy of Beautiful Sorrow through LibraryThing Early Reviewers.
This compilation of short stories is very conceptual and emotional. Don't expect a straighfoward read. This dark and beautiful prose is more of a dream sequence than a narration.

I especially enjoyed 'Wings' and 'Stars' which contain love and loss, and enjoying others.

Yardley gives her thoughts on each story at the end, which I enjoyed immensely. Glad I was able to read this. Would recommend for any teen or adult.
chutchi | 15 altre recensioni | May 9, 2017 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
Compilation of beautifully haunting short and brief stories and tales. Impressive narrative and exceptional to read.
Each story seems to be magically engaging and full of unexpected surprises.
Each storyline extracting a different emotion from the reader. Whilst ‘Black Mary’ sent me chills, ‘Pixies Don’t Get Names’ gave me a feeling of endearment. Whilst ‘The Boy Who Hangs The Stars’ is a complete fairytale delight, ‘The ABC’s Of Murder’ troubled me.

Mercedes M. Yardley’s writing is almost non-sensical and whimsical but charming and touching all at the same time taking the reader on an emotive journey throughout.
The title is certainly apt as each story is precisely that, a ‘beautiful sorrow’.

Well worth reading and well beyond the 5 stars given!
Lin_K | 15 altre recensioni | May 9, 2017 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
Review copy

I've been hearing great things about this book for some time and with the new release from the fine folks over at Apex Books, I decided to see what all the fuss was about.

First of all, kudos to Yannick Bouchard for an absolutely wonderful cover for Beautiful Sorrows. Then there's the glowing introduction by P. Gardner Goldsmith comparing Mercedes' writing to the sirens in Greek mythology. Can the book possibly live up to all the hype? Well, I'm happy to say it does.

The contents in this book have all been published elsewhere, but are collected here for the first time and run the gamut from flash fiction to longer pieces all giving you glimpses into the heart and soul of Mercedes M. Yardley. At the end of the book, Mercedes graciously provides insights into each of her stories and many of these are as entertaining as the stories themselves.

Some of the highlights for me include "Black Mary", a haunting story of child molestation. Horrible by nature, but beautifully told.

The opening line of "The Boy Who Hangs the Stars" was particularly beautiful...

"Once there was a girl who was sitting by the river. She liked to watch the water, and listen to what it had to say. Usually it was nonsense, but every now and then it came up with something important."
This was one of my favorite stories and had a fable-like feel to it.

Then there's "Untied" an unlikely tale of a suicidal man and the woman inside the window he's threatening to jump from.

Another story with a suicidal theme was "Music To Jump By". I'm generally not a fan of stories without an ending, but damn if this wasn't a perfect tale.

Mercedes M. Yardley's tales are small slices of life with pieces of the souls around us. Although I enjoyed the many melancholy stories in Beautiful Sorrows, I loved the comedic horror in "Axes". Can you imagine death as your roommate? Imaginative, funny, and totally entertaining. Followed immediately by "The Quiet Places where Your Body Grows." One minute she's making you laugh and the next she's tearing your heart out. And that's a good thing.

And then there's "Stars," a wonderfully fanciful story. It's the little things that make a Mercedes story work for me. Like the dog who's name changed weekly. I can relate. My wife and I have two dogs, one I would never consider changing her name and the other I try to change every few weeks, but my wife won't let me.

I can't leave without mentioning "Big Man Ben" another of my favorites, the longest story in the collection and one that just left me devastated.

Expect the unexpected in these stories, many of the tales are downright inexplicable. Recommended.

Beautiful Sorrows is available from the Apex book company in both paperback and e-book formats.

From the author's bio - Mercedes has three kids, a husband and no time to write, although she tries her very best. She is the author of the short story collection Beautiful Sorrows, the “serial killers in love” novella Apocalyptic Montessa and Nuclear Lulu: A Tale of Atomic Love, the BONE ANGEL trilogy, Pretty Little Dead Girls: A Novel of Murder and Whimsy, and the Bram Stoker Award winner Little Dead Red. She specializes in the dark and beautiful.
FrankErrington | 15 altre recensioni | May 8, 2017 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
I received a copy of Beautiful Sorrow through LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

I don't often read short story collections and when I do I tend to read them one story at a time in-between reading other books, but in this case, I was so captivated by the individual stories that I read them one after the other. They were all enjoyable but my favourite has to be The Boy Who Hung the Stars.

Beautiful Sorrows is the first of Mercedes M. Yardley that I have read and I have to say her writing is truly beautiful. It has a wonderful peculiar and ethereal quality to it. In fact, many words came to mind while reading: poetic, haunting, mystical, melancholy, surreal, to name a few. Her style truly is unique. I've never read anything quite like it before. Not only were her stories beautiful but they were also heartbreaking, chilling, and dark, all at the same time.

Reading Beautiful Sorrows was like experiencing the wonder and beauty of fairytales for the first time as a child, but in grown up form.
Scarlet-Aingeal | 15 altre recensioni | May 7, 2017 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
I wish I could give this book more stars. I am in love with the stories, they call to my soul. Dark, sad, keep you thinking long after you have read them. I was asked to review by , and could not be happier. So worth reading.
richmonddl1 | 15 altre recensioni | May 1, 2017 |