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Jen Wylie

Autore di Broken Aro

19 opere 227 membri 14 recensioni 1 preferito


Opere di Jen Wylie

Broken Aro (2012) 69 copie
Broken Prince (2013) 28 copie
Flashy Fiction and Other Insane Tales (Volume 1) (2012) — Autore; Autore — 27 copie
Sweet Light (2011) 14 copie
Ring Around the Rosie (2012) 14 copie
Broken Promise (2014) 9 copie
Flashy Fiction and Other Insane Tales 2 (2012) — Autore; Autore — 8 copie
Banished (2011) 7 copie
Jump (2010) 4 copie
Fire Girl (2011) 4 copie
Dragon Rising (2012) 3 copie
Sanctuary (2012) 3 copie
The Forgotten Echo (2011) 3 copie
Shadow Boy (2011) 3 copie
Broken Kei 3 copie
The Lost Tree (2011) 2 copie
The Untouchable Echo (2012) 1 copia


Informazioni generali

Nazione (per mappa)
Luogo di nascita
Ontario, Canada



Have you ever read a book that you both enjoyed and hated nearly simultaneously? Well, this is that book. Throughout Broken Aro, I was enraged with the main character, Aro, for being a huge contradiction and a pain in the ass, and happy with how things turned out with her. What do I mean by that?

Aro, up until about 70% in, seemed to be a blubbering mess, who, at first, seemed to have her head on straight for a 15 year old seeing as she knew how to fight and use weapons due to growing up around men. Turns out that just because you know how to fight... (more via website)… (altro)
VesperDreams | 3 altre recensioni | May 20, 2018 |
Other than needing some serious editing, I really enjoyed this book. Definitely starting the second book, Broken Prince, tonight!
benandhil | 3 altre recensioni | Sep 28, 2016 |
Broken Prince is the second book in The Broken Ones Series by Jen Wylie. I felt I needed to read book one, Broken Aro, before I could give an thorough review, and I am sure glad I did. Without the first book of the series I would have found myself frequently scratching my head.

I love to read a book series one right after the other as I am impatient while waiting for the next book to be released in a series that I love. Broken Prince proved to be no exception, but once again, it ended too soon.

Broken Prince is full of great action and adventure as Arowyn and the survivors travel from each new encounter to the next. Their quest to get Prince back to his homeland takes this group from brushes with new magical creatures and from good to evil, but each engagement adds to the depth and development of this story.

Jen Wylie is a n incredibly talented writer and Broken Prince is a pearl of a novel! I don't wish to provide any spoilers, but Broken Prince will have you running a broad spectrum of emotions, including impatience for more!

Bravo Jen Wylie! Broken Prince is bound to be a New Adult and Fantasy bestseller.
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roomwithbooks | 1 altra recensione | Aug 31, 2015 |
I don't remember last times I had such mixed feelings on a novel as much I had reading Broken Aro. I loved and hated it at the same time.

I don't know what to feel right now. I really liked the scene setting but I think that Wylie herself didn't really know her end goal for presenting Aro. She was either presented a child, or a woman, with no golden middle,that one key element that was missing. Transition.


Aro is fifteen. Not five. At the beginning she is described as the youngest in a big family, a military family no less. She knows knives, takes care of herself and has a general awareness of the world around her. She seems sharp and savvy, aware of her age, aware of the current situation that she finds herself in, and has a certain innocence of leading a sheltered life. Her naivete stems from her belief in general goodness, as she was raised in a caring home, rather than ignorance. I liked her from the start.

Than sadly, all that changed. Her town was burned by slavers and she taken hostage with a group of other people. Her brothers hacked her hair off in an effort to disguise her, and it worked. She's stuck in a cargo hold with a bunch of other men, including a Prince and a Fey. Originally I get that a small group of people would like to help her and stand up for her, and keep her secret for obvious reasons.

The ship winds up in a massive storm and some of them get a chance of escape. Aro winds up with the Prince on the beach surviving and looking for anybody else that might have survived. From this point onward Aro becomes annoying. She does nothing but bitch and moan all the time. And cry. She cries a lot, about everything.

She spends her time being angry at people thinking she's a girl and useless, and fights their opinion by being a useless girl. She doesn't ever do anything but gets herself in situation from witch she needs to be rescued sometimes multiple times a day. I shit you not – she can't even take a piss without getting herself up shit's creek. Then she rages because guys have rescued her, and she's not some 'weak lady'. Five minutes later she gets all gushy about the Prince and the Fey - guys that are obviously into her, saying to each in turn how they are unique and special and how she needs them to protect her so she can feel safe.

There is an alarming amount of sexual tension present, but Aro only acknowledges such urges exist when someone is intent on raping her. When she is with her adoring fans she pretends not to notice. Because she's all innocent and shit. She is sometimes so loudly unaware of inappropriate situations and the Prince calls her child at times. Honestly it managed to kind of disgust me at moments. That's how good Wylie portrayed the child bit.

I am over heroines that talk out of their ass and fail to deliver. Aro is one of them. For all her talk, she was a weakling that survived only on other people's competence, and I am still trying to figure out why that is, because she was such an annoying cow at times. I am actually amazed that somebody didn't just club her over the head and left her in the forest somewhere. She was selfish and pointless at the end of it. Somehow one entire group of people in a very bad situation managed to put her wellbeing in front of their own survival because of nothing more than her being a girl. I truly detest heroines like that. Grow a spine for fuck's sake.

The world building showed such amazing promise. Wylie did a good job in avoiding certain cliches and not disclosing too much of information at once. Weird thing is I am still interested in what happens, but to find out I will have to put up with Aro. And Lord himself knows, that's asking a lot.
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IvieHill | 3 altre recensioni | Aug 6, 2015 |

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