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Beth WisemanRecensioni

Autore di Plain Perfect

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If you are looking for a quick read that is based on a true story then look no farther as this one is the perfect choice. The facts are interwoven with fiction flawlessly and has you turning pages quickly. I was fascinated to read of an Amish woman who was a veterinarian. I loved that my favorite matchmakers Lizzie and Esther make an appearance at the Peony Inn as they always make me smile. I found the story original and loved how a hurt dog is used to bring two people together. Inspiring and heartwarming this one leaves you feeling warm and fuzzy inside. Besides who can resist the adorable cover and the Amish recipes included.
I received a complimentary copy from the author. The honest review and opinions are my own and were not required.
Lucy_M_Reynolds | May 20, 2024 |
Reread: I stand by my original thoughts.

First Read:
Genre: Christian fiction, Amish fiction
Age: adult (but appropriate for younger)
Series/Standalone: series but can be read as a standalone
Content: Death of parent, kissing

Middle school me would have absolutely adored this book. Yes, they didn’t make the brightest decisions at time but they are also 16 years old. Some parts were slightly preachy.

Rating: 4/5 Stars
libraryofemma | 8 altre recensioni | Apr 18, 2024 |
This was a good story. I started listening to the audiobook and didn't stop until I finished it.
Brianna was a piece of work, let me tell you. That said, I am glad her story ended as it did.
Note on the audiobook: There were many editing errors with sentences being repeated twice in a row. One more listen-through before release could have improved it greatly.

4 Stars

Content: domestic violence, gunshot wounds, stalking, kissing (fyi, Brianna tries her best to seduce Jake)
libraryofemma | 7 altre recensioni | Apr 18, 2024 |
The Amish matchmakers Lizzie and Esther now have their own story! Readers of the Amish Bookstore novels me these two ladies in cameo appearances, but this book is all about them. When retired widower/dentist Ben moves into the cottage owned by the ladies, he captures the hearts of both of the widows. Lizzie is a fireball of energy and emotion, while Esther is the more controlled and conservative of the two senior citizen sisters.

The story also features a love conflict between Ben's granddaughter Mindy and her Amish beau Gabriel. Will they follow their hearts, or will they suffer broken hearts, since Amish and Englisch do not often make a match.

I appreciated and enjoyed the romance between the older adults as well as the younger ones. The best part of the story is the unconditional love demonstrated by the sisters. This story alternately made me laugh and cry, with the antics of both sisters in contrast to each other. Serious topics of health scares, cultural differences, and relationships are included, and I worried about the possible endings. I am looking forward to another book with Esther as the recipient of romance.

While this book features characters from another series, it can be read as a standalone novel.

I received this novel from the publisher and from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The opinions here are entirely my own.
LadyoftheLodge | 3 altre recensioni | Jan 22, 2024 |
A fantastic book! It's got a bit of suspense mixed with a romance! I love the setting and the story! The characters are all fantastic! Abraham is my favorite! He's an all around great guy! A definite must read!
Sassyjd32 | 7 altre recensioni | Dec 22, 2023 |
A charming Amish stor about a priceless book, the path to salvation and love.
Yvonne goes to a small bookstore in Indiana trying to buy a rare book for her client. Jake, the owner of the bookstore won't sell the book because he promised his grandfather that he wouldn't. Unfortunately, Yvonne's fiancee passes away leaving her in despair. She turns to the book that Jake had given her and finds peace in God. Jake discovers that he loves Eva and he must profess his love to her.
Sassyjd32 | 5 altre recensioni | Dec 22, 2023 |
Wonderful stories written by great authors! I really enjoyed these books, especially because they interwove with each other.
Fern grows healing herbs and helps out the Amish with minor injuries. Abram is home with his brothers and sister and they get into all kinds of scrapes. Over time Fern and Abram become more than friends.
Hannah runs her parents bed and breakfast. When a kind stranger, Stephen comes to stay, Hannah grows curious about his past. Stephen must forgive himself before he can open his heart to Hannah.
Eve has to go live at her parents house because a tree falls on her home. Eve and her mother have never really gotten along and her mother criticizes the way Eve is raising her children. Eve starts to remember good memories and then she finds out some secrets that her mom has been hiding. They realize that they can truly have a great relationship.
Sassyjd32 | 12 altre recensioni | Dec 22, 2023 |
Delightful collection of short stories written by wonderful authors!
Sassyjd32 | 8 altre recensioni | Dec 22, 2023 |
Rose works for sisters Esther and Lizzie at the Peony Inn. Rose is always cheerful and easygoing but she conceals a troubled past. She meets Benjamin who gently helps her overcome her painful past. Esther finds out that her secret admirer is her crusty neighbor Gus. Gus passes away but not before Esther has the chance to help him find faith. A great read!
Sassyjd32 | 4 altre recensioni | Dec 22, 2023 |
A beautiful story of navigating grief within a family after the loss of a husband and father. Hannah tries to hide her grief from her children but checks out emotionally as her eldest tries to reconcile grief and if it’s worth loving someone in case you lose them. As each hides their true feelings they find it takes a family to openly communicate to find healing. I especially loved the epilogue. The only problem for me is it was to short as I loved the characters enough to want more. A quick read that is enjoyable. You will want to try the recipes included.
I received a complimentary copy from the author/publisher. The honest review and opinions are my own and were not required.
Lucy_M_Reynolds | 1 altra recensione | Nov 6, 2023 |
What a lovely and emotional story the author has written. It is hard to lose a loved one and this Christmas Hannah and her daughters are grieving the lose of her dear husband. They were a very close family and his sudden death really took them by surprise. Hannah wants to be strong for her daughters, so she grieves alone in her bedroom crying long into the night. What she doesn’t realize is her daughters need her right now. They have lost their father and need comfort from their only parent now.

Mae is an exceptional character with such compassion for others. She knows her mother is grieving and it hurts to hear her crying alone. The love her parents shared was suppose to be forever but God had other plans. I enjoyed the relationship between Mae and John. As they spend more time together their feelings for each other grow deeper. Mae is holding back telling John her feelings for him because she is worried that something will happen to him and she will face the grief her mother is right now.

I felt such sadness for Mae as she decides that it would be better to be alone than risk the pain of losing John. She sees how her mother is having such a difficult time and doesn’t want to have the same thing happen to her. This story is a great illustration of letting God heal your broken heart. When we give our hurts to Him, he heals us and shows us that he is a God that will “never leave us nor forsake us.” Mae will take an emotional journey that will show her to trust God and allow her to tell John how she feels.

I loved the story and appreciate how the author takes a difficult subject and shows us that God heals the broken hearted. He restores our faith as He heals our heart. The ending is so beautiful and I especially loved a special gift that was shared. Thank you for writing a story that shares the unconditional love that God has for each of us. He dries our tears and turns sorrow into joy.

I received a copy of this book from the author. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | 1 altra recensione | Nov 1, 2023 |
What a wonderful story with laughs, adventure and a sweet look at romance from young adults to older adults. I was so happy to read about my new friends Esther and Lizzie again. It is not a secret that they love to play matchmaker. The sisters are so different but they have one thing in common. They love the idea of romance and enjoy matching couples together. I loved how we get to see a bit more of their personalities and how much they look out for each other.

When a retired dentist moves in to the cottage near their Bed and Breakfast he causes quite a stir among the sisters. I laughed at one moment in the story when Lizzie thinks that Ben is dead. What she does to see if he is alive is almost like a I Love Lucy moment. The author brings humor to the story as both sisters seem to like Ben . They each are trying to play matchmaker for the other which leads to misunderstandings and a tinge of jealousy. I would love to be their neighbors because they are sweet , caring and full of life.

There is another little romance brewing between Ben’s granddaughter and an Amish young man. How they meet is a series of accidents that find Mindy and Gabriel pushed together. Oh it is so nice to see these young people get acquainted. They are from different backgrounds but that doesn’t stop them from having feelings for each other. It was nice to discover where the author would take the characters as she illustrates the importance of family, faith and love.

Lizzie and Esther have a close bond and are always looking out for each other. Ben does the same for his granddaughter. The family relationships are well defined in the story and I loved how this was used to show that families are to love each other unconditionally. They prefer each other and are an example of how God loves us.

There are some very emotional moments in the book as the author addresses a sensitive subject. My heart began to beat a little faster as I was so worried where the story would go. I loved the journey with these wonderful characters as I laughed and cried throughout the book. It is evident that God played a big part in this story and brought happiness and hope to many. This story will always be my favorite from this author. It touches on finding love again as we become older and to never give hope no matter what doctors say . My review will never give this book the recognition it deserves. I can’t express into words how much this story has touched me. Thank you Beth for giving me peace as I grow older and go through challenges that older people face. I will always remember Lizzy and Esther and their unconditional love for each other. Their hearts to help others find love is humbling and remind me of the scripture, “ No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for a friend.”

I received a copy of this book from the author and publisher. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | 3 altre recensioni | Oct 18, 2023 |
Wowzers! Hilarious and heartwarming. What a hoot of a ride. I have loved these two since they first appeared in previous books as their antics had me rolling with laughter. If you want to brighten your day then spend it with Esther and Lizzie. We are never too old for love and these matchmakers have met their match when they try to match each other with the new tenant of their rental cottage. Throw in Benjamin’s granddaughter and Gabriel a young Amish man as a side story and you will be quickly turning pages to find out a secret that ties everything together. I felt joyous and lighthearted after reading this as the characters are so lovable and the written words envelope you like a cuddly blanket. I found it to be gobsmacking good and even if you are not a fan of Amish Fiction I guarantee you will love this. All I can say it leaves me saying more please. Put this on the top of your must read pile.
I received a complimentary copy from the author/publisher. The honest review and opinions are my own and were not required.
Lucy_M_Reynolds | 3 altre recensioni | Oct 11, 2023 |
I really enjoyed this clean, Amish romance. I checked this out of the local library and I voluntarily chose to review this story. I've given it a 5* rating. Be ready for a hanky, because this has a lot of feels along with some growing up for the couple. A very interesting ending.
NancyLuebke | 8 altre recensioni | Oct 9, 2023 |
I loved being back at the Peony Inn, and with the sister's Lizzie and Esther, and they are back at their matchmaking again, and there is a big surprise here. I was missing Gus, and he has gone to glory, but sure is mentioned, especially by Lizzie!

Enter a man renting Gus's cabin, and he is English but has an Amish name, and also he is good looking, at least in Lizzie and Esther's opinion!

This read does deal with some serious topics, and yet, it is handled with love and kindness! There is also a young couple that we end up caring about, and I loved the journey we take with them!

This is a page turner for answers, and once I had answers I did want more, and now I'm hoping for another book!

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Zondervan, and was not required to give a positive review.
alekee | 3 altre recensioni | Sep 6, 2023 |
Oh how I love butterflies and how they remind me of a new beginning. I love how the author uses them in this story to show how we are all unique and loved by God. When most people meet Janelle for the first time, they are taken aback by her looks. She tends to dress on the dark side with makeup that hides her beauty. I remember a time when I wore dark clothes and makeup as well. I wanted to hide from the world and it seemed easier to fade into the background when I was all dressed up in black. Janelle is the sweetest person ever though and has much to offer. Her quiet nature and insecurity have taken over her life until one day….

Thomas is a young Amish man who seems to be picked on by a group of young teens who don’t like the way he dresses. I wish people were not so judgmental and just accepted each other as they were. What I thought was nice was how Janelle stood up for Thomas and from there a friendship blossomed. Maybe Thomas can help Janelle feel that she can trust others.

This is a beautiful story that shows that scars can be healed and “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” We all have scars whether they can be seen or not. If we allow those hurts to hold us back, we miss out on the beauty that God wants to surround us with. It is time to be free and fly like a butterfly and let the past be the past. I loved how the author talked about bullying and how it affects us. Thomas and Janelle allow their feelings to see past their different life styles and open their eyes to a new beginning.

I received a copy of this book from the author The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | 1 altra recensione | Aug 13, 2023 |
WBCLIB | 4 altre recensioni | Jul 25, 2023 |
What a beautiful, heartwarming story that touched my heart. It may be a small, quick read but it will pull you into Janelle and Thomas lives and leave you breathless. I wish it was longer just because of the sheer beauty of the written words but Ms Wiseman was able to give a complete and satisfying ending. I loved that it was different and captured my attention from the beginning and the inclusion of monarchs made it more special to me, as I love watching them. The author was so descriptive I could envision them in flight. I also was pleased that Amish recipes were included at the end.
I received a complimentary copy from the author. The honest review and opinions were my own and were not required.
Lucy_M_Reynolds | 1 altra recensione | Jul 24, 2023 |
Hopefully Ever After by Beth Wiseman is the third An Amish Bookstore Novel. It can be read as a standalone, but I recommend reading the series in order. It allows you to get the full experience. I thought Hopefully Ever After was well-written with realistic, developed characters. I enjoyed getting to know Eden Hale. She is a special young lady who will touch your heart. The author created wonderful characters for this story. I like that we get to catch up with the characters from The Bookseller’s Promise and The Story of Love. I was glad that we got to spend more time in the bookstore. Eden is fascinated by the idea that coins may be hidden inside the bookshop. Eden meets Samuel Byler who wants to experience the Englisch world and is struggling with his faith. Samuel’s parents are strict. They do not want their children to leave the Amish faith. However, their tight hold may drive Samuel away. I like that we get to see that the Amish struggle with their beliefs as do their Englisch counterparts. We also see that Amish parents are just like Englisch parents. They want to keep their children safe and nearby. We get to see that people make assumptions about a person based on their past and rumors. In order to truly know an individual, you need to spend time with them. A person can change and overcome their past if they remember to keep God at the center of our lives. Hopefully Ever After is a story with hope, faith, forgiveness, redemption, family, and young love. I loved the ending. I am glad we got to spend more time with Yvonne and Abraham (such a sweet couple). Hopefully Ever After is an expressive story with a visiting teen, a restrictive rumspringa, a wayfaring aunt, strict parents, finding forgiveness, and God’s grace.
Kris_Anderson | 8 altre recensioni | Jun 20, 2023 |
This is the third book in the Amish Bookstore series by veteran writer Beth Wiseman, set in Montgomery, Indiana. Eden arrives in Montgomery to live with her cousin for a month. Although she has had a rough life, Eden demonstrates a strong faith in God. She meets Samuel, an Amish teen who has been raised in a strict home setting and is questioning his life in the Amish community and his faith. There is a definite attraction between the two young adults, but difficulties loom on the horizon due to their very different lifestyles.

This is a book about faith in God and overcoming difficulties and hardships. It is a clean and sweet novel without descriptions of adult intimacy or violence, and without swear words. While it is part of a series, it can be read as a standalone novel. Characters from previous books make appearances in this one, so those readers familiar with the series will enjoy reconnecting with familiar characters.

I received this book from the publisher and from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own.
LadyoftheLodge | 8 altre recensioni | May 24, 2023 |
This is book three in An Amish Bookstore series and I was so glad to be back. I love the backdrop story of the bookshop and the mystery of hidden coins there. It is a joy to revisit Abraham, Yvonne, and other characters from the previous books. I’m not a big fan of coming of age stories but I actually found Eden’s and Samuel’s story intriguing and was their biggest cheerleader as I was pulled into their stories. Eden has lived a lifetime of hardships that break my heart and I was so proud of the strength she showed both in her faith and her personal goals. Yvonne was the perfect person to show her love and what a healthy relationship looked like with her example of a marriage where prayer and communication were at the center. This is an Amish book that thinks outside the box and it pulled me in as did the previous books. Ms Wiseman has a knack for capturing your heart and attention with her stories and this one does exactly that. I give this a thumbs up for adding to your TBR pile as soon as possible.
I was blessed to receive a complimentary copy from the author/publisher. The honest review and opinions are my own and were not required.
Lucy_M_Reynolds | 8 altre recensioni | May 3, 2023 |
I bought this book at a used bookstore, only because I like the author's books, I had no idea about the story. It sat on my bookshelf for about a year, then I was surprised at the storyline. The most difficult was to realize it really happened.

Mallory worked for a kidney transplant program in Houston because her best friend had kidney disease and it was getting worse. But she was not an adult, and her parents refused to give consent to donate a kidney to her friend. By the time she was old enough to donate, her tests showed that she was pre-diabetic. Very upset that she could not keep her promise to God and herself to save a life, she became very vulnerable and talked to a doctor at work about the situation.

The doctor, Ismail, was contacted constantly by his father who he had no reason to trust told him that his niece was seriously ill and needed medical treatment. The doctor told Mallory about it and she volunteered to fly to a dangerous part of Pakistan to bring the girl to the United States.

Mallory's boyfriend taught piano and one of his customers who was the aunt of an eleven-year-old boy, wanted the boy to get back his passion for playing the piano but his heart was not in it after both of his parents died tragically. Tate, Mallory's boyfriend was very sweet and kind and of course, shocked when Mallory decided to fly to Pakistan. His student, Verdell, does not have a guardian who will carefully watch out for him and is very neglected. Verdell's aunt drops him off with a suitcase and drives to Oklahoma to be with her boyfriend.

All of the above happened very quickly in the book and the writing of this very intense story is riveting and I felt like I did not want to stop reading. What happens to Mallory was shocking and read the whole book very quickly.

After I divorced I dated a man from Iran who gave a me warning to be very careful and never marry and go to the Middle East as a wife. He told me it was not safe. I wish that the woman who was Mallory in this story ( the woman's real name was not disclosed) would have been able to receive that warning from my friend. It could have prevented her from almost losing her life.

This is a very important story that all women need to read for their safety.
Carolee888 | 10 altre recensioni | May 2, 2023 |
This was an emotional and complex story about two teens from very different backgrounds who meet and discover they have much in common. Sixteen-year-old Eden has come to stay with her Amish cousin, Yvonne, for a month while her guardian, Emma, is away. Eden has had a turbulent life so far. Her mother is a drug addict and is serving a term in prison, she never knew her father, and there isn't much of a connection between herself and Emma. In trying to find her place in the world, Eden made a few mistakes before vowing she would not follow in her mother's footsteps. She hopes this time in Indiana will give her the fresh start she craves. On her first day with Yvonne, she's introduced to Samuel, Yvonne's husband's nephew, who offers to teach her to ride.

Samuel is the sixteen-year-old son of very strict Amish parents. Though he is of the age for his rumspringa or running around, Anna and Leroy keep him under tight control. Samuel is curious about life outside the Amish community and feels trapped without the ability to experience any of it. Complicating matters, those same feelings cause him to question his faith and whether to stay in the community.

There is an immediate connection between Eden and Samuel. They find it easy to talk to each other as Samuel asks questions about her life as an Englischer, and Eden rhapsodizes about how beautiful and peaceful Montgomery is. But Samuel's parents aren't happy with the amount of time he's spending with Eden, worried that she will influence him in the wrong way. They come down quite hard on him, and Samuel reacts by using deception to do as he wants. Eden is initially unaware of his actions and is angry with him when she finds out.

Eden loves her time in Montgomery and getting to know Samuel. It is a relief to know that he likes her for who she is and doesn't judge her for her past mistakes. But Samuel's lies have put her and her cousin in an awkward position. She doesn't understand Samuel's fascination with the outside world when he has such a wonderful family and home life.

I could feel the tension build as Eden and Samuel grew closer. I could see the trouble looming on the horizon and knew it wouldn't be pretty when Anna and Leroy discovered the truth. I hurt for everyone when the confrontation came. Leroy and Anna are angry and hurt at Samuel's deceptions and double down on their need to control his actions. Yvonne and Abraham are caught in the middle and want the best for both teens. Eden is hurt by how his parents blame her when she's done her best to show him that the outside world isn't as great as he thinks. And Samuel wants a chance to experience the same things others do. I liked that Abraham was the voice of reason in the storm and devised a solution to prevent Samuel from running away while giving him the freedom he craved. It was an eye-opening experience for Samuel, and I loved seeing him learn from it. I also liked that his parents also learned a few things.

Eden has some hard lessons to learn, also. Her mother is in prison, and Eden has difficulty forgiving her for what she has been through. When she gets word that her mother is ill, she hardens her heart against her. Samuel sees Eden's conflict and does his best to encourage Eden to speak to her mother before it is too late. In a heartwrenching scene, Eden finally lets go of her hatred and finds the peace she needs.

By the time this is all over, it is time for Eden to return to Texas and her guardian. When Eden receives unexpected news, it opens a realm of possibilities for her future. Will this change her relationship with Samuel? I loved watching Eden figure out what she wanted from her life and go after it. The ending was fantastic, as Eden and Samuel found what they sought.

Running through all three books in the series was the mystery of the trove of gold coins supposedly hidden inside the Amish bookstore that Yvonne runs for her friends Jake and Eva. One coin has turned up, but no one has had any luck finding others. After further research, Jake makes a decision about the shop that has unexpected results. There is a saying about counting one's chickens, but everything works out.

scoutmomskf | 8 altre recensioni | Apr 18, 2023 |
What a tug on your emotions this read is! This is the story of a sixteen year old Eden, a young girl who has mostly brought herself up, and seen things she never should had as her Mom abused drugs.

Can you imagine the peace that came over this teenage as she is about to spend a month in Indiana Amish Country, away from the city, she loves the calmness she feels. Then enter a spark of romance, only Samuel is thinking of jumping the fence, or leaving his community and seeing the world.

Wow! These are teenagers, so much on their shoulders, and we wonder how this is all going to turn out! The author gives us family, so important for one who has been lacking it most of her life, young sweet romance, a mystery, and the need for forgiveness,

I loved how the this story all wove together, and I always enjoy an epilogue!

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Zondervan, and was not required to give a positive review.
alekee | 8 altre recensioni | Mar 26, 2023 |