Ed West (disambiguazione)

"Ed West" è composto da almeno 5 autori distinti, divisi in base alle loro opere..

Suddivisione dell'autore

Informazioni generali

Nota di disambiguazione
Ed West (3) - WestEd is a nonprofit research and development agency working at the national, state, and local levels in educational fields in the USA. As a result of the quirks of author name coding on LT 'WestEd' and 'Ed West' are both listed as '/author/wested'

Ed West (1) is a British journalist born in 1978. He is the son of journalists Richard West and Mary Kenny.

Ed West (4) is given alternatively as N E West as editor of this work.

Ed West (5) - I can find no personal information about this author but he is almost certainly distinct from the others here.

I can find no information about Ed West (2) although he is separated from Ed West (1978-) in the LoC catalogue. It is tempting to allocate the remaining two works to him but there is no evidence that he is the author apart from a similarity in style.