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Pitch Black: Overall, a wonderful story and experience. Well acted. Great cinematography and computer graphics (CGI). Lighting was interesting and well done with the setting in a different world. One notable weakness was when the characters stopped for overdramatic pauses, when they needed to be on the move.— Rebecca½
pandr65 | 1 altra recensione | Feb 29, 2024 |
Overall, a wonderful story and experience. Well acted. Great cinematography and computer graphics (CGI). Lighting was interesting and well done with the setting in a different world. One notable weakness was when the characters stopped for overdramatic pauses, when they needed to be on the move.
— Rebecca½
pandr65 | 2 altre recensioni | Feb 26, 2024 |
Det er virkelig en dårlig film!
kaatmann | Jan 5, 2020 |
I do like Riddick but this felt like a training montage with gratuitous nakedness (really, that scene needed her naked?) and much violence. It was somewhat science fiction but could easily have been fantasy.

Riddick is betrayed and left for dead on a planet where he finds a depot with an emergency button. There's still a bounty on him (doubled if he's dead) and when two teams of mercenaries turn up they both have agendas and he will have to battle to get off this planet.

I felt that sometimes it went on too long and a serious edit would have helped. I was also annoyed about the comment during the extras by Katee Sackhoff that she thought her costume wasn't sexy enough and wanted it changed. I would have wanted more armour around Riddick.½
wyvernfriend | 1 altra recensione | Oct 10, 2016 |
Vin Diesel gives an excellent performance as Riddick. Special effects are first rate. Not as good as the first two Riddick movies. Overused the F word. Very violent movie.½
papyri | 1 altra recensione | Sep 12, 2014 |
A very enjoyable series of films. Pitch Black is a scary action adventure science fiction film on par with Alien, keeping you on the edge of your seat waiting for what will happen next. Dark Fury is a special effects delight where the main character, Riddick, saves humanity from a destructive alien invasion.½
papyri | 1 altra recensione | Feb 20, 2011 |
Как прекрасно отправиться в путешествие с любимым человеком, а если этот человек еще и твой муж, то счастье нельзя и вовсе описать. Герои фильма - великолепная пара, все у них отлично, они только что поженились и собираются отправиться в свадебное путешествие на Гавайи. Единственное, что омрачает их поездку, это ужасные новости о том, что на острове куда они планируют поехать орудуют маньяки. Но молодые люди не обращают внимание на эти сообщения и все равно отправляются в путешествие. Очень скоро им придется пожалеть об этом...
В ролях: Крис Хемсворт, Милла Йовович, Тимоти Олифант, Стив Зан, Марли Шелтон, Киле Санчез, Дейл Дикки, Трэвис Уиллингэм, Венди Браун, Кэти Чонакас
Fong | Oct 25, 2009 |
Dr. Richard Kimble, unjustly accused of killing his wife, must find the real one-armed killer while avoiding Marshal Sam Gerard.
FAVA | Jul 7, 2009 |
Steve Adams, Chad Beamish, Stéphane Blanchette, and Catherine Blythe
storyteller57 | Aug 15, 2009 |
Questa recensione è stata segnalata da più utenti per violazione dei termini di servizio e non viene più visualizzata (mostra).
wdjoyner | 2 altre recensioni | Aug 9, 2010 |
Questa recensione è stata segnalata da più utenti per violazione dei termini di servizio e non viene più visualizzata (mostra).
shamela | 2 altre recensioni | Aug 6, 2006 |
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