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Great annuals - with some wokery:(1970) Little copy cat sees a school boy with a D for Dunce on his head and ends up with one itself. Desert Island Dick has a page to himself. Over the next page, there is a Big Fat Boko story. Julius Cheeser munches his/her 'lovely grub'. When did I last see a catapult. There's Mickey the Monkey with his page and Nick Kelly special agent in his yellow bubble car. His secret is to stop bubble-gum coming into this country. Dopey Joe, the donkey injun, gets a job. Knife between his teeth he is given the job to clean 'Um Warpath'. Beryl the Peril is the star - and then there are so many other comic stars, including Big Chief Running Chump and there is 'the chimps' tea party at 4 o'clock', etc.
jon1lambert | Apr 27, 2024 |
Great library illustration on endpapers front and back
jon1lambert | Jun 30, 2023 |
A friend lent me a few of these compilation of British comics, so I am now able to fill in a gap in my knowledge of international culture, or something like that. The first one I read was a sampling of comics going back many decades, and, while it was amusing in places, was honestly more interesting to me as a quaint sort of curiosity than anything. This one, however, I found more enjoyable in its own right, although the individual comics vary a lot. Some were genuinely quite funny, others were just... kind of dumb. Most were somewhere in-between: mildly amusing or cute, but not anything that made me laugh out loud. I think I could easily imagine myself being into them as a kid the way I was into the Sunday funnies here, though, if I'd grown up on the other side of the Pond.½
bragan | Aug 27, 2021 |
A friend of mine lent me a few collections of British Beano comics, I think possibly because he felt my not having read any was a gap in my education. This was the first of them, sort of. It's actually a sampler of comics from several publications, ranging mostly from the 1950s through the 1980s, with a few older ones thrown in as well, showcasing a variety of hapless, high-spirited, or bratty characters. I suspect it's intended more as a nostalgia hit for those already familiar with this stuff than as a first introduction, though.

I can't say I found any of it to be a giant laugh-fest -- at most, it got a few quiet snorts out of me -- but there is a little bit of quaint charm to it all. Or to a lot of it, anyway. And I was interested to discover that the British version of Dennis the Menace is very different from the one I was familiar with. Theirs is a lot more menacing-looking than ours!
bragan | Jul 25, 2021 |
American Indian fills the whole of the front cover, headdress and all
jon1lambert | Mar 16, 2018 |
Includes all the badges, some for football teams, some for cricket clubs as well as one with a swastika on the Deutsche Automobil Club
jon1lambert | Mar 16, 2018 |
60s pap of how good little (middle class, white) girls behave, every year a different annual for Christmas. But it was very enjoyable at the time.
Petra.Xs | Apr 2, 2013 |
I used to get the Beano annual every year at Christmas. Loved it. My brother got the comic every week. It was a boys' comic (I got Jackie) but I still liked it.
Petra.Xs | Apr 2, 2013 |
This was a great fun present at Christmas. A different one every year.
Petra.Xs | Apr 2, 2013 |
This isn't the Bunty I read - its years too late. But I read all the Bunty annuals (and weekly comics) from the time I was 8 until I graduated to Jackie and lurvvve interest.
Petra.Xs | Apr 2, 2013 |
Children's annual of a weekly comic featuring popular characters like Korky The Cat and Desperate Dan. Funny in parts, but one or two jokes are arguably racist, while bullies and corporal punishment are recurring themes. For children of the 1970's perhaps, rather than of the 21st century.
si | Feb 29, 2012 |
Lovely Pittsburgh underground comic.
clpzines | Dec 9, 2011 |
1962-3: Johnny Haynes, Derek Dougan, Denis Law, Johnny Byrne, Barry Hole - hang on, some of these are legends, others not. Would it be possible today to have a feature on Premier League football gardeners?
jon1lambert | Aug 22, 2010 |
How I loved this book - I read it cover to cover so many times I'm surprised the print is still there!
Looking at it again I can still see why I liked it. A nice mixture of funny, silly, moral stories, with some 'period pieces' and a sprinkling of factual articles. Mostly stories. I remember them all - they must have had something about them! I wonder if my children will recall their football anuuals as fondly?
Goldengrove | Mar 12, 2009 |
This afternoon, in the car, I was listening to Jimmy Armfield commentating on the Everton v Middlesbrough FA Cup 6th round game. A very young Armfield is pictured in this volume. Super cover showing Bobby Charlton and others.
jon1lambert | Mar 8, 2009 |
This annual has Biffo on the front cover with a hammer in his right hand. It once belonged to Peter Fitzjohn, Bridge Street, Witney. It is the 1952 Beano book
jon1lambert | 1 altra recensione | Feb 14, 2009 |
The cover design includes a blackboard `Jack Flash trips to the moon'.
jon1lambert | 1 altra recensione | Feb 7, 2009 |
Apparently, or so I have gleaned from this annual, there was a time when Rangers players were expected to wear a bowler hat.
jon1lambert | Sep 27, 2008 |
Raisedbands | Apr 7, 2019 |
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