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No matter where they are from, moms are all the same. Or are they? This picture book explores the similarities and differences of foreign-born moms.
NCSS | 14 altre recensioni | Jul 23, 2021 |
This is a retelling of an Indian folk tale about a greedy car that eventually bit off more than it could chew. After eating multiple people, his best friend parrot and an elephant the cat was done in by two crabs that cut a hole in his belly. The message about not being greedy and his friends kind heart even after being eaten are great lessons to be learned for children. The illustrations are well done and the painted style is bold with many bright colors.
Kevin-Kelley | 7 altre recensioni | Nov 27, 2018 |
This book discusses kids whose parents are immigrants to a new country. IT focuses in on how these moms may do things a bit different than everybody else. The book discusses how these mothers wear different clothes, talk differently, and may cook different foods than everybody else around them. The book also shows the beauty in it. It discusses while the mothers may do things differently, there is something beautiful in continuing the traditions of your heritage even if you are living somewhere else. One of the bigger ideas is even if your parent is from a foreign country and may not be quickly adjusting to a new culture, your parent is still you mom or dad, and they care for you.

The book had wonderful illustrations that depicted multiple cultures. The book also was told by rhyme, and gave the story a nice beat! This would be a good book to share in a classroom, as it promotes different cultures and assures children of different backgrounds to be proud of the families heritage.
ShelbyNicks | 14 altre recensioni | Oct 7, 2017 |
A greedy cat takes advantage of his friend the parrot. The greedy cat eats all 500 cakes that the parrot made and then eats the parrot! Throughout the book, the cat decides he can eat anyone or anything that crosses him. The last thing the greedy cat eats is two crabs and that is his undoing. The crabs cut a hole into his belly and let everyone out. Even though he betrayed the parrot, the parrot was a good friend and sewed up his belly. The greedy cat promised never to be so greedy again. This book reminded me of one of my favorite childhood books, "There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly!" This fable shows how greed can
rmwinter | 7 altre recensioni | Mar 15, 2017 |
I loved the book My Mom Is a Foreigner, But Not to Me. The message in this book is all moms are different, but to her children she's the best and loves her children just like all other moms love their children. One reason I liked this book was the illustrations are vivid and enhance the story. The book is all about mom's being different and it depicts the mom all differently, but beautiful and shows in speech bubbles the language they speak. A second reason I liked the book was the writing is engaging. For every child their mom calls them foreign nicknames and the words and bolded or in a different font. For example the child with the French mom calls him "wee one, liebchen, bebe." Finally, I think the book pushes readers to broaden their perspective about moms. For example the book discusses how different moms dress, speak, the food they eat, and the accents they have. I like that the author says "you may not understand the clothes my mom wears every day. Sometimes she wears WEIRDER clothes for special holidays." It gives the perspective from the child and makes the reader think about the difference of the moms. By the end of the book after the children discuss the differences their moms have they say " I love her more than anything, and you plainly see my mom is a foreigner, but not to me!" It's a heartwarming ending showing even though they think their moms are different than American moms they still love them for all their differences.
baileywysong | 14 altre recensioni | Nov 13, 2016 |
#sweet, #funny, #loving #interesting
normapeyrani | 14 altre recensioni | Sep 28, 2016 |
Clever indeed, and the art is lively and creative (if not my personal favorite), but as a whole this just doesn't say anything that hasn't been said better before.½
Cheryl_in_CC_NV | 7 altre recensioni | Jun 6, 2016 |
"My Mom IS a Foreigner, But Not to Me" is a fun book about children with mothers from different countries. The variety of cultures talked about is refreshing. It also shows how children can both be embarrassed yet appreciative of the different traditions that differ from societal norms in America. The use of rhyme made the book fun and allowed the reader to read at a slower pace. Not to mention, the different fonts styles helped give extra breaks to let the previous section sink in. The illustrations are very detailed and show many biracial families. Depicting families that are so diverse is crucial at a time when more and more families are as diverse as the places they live.½
dbuster | 14 altre recensioni | Mar 1, 2016 |
I really like this book for several reasons. First, the element of poetry really enhances the story. For example, a quote from the book reads “she took a boat to get here, she didn’t know the way, she came here with my Opa, it took them days and days”. These simple rhyming elements give the story a nice flow and make it easier for the reader to pace themselves while reading. I also really enjoyed the overall structure of the book. The book does a great job establishing when different characters are speaking through the use of different fonts, italics, and bold faced words. This allows the reader to easily see and understand when a different character is talking! The book also has a game in the middle of the book for students to match names of holidays to pictures of the holidays which I found to be a nice touch.
I also really enjoy the variety of characters in the story. The story features little snippets from different characters that all have moms from different countries. The variety of characters also allows for more than one perspective on a topic. For example, some of the characters in the book said they love their moms cooking and foreign foods, others call the ethnic food “gross”. This shows different opinions and a wide range of perspectives that make it relatable for a variety of children.
The illustrations in the book are also extremely well done and relate to the idea of embracing diversity and multiculturalism. On each page, a different mother and child are pictured. The book does not explicitly state what country of origin the mothers are from, but allows the readers to predict based on the lines from the book as well as inferences from the pictures. For example, one picture features a mom looking through her closet and several kimonos hanging. This would lead readers to believe that the child’s mother is from a country in Asia. I like that the book doesn’t explicitly state the country the mothers are from because I feel like it would take away from the overall message of the story.
The main message from this story is to embrace and accept the culture you come from and your family’s unique culture. The book showed how children of immigrants sometimes have a hard time relating or understanding why their parents do things a certain way, but that doesn’t make them any less of a parent or a good parent! By reading this book children are learning about a variety of cultures and their traditions and practices and learning that being different is not necessarily a bad thing!
ygurova | 14 altre recensioni | Feb 7, 2016 |
The book is about different family backgrounds. The mothers are not from America and they make their kids do things that some people think is weird. The kids learn that it is okay that their mommy is different, its just who they are.

Personal reaction
The book is fun and colorful book about the different cultures. It shows that students that is perfectly okay to have different cultures in you and just because other kids don't do it doesn't mean it is weird.

Classroom extension
1. Have the students research some of their family heritage.
2. The students could bring an item to school that represents their family and show it to the class.
Kim_Riedmann12 | 14 altre recensioni | Mar 25, 2015 |
A great book for children who come from all kinds of different backgrounds. It doesn't matter if it is race, gender, religion this book tells you it is okay. The illustrations are fun and bright! This is a great book to have in your library. Its always good to show your students, it's okay to be different. We are all different.
jaelynculliford | 14 altre recensioni | Nov 27, 2014 |
This book is great for children. It gives them the basic idea that they aren't standing out if they are from a different culture or do something different than somebody else. This book describes that humans are humans no matter what religion they may be, what they wear, how the dress, etc. I don't think i would read this book to my students because it might be a little confusing on trying to explain each family that may be in the book. Or describing other people's beliefs or why they dress a certain way.
emilyann93 | 14 altre recensioni | Nov 26, 2014 |
This tale is about a cat from India. He is so greedy that he eats everything. In fact, he eats his whole village. In the end, he finds out that being greedy does not always get you want you want.

This is a great lesson to teach young children. Children need to learn not to be greedy especially at a young age. The story shows what it is like to be selfish.½
ashleyschifano | 7 altre recensioni | Nov 25, 2014 |
In my opinion, this is a great book for young readers. The first thing that really appealed to me was that it was poetry, but in a subtle way that appeals to the reader. For example, one page reads: "My mom is a foreigner, She's from another place. She came when she was ten years old, With only one suitcase." The text is still very meaningful and the subtle rhyming gives the story a nice flow. I also liked the illustrations in this book. They seem to be done with watercolors and outlined in charcoal which gives them a slightly abstract feel. They compliment the text well, and adds a family scenario to mesh the text and illustrations. One page for example talks about a mom who took a boat to come to America and the illustration shows a mom and her child in the kitchen, but on the wall is a photo of a boat and one of a little girl in black and white. Another thing that was appealing is that the book covered a variety of different cultures, not just one. It includes German, Chinese, African and other cultures to make readers feel included and so that they can hopefully relate if they are in a situation similar to the one in the story. The big idea of the story was that everyone has a different culture, and you shouldn't feel excluded if your family has come from somewhere else because that's just a part of who you are.
khendr4 | 14 altre recensioni | Nov 20, 2014 |
This book was very unique. It comes from the viewpoint of children who all share one thing in common, their mother is a foreigner to the United States. The children share the ups and downs to having a mother who comes from a foreign country. I thought it was very interesting how the author never told you what country each mother was from. In the middle of the book is a matching game where readers match different festivals and holidays from around the world.
jpons | 14 altre recensioni | Nov 19, 2014 |
In my opinion, I thought this book was very pleasant and will add to my future classroom. This book was about mothers from different countries sharing their culture with their child. It also displayed little things that their children may see as different and embarrassing but they still love their mother just the same. I enjoyed that the book was told in first person and gave the impression of what thoughts children may have. For example, “You may not understand the clothes my mom wears every day. Sometimes she wears weirder clothes for special holidays”, it shows that he/she thinks the clothes are weird just because they are uncommon. Another reason I enjoyed this book was the language that was used. Rhyming words were used as well as different languages incorporated throughout the sentences and illustrations. On the last page, it has the words, “I love you, Mommy” written in six different languages. For example, “I love you, Mommy” in German, it reads “Ich Liebe Dich, Mutti”. The main idea of this book is for children to accept other cultures even if it differs from their own and also be proud of their family’s culture.½
vharsh1 | 14 altre recensioni | Oct 8, 2014 |
I love the multiculturalism of this book. It shows the readers how families look different, talk different, and do things differently. I also love the book illustrations. The illustrator used a variety of colors and patterns to make the pictures stand out. Including the different spoken languages and different holidays in the book, I believe was brilliant! Readers have the opportunity to learn from this book and not just be entertained. I'm unsure if the children in this book were adopted by the mom's or not because some children did not resemble their mom's. I'm also not sure of the author's purpose of writing the text in a variety of font styles and size. But besides that, the book was great!
Kwatkins89 | 14 altre recensioni | Nov 26, 2013 |
The main idea of this book is to showcase the different mothers who are considered foreign in America and their children, and how their parenting is different, yet similar to the "typical" parent.
I enjoyed this book for a few reasons. I loved the vast amount of cultures represented in this book, both in the text and illustrations. For example, their were French, African, Asian, Hispanic, and many other mothers represented in the pictures (based on their physical appearance and dress). In the text itself, the writer uses different languages, different sayings from different cultures ("There is luck in the last helping,"), and different rituals from different cultures (i.e. kissing on the cheek three times). This wide variety will appeal to a vast number of readers and illustrates just how vast the number of cultures within American really is.
I also enjoyed this book because of its overarching message. Through all of the different languages, traditions, etc., the author shows that all mothers are different, but they all have similarities. For example, they support children in school, cook for their children, tuck them in at night, take them to the park, etc. Though each mom might go about these things differently or even in a so called "strange" way, the maternal aspects of their acts are not lost. I think this is a wonderful message. Though children might struggle with their mother's "differences" compared to the typical American mother, they can see how special their mothers are, and how all mothers are loving and compassionate.½
MichelleNappi | 14 altre recensioni | Nov 25, 2013 |
This book is a great story that depicts several children and their mothers who are from other countries. The author does a wonderful job of showing children that not every family is the same and that some children have different families with parents from other countries. Children can connect to the text especially if they come from a diverse family.This book could also be used as a teaching tool to teach children that there are diverse families. This will help them to be more accepting of others and they will see that just because you come from a diverse family there truly aren't that many differences between them.
SKugle | 14 altre recensioni | Nov 13, 2013 |
This is a cute little tale. Never be greedy and arrogant. My favorite part was the gobble gobble slip slop. It's catchy and cute.½
lvalido | 7 altre recensioni | Oct 5, 2013 |
In this story based on a folktale from India, a very greedy cat eats 500 cakes, his friend the parrot, the nosy old woman, and much more.
kidlit9 | 7 altre recensioni | May 22, 2012 |
This story is about a greedy cat, who ate everything in the village. This story shows what its like to be selfish.½
kelsimcnab | 7 altre recensioni | Feb 25, 2012 |
Good pictures but very busy, with a good value in teaching not to be greedy and not take everything you want because I might not turn out how you want it to. The friendship at the end is very nice.
dreamer2000 | 7 altre recensioni | Apr 5, 2010 |
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