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While the first few pages of this were slow, once I started reading, I didn't put it down.
Jill brought in so much detail about the culture and traditions and I really appreciated getting to see this story in a detailed manner. Just due to the nature of the story of Joseph (with it being fairly detailed in Genesis), there was not much deviation from the Bible at all. Almost everything lined up exactly. If you want a Biblical fiction novel without creative liberities, this would be one to pick up.
It was also super interesting to see part of the story from Judah's perspective. Oftentimes, he is overlooked and I learned a lot, especially about the Canaantie culture where he lived.
Overall, I would recommend this to anyone who likes Biblical fiction (and especially to those who love the animated film, Joseph: King of Dreams.)

4 Stars

Content: as true to the story in Genesis, there are some s*xual situations but none of it is much more detailed than what is found in Genesis

*I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All thoughts are my own and a positive review was not required.
libraryofemma | 31 altre recensioni | Apr 18, 2024 |
I feel like this book had potential, but the content did not cut it for me.

Let's start with what I liked about this book. First, we see that Soloman had struggles with trusting in God. He had started worshiping wisdom instead of the One who gave him it. It makes him seem more human instead of this 'wise guy from the Old Testament' that is taught in Sunday school.

The setting seemed well-researched and I enjoyed the tidbits of what life looked like back in Biblical times. From the musicians at the festival to the architectural details, this book was accurate in its portrayal of Ancient Israel.

However, what I had an issue with was the content. There were too many unnecessary details strewn throughout the whole novel.

Rating: 2 Stars

Content: 1 Star

*I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the publisher. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.
libraryofemma | 12 altre recensioni | Apr 18, 2024 |
This novel is an incredible fictional glimpse into the very real story of Noah and his family obeying the call of God to build an ark despite the ridicule of their society. I thought the author did a great job depicting likely emotions and judgments of those around Noah and especially his wife, Zara. I could easily imagine the heartache she faced. I am amazed at the way the author takes Biblical details and adds rich fictional dialogue to help us better understand the faith and sacrifices of these people. As expected, the story is heavy at times, but I appreciated the thread of hope woven among the pages. This novel served to deepen my relationship and faith in a God who fulfills his promises and provides strength when trials seem great. Highly recommended!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Revell Publishing. Opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.
lifeofliterature | 7 altre recensioni | Apr 7, 2024 |
“What should I do, Adonai? Did God care about their personal spats with one another? He’d saved them to repopulate a world where evil ran rampant. But they could not run from the sin in their own hearts.”

Jill Eileen Smith. A name of long associated with Biblical fiction, yet The Ark and the Dove is the first book I’ve been privileged to read by Smith.

First, I suggest bringing your waders. While obviously this is the story of Genesis 6, the flood of Noah’s day, it is so much more. While it is an engrossing read, it is not a quick read, compared to many books. You will be immersed in the deep waters of the Nephilim, the Watchers, the ever-encroaching evil, and the intense oppression of Noah’s family as they build the ark and preach about the coming judgment.

Somehow, as a mother of adult children, this novel hits especially hard, emotionally, but even young adults can relate to the sibling issues. It seems we see the stresses on the family as seen mostly through the eyes of Zara, Noah’s faithful wife. She has to place her faith in Noah to lead her family spiritually, but it is hard for all of them to follow God’s few personal directives given only directly to Noah. It is also hard for each son to maintain his marriage and close relationships with the other two brothers as doubts and fears assail. I ached along with Zara as she is heartbroken when her the families of her daughters-in-law turn against them and join in the persecution and rejection. No matter how hard she tries, one of the wives seems bent on trouble-making. Do we know these things for gospel fact? No, we only know what the Bible gives us, which Smith quotes or rephrases multiple times. She even includes references to Romans 1. The rest is author’s license, as long as it does not contradict Scripture. That is what Biblical fiction is.

I will be thinking on this book for a while to come! I was glad I had previous teaching under my belt about the Nephilim and the Watchers. Otherwise, I might have wanted them explained a little more. The Ark and the Dove caused a good discussion between myself and my husband, and I believe it would be a great book for a church book club.

I received a copy of the book from Revell Reads through Netgalley. I also bought a paperback copy. No positive review was required, and all opinions are my own.

Notable Quotables:

“Abba said that God did not want to judge us. His heart was broken by our rebellion. I never thought of the Creator as having a heart that could break like ours does.”

“We are made in His image, so perhaps that’s one way that we are like Him. We feel because He feels. Perhaps that is the greatest kind of love.”

“If someone wants to worship something other than the Creator, they will use anything to replace Him in their hearts. It does not have to be a creation of wood or stone. An idol can be anything we place above Him as the most important thing in our lives.”
Becky_L | 7 altre recensioni | Apr 5, 2024 |
The Last Eight People on Earth!

Ready to experience life on Noah's ark? This book will give you a good idea of what it might have been like.

Shortly after this story begins, God tells Noah to build an ark. The only people on it will be Noah, his wife, their three sons, and their wives. Life is hard because peril lurks everywhere. People have turned away from God, and have become mean and dangerous. Hazardous Watchers are all around them, treating people badly, and influencing them to live the wrong way.

Two of their sons have wives, but Ham does not. They grab a wife quickly for him, afraid no one will marry into their family once news of the ark gets out.

As they work on the boat, they face ridicule along with people making it hard to get supplies. Some even try to destroy the ark. As the older generation dies off, Noah and his family are the only ones left that still believe in God.

When they finally get inside the ark, they face new tensions. The immense amount of work needed to care for the animals, coupled with just the eight of them being in the ark, is not easy.

There is also an underlying tension from the wife they quickly decided on for Ham. She often rubbed them the wrong way before they all lived on the ark. Being crushed together only made things worse, and Ham's wife causes even more problems.

This is a fictionalized account, so some of the story is created according to the author's interpretation. I believe the author captured much of what life was like on the ark, including the time before and after the ark.

If there was ever any thought this account was only a myth, this book will make you pause, because it clearly shows how it could have happened. This story will capture you from the first page, and I highly recommend this five-star book.

Thank you, Revell Books, for providing Tickmenot with a book to review. Opinions are my own.
Tickmenot | 7 altre recensioni | Apr 3, 2024 |
I loved this wonderful story of Noah and his wife and family. I loved seeing how Noah and Zara may have acted while they were building the ark and how they handled being the only people left in the world. I enjoyed the live that they felt and the arguments they had with each other. I could not put this book down. I received a copy of this book from the publisher for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.
Virginia51 | 7 altre recensioni | Mar 27, 2024 |
I adore Jill Eileen Smith’s books and the way she makes the Bible come alive. In her latest Biblical fiction, The Ark and the Dove, she shares the compelling story of Noah & his family before, during, & after the Flood.

I loved the fresh, new perspectives on this familiar story. Building the ark would have been so scary with people actively trying to destroy it. I enjoyed how she captured the suspenseful atmosphere of that time. I also loved how she expanded on the personalities of Noah and his family.

The story is told mostly from Noah’s wife Zara’s point of view. While we don’t know much about her from the Bible, the author created a believable, compelling narrative. Zara’s and her daughters-in-law’s thoughts on leaving loved ones behind who wouldn’t change their ways drove home how difficult leaving on the ark would have been. There’s one particular daughter-in-law that makes the journey less than enjoyable, and it made me more fully realize the challenges of dealing with imperfect people in a tight space for so long. Then there’re caring for all the animals!

Definitely recommend this book to those who enjoy historical fiction, particularly Biblical fiction. I received an advanced complimentary copy from the publisher. All opinions are my own and voluntarily provided.
Melissas-Bookshelf | 7 altre recensioni | Mar 25, 2024 |
I was happy to be able to read this biblical fiction version of Noah's Ark, written in the view of Noah's wife, who in this book is known as Zara. The narrative is lively, showing that families aren't always perfect and all have things that need to be worked through. It was interesting to realize what an all encompassing job this ark was, not just the building of the ark, but rather, the feeding, cleaning and caring for the many creatures that were on board not to mention the humans, as well! And realizing we can't go to the local hardware or grocery story to find the supplies needed for such an venture. It does make you realize that God had a big hand in helping those building and preparing the ark for the flood to come. I loved this book and am sure that I will be reading much more from this author who has a very enjoyable way of writing that causes the reader to be quickly engaged in the story and events.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Sonja.Hoeke.Nish7358 | 7 altre recensioni | Mar 18, 2024 |
I have always enjoyed reading books by Jill Eileen Smith and this book didn't disappoint. Even though it isn't my favorite one from her, I did truly enjoy it.

What I enjoy most is taking a Bible account of an event and enlarging it. She does not change anything from the Bible but fills in the background and more details that might have been. These are fiction books and in no way intended to be scriptural.

She developed these characters quite well. You got a feel for what their personalities might be like. Especially Keziah.

The ending surprised me this time. I hadn't thought about it that much and how it might have been.

If you like a good Christian fiction that expands on the Biblical account you will enjoy this book.

I received a copy through the Revell Reads program. I am not required to leave a positive review, just my personal opinion. I give this book a solid 4 out of 5-star rating.
grammy57 | 7 altre recensioni | Mar 11, 2024 |
I have enjoyed reading a novel that explores Eden and the first humans. The author, Ms. Smith, did an exceptional job of imagining the place and time, showcasing what it was like for the first humans, and the consequences of the Fall. She based her vivid descriptions on Scripture, including verses from the Prophets such as Micah 6:8, to demonstrate the continuity of God's Word throughout human history. The story was entertaining, enlightening, and informative. The Gospels' message to repent and turn away from sin was a significant part of the last half of the book. Nonetheless, the primary message conveyed was that God loves each one of us, no matter what, and He will never abandon us.
khoyt | 37 altre recensioni | Jan 21, 2024 |
"And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD." Genesis 6:3, 5-6, 8 -KJV

This was a breathtaking read!

Reading "The Ark and The Dove" was like stepping back in time to the pre-flood world with Emzara, Noah and their family.

You could tell this story was well-researched, and it made for an EPIC read!!

There was so much attention to detail and
biblical accuracy that I really appreciated, and all the emotions they probably went through before and after the flood were well fleshed out.

To just imagine all the massive planning and prepping that went into building the Ark and getting it ready for them and the animals was mind boggling lol!

If you ever come through Kentucky, be sure to come check out The Ark Encounter like Jill did. It is awesome!

Kudos to the author on another great book release! The Ark and The Dove is my newest favorite of her books. 🥰

Thank you to Revell Publishing for the complimentary e-book I received to review through Netgalley. A positive review was not required of me, and the thoughts above are my own.
AstridHofferson | 7 altre recensioni | Jan 20, 2024 |
The fact a book is a Biblical fiction would normally stop me from reading a book, but I had to read this one. You see of all of the stories in the Bible Esther is my second favorite old testament book, it's just so beautiful, Joseph is my favorite, Ruth is my third favorite.

Now if you've followed me long you may have noticed I rarely read Biblical fiction, because I want to make sure I know the true account of the story. Makes sense, right? But I have one weakness in Biblical fiction and that is Esther … I know the story well enough to keep facts straight from fiction, I read Esther several times a year.

Now, the second reason I had to read this book is the cover … It has purple, my favorite color. Just so pretty, and I love it.

For the "story" I was happy to find a story that was accurate, showed a side of Xerxes that made me see him as more of a human? I've enjoyed reading Esther and Xerxes' romance but at times it is hard to realize that Xerxes was only a man, a human like anyone else.

What I was not expecting was to read from Vashti's point of view, which was really interesting, and different and intriguing.

As far as Biblical fiction goes I must say this is a one of a kind, lovely, and informative, yet interesting story.

There is violence mentioned, backstabbing, and killing as well.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.
abigailkayharris | 28 altre recensioni | Jan 1, 2024 |
A beautifully written book with fantastic imagery. The setting is so intricately described that you can picture yourself in Eden. Eve is an intriguing character. Mother of all, she led an interesting life and left behind a true legacy. This books makes me long to be reunited with Adonia!
I received an ARC copy from Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Sassyjd32 | 37 altre recensioni | Dec 22, 2023 |
I didn't like this book nearly as much as I'd hoped. Some of that I'm sure is personal preference, since Ruth is my favorite book in the Bible and the account of Ruth and Boaz has long held a kind of romance for me. Even outside of that, though, I think there were some issues with how the author handled this retelling.

The author spent so much time on some things and not enough time on others, in my opinion. For example, not to be too flippant about it, but the story doesn't really get going until Naomi's husband and sons have all died. This is covered in 5 verses of the 4 total chapters of Ruth in the Bible, but by 130 of the 350 pages of the book. Some of that time was spent introducing Ruth's character, but a lot of her personality and loyalty can easily be seen in her actions later in the story. Some of those pages were given to Boaz, too, during which he had a wife of more than 10 years. If you're like me and would have thrown the book across the room if this account had made Ruth a 2nd wife to Boaz (while the 1st wife was alive, a common practice in those days), don't worry. I still don't care for how it all worked out, romance-wise, but at least it wasn't that.

What I wish the author had spent more time on was showing and explaining some of the customs that might seem strange to us modern folks, like why Ruth uncovered Boaz's feet on the threshing floor. And this leads to my other main issue with the story, the blending of the fictional with what is directly out of the Bible. Though Smith does do a decent job of making the dialog seem like something from back then most of the time, when the characters say words that are taken directly from Scripture, the difference is a bit jolting to me. And I believe that Boaz's first marriage in this story is likely a way of explaining why he is an older man, yet unmarried, but Boaz in the Bible speaks about God as if he fully trusts in Him and believes in His goodness. Yet here we have a Boaz who is broken and questioning God, even for a while feeling a bit numb to Him, yet still speaks those same trustful words to Ruth at the necessary time from the biblical just doesn't mesh.

What I did love, however, is Ruth herself and how she's portrayed in this book. I think the author did right by the biblical account in that respect, and I really liked Ruth's conversion and how she always wanted to know more about Naomi's God and the Israelite customs. I also appreciated the completely fictional side-story of Hamul, Elimelech's brother's son, both in its own respect and in how it showed Boaz following not only the letter of the law, but also the spirit of it.

I do wonder if I should cease attempts to find a fictionalized version of this account, because it may be impossible to find one to my liking. I think, though, that what bothers me most is when the author feels the need to come up with modern-mindset reasons for things from the historical account, even though we all know how different cultures were back then. Also, this is another Christian book where a newly married couple's first night together is described a bit further than I would prefer. Not graphic by any means, but enough to make me start to feel uncomfortable before we moved on. If you're interested in reading this book, however, don't let me dissuade you. Many other people thought it was great, and you can check out their reviews at the link below.
Kristi_D | 4 altre recensioni | Sep 22, 2023 |
When the queen of Persia refuses an unreasonable demand of King Xerxes, she is banished. Jewish girl Esther, known as Hadassah for her first fifteen years, is one of many unmarried women who are brought to the palace to contend to be Xerxes's next wife. Made queen in place of Vashti, Esther and her adopted father Mordecai have to navigate palace politics and eventually, it's up to Esther to save all of her people from extermination.

Though the Biblical account of Esther is commonly known by most who would read this book, I liked the way the author brought it to life. The struggles that those would have faced due to the politics, culture, and religions of that day were not glossed over. It's common, and even somewhat necessary, for the author to take creative license in some areas, as not all details are ever known in a Biblical account, and while I didn't necessarily agree with everything the author chose to do, I don't think any of it detracted from the story.

I loved the way that Mordecai, who had chosen to stay in Susa when the Jews were allowed to return to Jerusalem, struggled with his decision to keep his heritage a secret. We all know that even the most prominent figures in the Bible (besides God himself) were flawed humans, some more than others, and that is clear with the two main Jews in this book as well. I also think that the way Xerxes was portrayed was realistic, considering that he does often consult others, even his servants, in the Biblical account, so his character in this book was fleshed out from that perspective, and I loved it.

As I mentioned above, I disagree with one main point the author decided on. It is not immediately evident who King Ahasuerus is in the Biblical account, due to language differences, I believe. He seems to be most commonly accepted to be Xerxes. However, Xerxes has only 1 verified wife--Amestris. I did not do nearly as much research as Smith must have for this book, but I see more evidence that Amestris is another name for Vashti, or even possibly for Esther herself. So having a rival wife that is actually directly or indirectly behind much of the shady things that happen in the account seemed unnecessary to me. However, it did provide more intrigue for the fictional version, and while I would have chosen a different route, I respect her decision and am not saying whatsoever that the book was any worse for it.

I would say the writing itself was what mainly detracted from the story for me. I personally think there was at least one POV too many. The story was told from the following perspectives: Esther, Mordecai, Xerxes, Vashti, Haman, and Amestris. If I'm missing one, I wouldn't be surprised. But I think we could have done without getting to know Vashti, considering what her parts set up aren't resolved. And she's just a shadow of the true heroine anyway. There are also a couple of things that happen with Haman that confused me, like him grumbling about his wife and her back-talk, when the entire rest of the book, she seemed nothing but supportive to me, giving him advice that he followed. He even called her wise at one point. Then suddenly, he's about ready to punish her if she opens her mouth again. I don't know what was going on there.

Overall, I enjoyed this book a lot. I am one who tends to read romance (not just romance in the traditional sense) into certain accounts in the Bible as I'm reading, and it's nice to see it come alive in this way. I will likely re-read this someday, but first, I plan to check out Smith's take on Ruth, which is my favorite book in the Bible. As for Esther's story, though, I highly recommend it to fans of Biblical fiction.

Thank you to Netgalley and Revell for providing me a copy of this book to review.
Kristi_D | 28 altre recensioni | Sep 22, 2023 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
This is the first biblical fiction I’ve ever read, and I found it to be very engaging. Most of the book is written from Eve’s perspective, and takes us from the moment Eve is created until her last breath. We meet their many offspring (not just the ones we know about from the Bible) and see life from her eyes. I really loved seeing Adam and Eve’s very human reactions after their fall from Grace, and the feeling of love that continuously came from Adonai. I felt like the story meandered around a lot, and there were places that it seemed to move very slowly, but listening on audiobook helped keep things moving. I received an advance copy of this book from the publisher and was under no obligation to provide a positive review.
terirose22 | 37 altre recensioni | Sep 17, 2023 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
This was an interesting book. I haven't read a fictionalized novel about the account of Creation, so I was excited to try this one. And I did appreciate the thought-provoking aspects Daughter of Eden brought about.
The majority of the book is told through Adam and Eve's perspectives, but as the story continues, and the generations grow, more perspectives are intertwined into the novel, from various members of Adam and Eve's family.
I enjoyed getting the opportunity to read this one and it definitely made me think.
Some aspects felt a little heavy to me, and left me feeling a little off, but otherwise it was a decent read.

I received a copy from the publishers through LibraryThing. I was not required to write a review.
RaechelLenore | 37 altre recensioni | May 26, 2023 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
DNF: Chapter 9

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher, so I absolutely hate to DNF it. I tried to read it over and over, but I couldn't finish it. It kept triggering a lot of anxiety. There is a lot of uncertainty in my life right now, so reading a book with such a great depth of uncertainty was too much for me to handle.

A big thanks to the publisher for giving me a chance to review this book! I wish I could've finished it.

Here is my review of the first 9 chapters:

The most important thing to remember about this book is that it's impossible to accurately illustrate the unknown. I can tell the author tried their best to get the facts right, but the story is still a figment of their imagination. If you decide to read this book, don't lean into any of the details TOO much. 😅 It's definitely a fun take to the bible stories I grew up on though!

Content Warnings:

• Water drips onto a woman's "bare skin".
• Chapter 1: a man's kiss fills a woman with intense joy, and she pulls him to the "lush grasses beneath them" to make love.
• Quite a few mentions of making love.
• Lots of gentle kissing and caressing.
• Eve compared her breasts to Adam's, making the conclusion that she was to be the one to feed an infant if they were to ever have one.
• Adam nibbles Eve's ear and earlobe on several occasions.
Autumn_Rebecca | 37 altre recensioni | Apr 20, 2023 |
This novel has fantastic descriptions that transported me to a fictional telling of the true story of Eve. I felt her emotions and her struggles as she went from the perfect Eden to a scary sinful world. I was struck for the first time, despite reading her story many times in the Bible, of the crazy circumstances Eve must have faced as one of two of the first humans on earth. Despite the realistic sin told in the novel, there is a thread of hope in the book, especially since we know that the enemy has already been defeated. I really liked the perspective of this book and once again, I felt like this author made the Bible come alive in a new way for me. I highly recommend this book to those who love Biblical fiction and also to those who want to give Biblical fiction a try!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Revell Publishing. Opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.
lifeofliterature | 37 altre recensioni | Mar 18, 2023 |
I am a fan of Jill's. I thoroughly enjoy her books featuring the various women of the Bible. Both famous and not as famous women. Her books bring to life the Bible stories in a different way. This story is an intriguing take on the original "OG" woman, Eve.

I did find it interesting how Jill envisioned Eve's life back then with Adam prior to the actions of Eve. In ways, I could see her story being very relatable to present day and relationships. Therefore, I connected with her. Although, I have to admit that it did take me a little while to connect to the overall story in the beginning. Yet, once I did i really got into the story and found the rest of the book to be a fairly fast read.
Cherylk | 37 altre recensioni | Mar 12, 2023 |
I knew I’d love Daughter of Eden: Eve’s Story before I ever read a word, because it’s written by Jill Eileen Smith. I’ve loved every single book I’ve read authored by this brilliant storyteller. Her Biblical fiction is astonishing, making scriptural characters and events come to life. In this story, the opening scene of the creation of the angels, sets the tone for the rest of the book so nicely.

I’m delighted to meet Eve in a new way, seeing and living life though her eyes and experiences. Especially when she and Adam felt separated from God. What an emotional time. There are several points of view throughout, but I connected deepest with Eve and empathized with her doubt, guilt, and shame.

I love the title, storytelling style, beautiful messages, and the gorgeous cover art! This is Biblical Fiction at its finest.

#CoverLoverBookReview received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions are 100% mine.
CoverLoverBookReview | 37 altre recensioni | Mar 8, 2023 |
I have loved Jill Eileen Smith’s books that bring admirable women from the Bible to life. I was excited to have the opportunity to read her newest release, Daughter of Eden: Eve's Story. I now have a new favorite book I have read of hers. I was instantly interested in seeing her vision of what Eve was like in those times. I loved the vivid details that made me feel as though I was part of Eve’s story. I thought it was great!

I am giving Daughter of Eden: Eve's Story a very well deserved five plus stars. I highly recommend it for readers and fans of Biblical Fiction. I am looking forward to see who else Jill Eileen Smith will publish a book on from the Bible.

I received a paperback copy of Daughter of Eden: Eve's Story from the author, but was not required to write a review nor a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.
amybooksy | 37 altre recensioni | Feb 28, 2023 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
Interesting concept, but not my cup of tea. (In fairness, I'm not a particularly religious person, so I may not have been the target audience.) I was hoping this would read like a novel while providing more illuminating insight into the basics of the Bible story, but there really just wasn't much in the way of character development, interesting dialogue, or engaging plotlines. Eve's the main character, but she doesn't seem to have much going on in her head beyond "I really miss being with God in Eden" and "I wish Adam wasn't still mad at me about the apple." The other characters are similarly simplistic and I had trouble caring much about any of them. I understand that you can't tell this story without talking about God, but probably 90% of the paragraphs in the book included some mention of adoring God, which seemed awfully heavy-handed. Overall, a slow and not particularly enjoyable read for me, though it was excellent for putting me to sleep at night.
rocketgal | 37 altre recensioni | Feb 27, 2023 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
Daughter of Eden, Eve’s Story was an interesting take on the biblical story of creation, the divine council, and most importantly the human condition. I think we can all find a little of ourselves in the characters brought to life by jill Eileen Smith. While I feel that the beginning of the story had a slow start, the book really started to entrap me after the well-known story of Cain and Abel. The life of Abel’s wife, and the city of Enoch. The imagined conversations between Adam and Eve and their children and grandchildren. It reminded me that while Adam and Eve have always been almost mythical in my mind they were as human as you and I with human emotion and feelings. While I enjoyed this book, and it was thought provoking it was a little bit slow paced for me.
I’d like to thank the author and publisher for the early reviewer copy.

Cheyenna | 37 altre recensioni | Feb 21, 2023 |
I love biblical fiction and I consider Jill Eileen Smith to be one of the premier authors of this genre. In this book, she weaves fiction and the first book of the Bible into an engrossing tale that centers around Adam, Eve, and many of the others mentioned in the early chapters of Genesis. Smith helps us to imagine the views of Cain, Abel, Seth, Enoch, and Methuselah, along with the intriguing thoughts of Archangel Michael and Lucifer! What I especially loved is that she gives Eve the human traits of so many of us women! Wives who wonder if their husbands are losing interest and mothers who fear for their children's physical safety and pray for their spiritual health. From the time that she realizes that she's pregnant, Eve worries that her actions in the Garden will hinder her children's relationship with God! She experiences many "What ifs" and often questions if she has been truly forgiven? Yes, I know that these are fictional details, but they make her so very relatable!

Smith's descriptive powers helped me visualize the beauty of the Garden and feel the overwhelming peace that Adam and Eve experienced in that holy place. A peace that was shattered by their disobedience, along with the beautiful innocence that was forever destroyed! Daughter of Eden: Eve's Story is the painful story of being separated from God but a wonderful affirmation of the redemption that is available to all mankind. It is a beautiful story that clearly demonstrates God's gift of salvation!

Believers will certainly appreciate this book but it's a story for all readers to enjoy and savor! I pray that it spurs us to refer to the Bible for the original story, and I believe that it would be a wonderful addition to a women's study group.

I received a copy of this book from the author and Revell. There was no obligation for a positive review. These are my own thoughts.
fcplcataloger | 37 altre recensioni | Feb 19, 2023 |